"The development of capabilities is all up to the host."

  While speaking softly, Liu Zimo looked at this wretched middle-aged man with cold eyes.

  Such scum, really don't deserve to live in this world.

  Thinking of this, he raised his hand, and then pulled out a white glove from nowhere and put it on.

  Wearing gloves is because Liu Zimo is afraid that this guy will get his hands dirty.

  But now, with his right hand raised, he directly grabbed the head of this guy, Liu Zimo also slowly dragged his body and walked towards the distance.

  As for the girl not far away, someone took care of her.

  Because at this moment,

  Several black cars have appeared at the corner of the alley.

  "I have seen Thunderbird-sama..."

  "I have seen Thunderbird-sama..."

  In the unison to meet, these extraordinary people also bowed and saluted, giving Liu Zimo the greatest respect as a professional.


  Nodding slightly, Liu Zimo also instructed:

  "That girl, take good care of you, I will take this person away."


  With a response, an extraordinary person was also the first to run towards the girl not far away.


  Time passed slowly, and several hours passed in the blink of an eye.

  At this time, Liu Zimo had already dragged the half-dead middle-aged man back to the Spiritual Power Bureau.

  He really planned to throw this guy into the beast tide of mutant mice.

  Unfortunately, the director of the Northwest Lingli Branch made a call to stop it.

  In his words, this middle-aged man is still useful.

  After all, it is an eighth-level ability.

  If you don't make good use of it, you might be wasting it.


  After hesitating again and again, Liu Zimo also brought the middle-aged man back to the Spiritual Power Bureau.

  According to his guess, the Spiritual Power Bureau should plan to hand him over to the Spiritual Power Research Institute as a material for human experiments.

  This was not possible before.

  But in today's era, in order to better protect this **, the necessary bottom line needs to be challenged.

  And this human experiment is to study how the extraordinary can evolve and cultivate better.

  It's just that the extraordinary people here have the kind of existence that takes the initiative to ask.

  There is also... a kind of 'death row'.

  Yes, death row.

  Extraordinary people who have committed serious crimes, these extraordinary people have deprived their lives of their freedom and even their rights.

  With their sacrifices, it is worthwhile to make a contribution to mankind.

  And there seems to be a lot of people who are against it.

  It is too cruel to say that it is human experimentation.

  But, unfortunately, without waiting for more refutation from these people, the director of the Spiritual Power Bureau has already made a final decision.

  No one knows better than him what human experimentation means?

  That is definitely one of the few best ways for humans to catch up with mutant beasts and the evolution of mutant sea beasts.

  Therefore, there is no doubt... The director of the Spiritual Power Bureau also suppressed the voices of many opponents by himself.

  Of course, when passing this one 'can carry out this one experiment', someone made two very important requirements.

  The first is that for some volunteers who volunteered, they must not carry out too dangerous experiments.

  While respecting their choices, also respect their lives.

  The second is that death row prisoners, especially those who have been deprived of life and rights, are allowed to conduct some dangerous experiments.

  In this way, it is also conceivable why the Lingli Research Institute is interested in this middle-aged man?

  As for the crime committed by this middle-aged man, is it not enough to convict him of the death penalty?

  Those few ordinary women may not be enough to convict the death penalty.

  But the extraordinary woman who was brutally killed by him was enough...

  A life for a life,

  This is a bit simple in the world of the extraordinary.


  Of course, Liu Zimo didn't care about these.

  Nor do they care about the dark side of the otherworldly world.

  For him, it is dark or light.

  As long as there is no delay, he will become stronger.

  Just like tonight, although he spent some time performing such a task, he received a lot of contribution points and rewards.

  He also deduced a good ability - Rain Tiger Freedom Technique.

  As the only perceptual ability that Liu Zimo has now mastered.

  This ability is still very good.

  It complements Liu Zimo's thunder attribute talent.

  With thunder, summon rain, and then give rain unique spiritual power, you can perceive the existence of objects in contact with rain...

  "The more spiritual power is consumed, the larger the area covered by the Rain Tiger Freedom Technique will be. At present, consuming [-]% ​​of the spiritual power can cover a radius of two kilometers..."

  While speaking softly, Liu Zimo was also satisfied.

  He has always prepared some points.

  Just for emergencies.

  Just like just now, without Sister Qin, he needs to perceive the surroundings to find this criminal, so he can directly consume Dao points and deduce a perceptual ability.

  And now, it seems, he is well prepared.

  "It's not in vain, I have always kept [-] to [-] points in my hands."

  With a chuckle, Liu Zimo also pondered secretly, storing more Dao points in the future.

  This time, the Rain Tiger Freedom Technique did not consume a lot of Dao points, and he was completely enough.

  But in the future, will he need a lot of abilities and Dao points?

  That's trouble.

  Therefore, it is very important to store a large number of road points in advance.

  Can be used as a very scary hole card.

  This allows Liu Zimo to achieve targeted strengthening and even growth in a short period of time.

  Just like Liu Zimo encountered some thorny mutant beasts, unable to resist.

  He can completely slip away, then run to a quiet corner, and use the road to deduce a skill against this mutant beast...

  This is very good.

  With this in mind, Liu Zimo was also a little happy.

  It seems that he has found a very good hole card again.

  But, this is not the whole harvest.

  Spirit Power Bureau, a bedroom... Sitting quietly on the bed, an icy system prompt sounded in Liu Zimo's ear:

  "Are you sure you will consume [-] Dao Points to deduce your innate ability - a transparent world?"

  Listening quietly, the corners of Liu Zimo's mouth unexpectedly raised a subtle arc.


  With just two words, Liu Zimo's body couldn't help but tremble.

  Just because at this time, countless information suddenly poured into his mind.

  At the same time, a very bright brilliance also erupted in the depths of his mind.


  real light...

  During the continuous refraction, these lights actually showed a dazzling brilliance.

  "Ability - Transparent World..."

  I don't know when the murmurs sounded, but it was found that Liu Zimo's figure sitting cross-legged on the bed actually began to blur, and slowly disappeared... until it disappeared. .

Chapter 96

  The ability to be transparent in the world, the ability to refract light, and then make oneself invisible to achieve the purpose of invisibility.


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