"Don't come... if you come..."


  However, before Wang Yongjue's words fell to the extreme, a purple lightning flashed from the sky, slashing on his dirty hands.

  "Are you sure you want to threaten me?"

  Looking at the figure whose right arm had already flown out, turned into charred black, and seemed to be frozen in place, Liu Zimo also smiled.

  However, his smile was a little cold.

  Even more chilling. .

Chapter 95

  Bullying the weak is not what the strong do.

  And relying on the ability of the girl who has no power to hold the chicken, she shoots...

  Sorry, this is really an unforgivable act.

  You know... Although most people have fantasized about what they can do after they have the ability.

  But most will stick to the bottom line.

  At most, use your own ability to seek some benefits for yourself.

  But like this middle-aged man, he unleashed the wild beast in his heart without restraint, and attached all the pain to the weak.

  It is even more on the girls who are helpless.

  It really is...

  The smile on the corner of his mouth became colder and colder, and Liu Zimo also slowly raised his finger.


  A wisp of purple electric light between his fingers became brighter and brighter, and Liu Zimo slowly raised his footsteps.


  As soon as he stepped out, he seemed to have stepped on the heart of this middle-aged man.

  It finally woke him up.

  "Ah... it hurts, it hurts..."

  "You, who are you? You bastard, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you..."

  The long-awaited pain engulfed him in an instant.

  Bean-sized sweat mixed with rainwater, constantly overflowing from his forehead.

  The middle-aged man's face was also pale.

  However, the next moment, he seemed to notice the bright thunder light rising from Liu Zimo's fingertips. He seemed to have thought of something unbelievable, and his face changed drastically.

  "You, you are Thunderbird??"

  The trembling voice and the frightened face showed the fear in the heart of this middle-aged man vividly.

  Just because this is Thunderbird.

  Hangcheng is the top professional.

  It is also nationally famous.

  He is the genius of the extraordinary world, like a rising star of tomorrow.

  He fought in the beast horde several times.

  It also beheaded the extraordinary first-order mutant beasts again and again, with illustrious military exploits.

  However, now, such a person actually appeared in front of him.

  how can that be?

  How can 15 be able to?

  Ten thousand people couldn't believe it, this middle-aged man was also staring at Liu Zimo's fingertips like the iconic purple lightning.

  Purple lightning...

  The whole of Hangzhou is unique.

  Even the whole country could not find a second one.

  "Oops... you actually recognized me."

  In the small surprise, the smile on Liu Zimo's face became more and more intense.

  What about the pride that he just bullied the weak woman?

  Did he just bark like a mad dog?

  Sure enough, as he imagined.

  But the scum of society, garbage.

  Even if he has awakened his abilities, he is nothing but waste.

  With a cold hum in his heart, Liu Zimo also brought out this ray of lightning from his fingertips.


  In the roar once again, a half-meter-long purple thunder light pierced the night and fell on the middle-aged man.

  Before he could even react, this middle-aged man flew out like a cannonball.

  "Do not..."

  In the very mournful roar, his chest turned into a scorched black, and it was even more sunken.

  And his whole person is also in large font, which is printed on the wall.

  "Don't worry, I won't kill you..."

  While speaking softly, Liu Zimo changed his words and added:

  "I recently discovered a mutated rat wave...I'm sure they'll like you a lot."

  The cold voice echoed in the night sky, but it was a middle-aged man who was already suffering from severe pain, and his face was even more white.

  "No, no...you bastard...you bastard, you can't do this to me, you can't..."


  With a cold snort, Liu Zimo didn't care.

  His hands were already stained with blood.

  Although they are all mutant beasts.

  But he also doesn't mind getting some human.

  People like this are worse than mutant beasts.

  However, at this moment, as if thinking of something, Liu Zimo's eyes narrowed.

  "Ding, are you sure you spend a thousand points to check his talent?"


  Nodding his head, Liu Zimo was also curious about the abilities of this guy, and it was one after another that allowed him to escape the pursuit of the Spiritual Power Bureau.

  You must know that there are many extraordinary people who are [-]th-level and even good at perception who are chasing him.

  But even so, they were empty again and again.

  She left her eyes empty, like a girl who lost focus.



  During the sudden roar, Liu Zimo's mind was also shocked, and a line of very clear text also appeared in front of him.

  [Transparent world - a very strange innate ability that can hide everything about yourself by refracting light, to achieve an effect similar to invisibility... Not only to make yourself invisible, but also to make some objects invisible.. .It's the ability to manipulate light...]

  Watching quietly, Liu Zimo's eyes were also condensed.

  Is it really a stealth-like ability?

  It just looks more advanced than real stealth.

  After all, this is manipulating light.

  Although it is only a simple control, it is also a light attribute skill.

  "It's a very good talent, but unfortunately... it's really wasted when you take it away..."

  With a sigh, Liu Zimo was also somewhat regretful.

  This is a terrifying ability that may awaken him to the elemental talent of light and become the manipulator of light.

  But this one is good, the direction of development is actually stealth, transparency...

  really is...

  Waste, such a good ability wasted in vain.

  What is worth mentioning here is that the ability and talent will be continuously developed, and there will be various advancements.

  For example, Liu Zimo's talent was initially controlled by the element of thunder...

  But now it has become a Lei Yu.

  The change of name also means that Liu Zimo's ability has been developed to another level.

  And this guy's talent may be just light element manipulation at the beginning.

  Then, under his repeated development, it directly evolved into a 'transparent world'...

  really is...

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