It can make an ordinary eighth-level ability person escape the pursuit of the spiritual power bureau many times.

  Therefore, after repeated hesitation, Liu Zimo also chose to deduce this talent.

  feel good.

  Now, slowly raising his hand and looking at the transparent body, Liu Zimo also smiled.

  "It's no different from before, but it's really hard to capture my presence with the naked eye."

  With a chuckle, Liu Zimo was also satisfied.

  He likes the ability to save life, and even the talent.

  After all, there is output only when you are alive.

  Therefore, in terms of deduction ability, he is more inclined to deduce some life-saving abilities and talents.

  And now... in this transparent world, he has earned it.

  However, at this time, if someone pays close attention to Liu Zimo's skills, they will surely find that most of his skills are prepared to deal with the beast tide.

  It's like an earthen wall, and it's like a thunderstorm.

  The earth wall is a better defense against the beast tide sweeping again and again.

  The Yukong given by Lei Ting Wanjun can make Liu Zimo quickly leave the battlefield.

  And now the transparent world is the same.

  For Liu Zimo, the real threat is the beast tide.

  round after round,

  As if endless.

  Individually, there are extremely powerful and terrifying mutant beasts walking out, hissing the sky and the earth.

  Only such a beast tide can truly threaten his existence.

  As for the human side, for now, there is no threat to him.

  As his strongest life-saving trump card, Shenwei, as long as it can be activated at any time, Liu Zimo won't be too worried.

  After all, the current Shenwei is enough to make Liu Zimo's entire body escape into a different dimension.

  And what does that mean.

  "It means that I can be immune to nuclear weapons in a short period of time...unless nuclear weapons are so terrifying that they can tear apart space..."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo also thought of this.

  At the center of nuclear weapons, there is a certain possibility of shattering the space.

  It was still a little dangerous for him.

  However, no hurry.

  He is still getting stronger, and his strength is improving very quickly.

  I believe that in the near future, he will become more terrifying and meet all this with a new attitude.

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo was also preparing to leave the Spiritual Power Bureau and return to his base.

  But just as he was about to leave...

  "Thunderbirds...I brought you something good."


  In a little stunned, Liu Zimo also noticed a box mentioned in the hands of the instructor Scar.

  It is very high-tech, giving people a mysterious and dreamy texture.

  It's a bit like the feeling of a mysterious treasure chest in a movie.

  "what is this?"

  During the sudden inquiry, Liu Zimo also felt the throbbing of his body.

  "This is..."

  While speaking softly, the instructor's scar was lying in front of Liu Zimo's ear:

  "Dragon blood..."


  Opening his eyes wide, Liu Zimo also showed a look of disbelief.

  Dragon blood?

  Are you kidding me?

  Are there really dragons? ?

  There is an old saying that 'Xi five hundred years into Jiao, Jiao thousand years into dragons, dragons five hundred years into horned dragons, thousand years into Yinglong'.

  But Jiaolong, and even dragons, are not all legends...

  And now...

  Seemingly aware of Liu Zimo's vibration, the instructor Scar also grinned:

  "I don't know if there were flood dragons in the past, but now there are flood dragons, spiritual energy is revived, the world has changed, and many animal bloodlines have evolved again and again..."

  "And before, I also told you that there is a hundred-year-old giant python in the Yellow River, which is suspected to be a molting Jiao...~' ."

  "This big flood raged on the Yellow River not long ago, swept up the vast river, and swept across both sides... According to legend, in the end, it was the chief director of the Spiritual Power Bureau who personally pushed it back..."

  "Furthermore, when he was forced to retreat, he was wounded and took a lot of dragon blood."

  Speaking of which, the instructor Knife Scar also raised the box in his hand and said excitedly;

  "This is the General Bureau of Spiritual Power, prepared for you... You boy, you are really lucky, you all have a share of this... Tsk tsk, the Bureau of Spiritual Power is really kind to you."

  Saying so, the instructor Scar smashed his mouth.

  However, it is.

  Today's Thunderbirds, after all, are famous all over the country.

  Moreover, the military exploits are illustrious.

  There are good things on the side of the General Office of Spiritual Power, and it is normal to think of him.

  After all, Liu Zimo is the key target of training.

  There are big people watching at all times.


  And now... staring blankly at the box handed over by the instructor Scar, Liu Zimo's heart was also touched.

  This spiritual power bureau is really good for him.

  With good things, they will think of him.

  Resources are also priorities.

  Of course, this is also inseparable from Liu Zimo's efforts.

  Being able to lead the charge again and again in several beast waves is something.

  If it weren't for his strength, he would have been submerged in the beast tide.

  And he was lucky not to die, so naturally he won the attention and even recognition of the Spiritual Power Bureau.

  All of this is in exchange for strength.

  You don't need to be overly grateful.

  "For the Spiritual Power Bureau, the improvement of my strength is the best reward."

  While muttering in his heart, Liu Zimo raised his hand and took the box.

  During this period, Liu Zimo also gradually learned about the grade of the dragon's blood.

  "So, this Jiaolong is a terrifying mutant beast at the peak of the second-order supernatural?"


  Nodding, the instructor Scar added:

  "This, it shouldn't be a Jiaolong, it's just a walking Jiaolong, but this is extremely scary... According to the analysis of the Spiritual Energy Observation Bureau, the third order is the real molting Jiaolong, and the fourth order is the Jiaolong, the real meaning One step up to the sky..."

  Listening quietly, Liu Zimo's eyes couldn't stop flickering.

  Tier [-], Jiaolong...

  Tier [-], Jiaohualong...

  This seems kind of scary.

  For some reason, he suddenly had a more intuitive understanding of the existence of the fourth-order, like a natural disaster.

  If you just talk about Tier [-], Liu Zimo doesn't necessarily know how terrifying it is.

  But if you say, the fourth-order Jiaohualong...

  Good guy, Liu Zimo feels scalp numb...

  "It seems that I need to break through the extraordinary second-order as soon as possible."

  With a murmur, Liu Zimo's eyes were also fiery.

  He needs to practice as soon as possible.

  Try to catch up with the evolutionary speed of mutant beasts.

  Now he, although among human beings, is the leader in evolution.

  But it is not ranked among the mutant beasts.

  And the extraordinary second-order can be regarded as a unicorn among the mutant beasts.


  After a while of silence, Liu Zimo also took the box and walked towards the deepest part of the Spiritual Power Bureau.

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