At this time, if there are warriors here, they will definitely realize that this is actually the method of acupuncture in martial arts.

  And this originally only existed, and it actually appeared here.


  Of course, it's not that strange when you think about it,

  With the recovery of spiritual energy, all kinds of martial arts can be practiced.

  It is not surprising that acupuncture has emerged.

  Moreover, the spiritual power is almost the same as the legendary internal power.

  However, it is estimated that no one thought that such means, an eighth-level ability person was actually used on a girl.


  He lowered his voice and let out a tingling smile that made his scalp tingling, but the middle-aged man did not release his invisibility.

  He likes to do things when he's invisible.

  like now,

  "Crack, click..."

  With the sound of torn cloth, some shattered clothes also fell to the ground.

  That's his clothes.

  When these clothes were not covered by his ability, they finally showed their original appearance.

  "no, do not want..."

  Looking at the broken clothes that kept appearing in the air, the depths of the girl's eyes were also full of despair.

  Bean-sized teardrops are falling like raindrops.

  Unimaginable desperation wrapped her...



  The sudden thunder ripped apart the long night.

  Looking from a distance, at the end of the night sky, a purple lightning flashed away.

  "Hmph, is it thunder?"

  Not paying too much attention, this middle-aged man also turned his head, preparing to continue the next process.

  However, at this time,

  "Crack, click..."

  In the roar after another, the thunder continued,

  The sky was actually filled with dark clouds.

  Moreover, what was even more astonishing was that the night sky, which was originally a bright star and moon, suddenly started pouring downpour.

  "Crash, crash, crash..."

  The fine raindrops, like a bead curtain, kept falling, covering a small half of the streets in the south of the city.

  "It's going to rain like this tonight?"

  In a little stunned, this middle-aged man did not realize that the rain was unusual.

  rain crystal,

  In the faint, there is a flow of spiritual power.

  And this, is a skill of the rain tiger freedom technique - to make the sky rain, the caster can master the existence of the object that the rain touches.

  This is the skill Liu Zimo deduced for this mission.

  Consumes [-] points.

  not much.

  Maybe it's because of this skill, it's not an offensive skill.

  Perhaps because of this skill, it is very troublesome to control.

  At least, now, Liu Zimo, standing quietly above a skyscraper, felt a little tired.

  Every drop of rain that fell during the activation of this skill was closely related to Liu Zimo's feeling.

  Although I can't let Liu Zimo see anything directly...  

  But there is one thing that is terrifying.

  That is, in the rain, if someone uses spiritual power to block the rain, then Liu Zimo must be able to detect it immediately.

  And now...

  "One Extraordinary... Two Extraordinary..."

  Feeling carefully, Liu Zimo also ruled out one choice after another.

  Most of these extraordinary people come together.

  It looks like it should be the patrol team of the Spiritual Power Bureau.

  Not quite like the vicious criminal.

  However, at this moment, his eyes narrowed slightly, and Liu Zimo's face changed.

  He noticed...

  I noticed that in a relatively remote corner, there are hidden spiritual power fluctuations.

  And that corner...

  Slowly raising his eyes, Liu Zimo also fell to the ground.

  And at the next moment, what impresses his eyes are two tall buildings with very narrow alleys...

  "It should be him."

  In the soft remark, Liu Zimo's footsteps were also a little bit, and it turned into a purple electric light, rushing towards this place at a high speed.

  Before coming, the Spiritual Power Bureau already had enough information to ensure that this guy was in the south of the city.

  And it gave another very terrifying information.

  That's the one criminal who commits the crime at three in the morning.

  As for why there is accurate information, this is largely due to an extraordinary person... He can predict some pictures through painting.

  And if he gets some people's things, such as hair, even nails, or even...

  It is possible to draw more accurate predictions.

  And this is what this extraordinary person predicted.

  However, this prediction has significant limitations.

  Although Wang Yongjue was able to guess the approximate time of the crime, he could not determine the location of the preparation.

  And this requires a superhuman to search every corner of the south of the city with extremely terrifying speed.

  As for why not send a large number of extraordinary people to search.

  Naturally, there are not enough people.

  For such a criminal, it is not worth disturbing too many extraordinary people.

  Not to mention, this will also startle the snake.

  Therefore, after thinking about it, the Spiritual Power Bureau also sent Liu Zimo, the legendary Thunderbird.

  The speed is as fast as lightning, and the perception is extremely sharp.

  If it was him, he should search every corner of the streets in the south of the city in about the same time to arrest Wang Yongjue.

  However, what the Spiritual Power Bureau did not expect was that Liu Zimo determined Wang Yongjue's position faster than expected.


  There was a thunderstorm, the night sky torn apart, and purple lightning bolted towards the alley in the depths of the night at high speed.

  And at this time, feeling the pouring rain... Wang Yongjue was also greatly disappointed.

  " not interesting."

  After finishing his clothes, he was also ready to leave.

  When it rains, play this, you will not feel it.

  However, at this time...

  "Wang Yongjue, isn't it?"

  Suddenly, a ghostly voice came from a distance.

  Immediately afterwards, in Wang Yongjue's somewhat stunned gaze, a purple lightning flashed into the dark night.

  At the same time, the outline of a human figure also appeared in front of him.

  He is a young man,

  Wearing a black trench coat, hands in pockets...

  His face was indifferent.

  But now, he slowly raised his eyes, glanced at the silhouette of a human figure gradually emerging in the rain, and then looked at the girl lying on the ground not far away, his eyes widened, it seemed that she was a girl who was struggling, and he too Determine your goals.


  With a secret thought in his heart, Liu Zimo also noticed that the figure not far away responded quickly.

  It was the first time that he attacked the girl not far away.

  The right hand under the rain curtain turned into a claw shape and went towards the girl's snow-white neck.

  At the same time, his violent drinking also sounded in the rain curtain:

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