With a smile in his heart, the instructor Scar is also looking forward to... expecting Thunderbird to bring such a vicious superhuman to justice.

  And not long after that... simply wearing a windbreaker, Liu Zimo also walked towards a street in the southeastern urban area of ​​Hangzhou according to the information.

  There is news that this guy is likely to appear on this street...

  Going to squat in advance is a good choice.towel.

Chapter 94

  There is a pedestrian street in the southeastern urban area of ​​Hangzhou.

  Red light green wine, so luxurious.

  However, compared to the very lively crowd in the past, today, it has dropped a lot.

  The times have changed.

  But even so, there are still many people wandering on this street.

  And in the deepest part of this street, there is a bar.

  Named 'Shulan' bar.

  And now, in this bar, there is a middle-aged man, sipping his wine, looking at the surroundings wanton with his eyes.

  Beauty, the bar will never be without beauty.

  The rhythmic and dynamic music is matched with the very strong and explosive dance.

  To be honest, it is enough to attract the attention of any man.

  Even this man in a peaked cap is no exception.

  "Tsk tsk..."

  Smashing his mouth, this man was also looking for the next prey in the corner alone.

  Finally, he saw...

  I saw a girl in a powder blue dress, her slightly wheatish skin looked so healthy, her jet-black hair cascaded down her shoulders like a waterfall, and her face was slightly flushed.

  she is beautiful

  But what's really heartwarming is that she gives the feeling of a first love.

  And this is the prey that this middle-aged man likes the most.

  Waiting quietly, sipping the wine... It seems that something is brewing.


  Time passed slowly, and two hours had passed in the blink of an eye. Not far away, the girl in a pink-blue skirt also slowly moved her footsteps, as if she was about to leave.

  However, at the moment when she set off, she did not notice that not far away, a figure wearing a peaked cap also slowly got up.

  Pressed the peaked cap, covering his face.

  The middle-aged man laughed excitedly.

  He knew that he couldn't sleep again tonight.

  Since the awakening of his abilities, he was nervous and scared from the very beginning.

  And then slowly there is a thief heart but not a thief... There is a thief and a thief...

  Until now, he is used to it.

  Of course, it would be better if the flies-like superhumans of the Spiritual Power Bureau didn't arrest him.

  However, it doesn't matter.

  After this hunt is over, he plans to go to other cities.

  His abilities are terrifying.

  It's not difficult to hide.

  Not to mention those who are only [-]th or [-]th rank, even the extraordinary rank [-] professional can never find him.

  With a sneer in my heart, this man was mixed into the crowd...


  It can be seen with the naked eye that his figure is actually a little blurry...

  Until it completely melted into the night, as if disappearing.

  If it weren't for the ground, the cigarette butt that had just been snuffed out would have been hard to notice, and suddenly a big living person disappeared.

  And this is normal.

  This is a bar.

  It is the most noisy corner of the city, and it is normal for one or two people to disappear suddenly.

  The problem is that this 'disappearance' is not that 'disappearance'.

  His figure melted into the darkness, he slowly raised his palm, and all he saw was the air. This middle-aged man also smiled with satisfaction...

  His 'transparent world' talent is as perfect as ever.

  With this in mind, this middle-aged man Wang Yongjue also accelerated his pace, following the girl not far away.


  The night was getting thicker, and Qianqian was also yawning.

  She was getting more sleepy, and she was ready to go back.

  She rarely comes to bars.

  It's just that her boyfriend unfortunately passed away in the beast tide not long ago.

  Leave her alone, in this lonely city.

  Therefore, now she will also go to the bar to relax.

  For many people, bars are their best home.

  After all, this damn era, I don't know when, will take you away.

  However, at this moment, Qianqian was stunned.

  A man walks alone in a dark street.

  Even with street lights, she was a little worried,

  Worrying about mutant beasts popping out from time to time.

  I am even more worried that some bad guys will follow.

  Still, it's fine.

  Her home is in the community behind, not far.

  Thinking of this, Qianqian also accelerated her steps to go back.

  However, at this moment, Qianqian did not notice that in the dark night, the outline of a human figure gradually emerged.

  As always, he stretched out his right hand.

  Spiritual power is wrapped in a narrow space, and unimaginable power is also surging.



  In a sudden panicked whimper, Qianqian's entire body was floating in the air.

  She wanted to scream, but she couldn't make a sound.

  She wanted to struggle, but an extremely terrifying force clamped her body.

  "what happened?"

  "no, do not want..."

  There was an indescribable panic in her heart, but Qianqian noticed something even more terrifying.

  That is, until now, she has not seen a figure.

  Can't see anything.


  Some just came from the more and more... breathing... and a man lowered his voice, like a wild beast's roar:

  "Come out, it's just to play?"

  Undisguised malice poured out towards this very ordinary girl.

  And at this time, Qianqian faintly realized something.


  This is extraordinary.

  Only they have such power.

  Just why?

  Why, this extraordinary person would do such a thing to him.

  She doesn't understand,

  Even more desperate.

  If an extraordinary person harbors malice towards an ordinary person, it is undoubtedly a very terrifying, even desperate thing.

  But now, Qianqian is a little desperate.

  Her entire body seemed to be held by someone as she walked towards the end of the darkest alley.

  Inexplicable power poured into her body, making her body gradually weak.

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