
  Not long after, in the deepest part of the Spirit Power Bureau base, in a very hidden room, Liu Zimo had already opened the box.

  And in the depths of this black box, there was actually a small test tube.

  In the test tube, there is a drop of blood that is close to golden.

  Gold in red.

  In the faint, Liu Zimo heard an extremely terrifying roar.

  "Sing, sing..."

  In the bursts of neighing like a real dragon, Liu Zimo's heart was shaken.

  "This is really dragon blood..."

  Opening his eyes wide, Liu Zimo also decisively opened the test tube.


  Accompanied by an extremely terrifying roar, the vast energy rushed towards the face.

  And at this moment, Liu Zimo felt that his blood was boiling.

  "It has been emphasized above that the absorption of this dragon's blood is very troublesome, you should pay more attention."

  Thinking of the explanation from the instructor Scar, Liu Zimo also gritted his teeth.

  Although it is troublesome for ordinary professionals.

  But for him, it shouldn't be a problem.

  After all, his foreign skills iron cloth shirt is already a great success.

  Both inside and outside are tempered.

  Moreover, he also has a Thunder Tempering Body.

  With this thought in mind, Liu Zimo also gritted his teeth,

  He swallowed the drop of Jiaolong blood into his mouth.


  In the sudden roar, Liu Zimo's body shook violently, and an extremely majestic energy rushed towards his limbs and bones like a torrent.

  vast and terrifying.


  This is the dragon's blood.

  It is like a baptism, and it is like a good fortune.

  The body and mind are becoming more and more transparent at this moment.

  "Crack, click..."

  One after another, Liu Zimo felt unimaginable pain.

  It was as if countless hammers were hitting his bones.

  Pain, it hurts.

  But what followed was an unimaginable shock.

  again and again...

  In the continuous impact, Liu Zimo's body has become truly powerful.

  Not only that, his spiritual power is also constantly rising.

  It actually climbed from seven thousand to eight thousand.

  Almost nine thousand...

  And this is the dragon's blood.

  Even a drop is a blessing for Liu Zimo.

  "The terrifying mutant beast of the second-order peak..."

  In the soft whisper, Liu Zimo's eyes narrowed slightly.

  For some reason, at this time, he actually had the urge to hunt this kind of monster.

  If he can really hunt this kind of monster.

  Then swallow its flesh and drink its blood...

  How terrifying the growth rate will be.

  Of course, this is just Liu Zimo's thoughts.

  Now, it is too difficult for him to hunt the mutant beasts of the extraordinary second-order.

  For those monsters with unmoving spiritual power, that is, tens of thousands of monsters, a random breath of spiritual power has the power close to Liu Zi Mo Lei's version of the anger and Tianwei.

  How does this compare?

  He laughed at himself, but Liu Zimo didn't pay attention. A very terrifying skill in his body was gradually awakening.

  ".〃ding, the lost magic in your body - Thunder Dragon Slayer feels the blood of the dragon... It can be further improved..."

  "Ding, the lost magic in your body - Thunder Dragon Slayer feels the blood of the dragon, and can consume [-] points... Further increase, are you sure..."


  Liu Zimo was also shocked by the prompting one after another.

  Lost Magic Thunder Dragon Slayer...


  With a shock in his heart, Liu Zimo also reacted violently.

  You must know that the lost magic he deduced before - Thunder Dragon Slayer, but the castrated version, can only devour the energy of the same attribute, replenish physical strength, and restore spiritual power.

  Lost Magic - The real core of Thunder Dragon Slayer, Dragon Transformation, possesses the power of a dragon, but he has no contact with it at all.

  And all of this is naturally because there is no dragon blood in his body.

  But now the dragon's blood has entered the body,

  Although this is just a walking dragon, it is also a dragon.

  Therefore, this also activated the lost magic in his body - Thunder Dragon Slayer.

  However, at this time, Liu Zimo couldn't help but ask;

  "I remember the Dragon Slayer of the Lost Magic Thunder. The dragon I'm talking about is a giant dragon."

  "Ding, giant dragons, true dragons are all dragons... The giant dragon spreads its wings in the sky and is good at magic,... The true dragon masters the changes of supernatural powers, and it is the dragon of the sea... And The last Tyrannosaurus walks on the ground and dominates the body... These dragons are the dinosaurs in the memory of the host, and the dinosaurs have extremely shallow Tyrannosaurus blood..."

  Listening quietly to the explanation from the system, Liu Zimo was also startled.

  True dragons, giant dragons, but tyrannosaurs, are they all dragons?

  It seems that there is no difference.

  One is above the sky, one is under the sea, and there is another that dominates the earth.

  Sea, land and air, both.

  Good guy, this is the real dragon.

  "Then I use the blood of the dragon to further deduce the dragon slaying of the lost magic thunder, will it have any effect?"

  "Ding, it won't have an impact, but the shape change of Thunder may be close to the real dragon, and at the same time it belongs to the dragon transformation, and it will also approach the real dragon..."

  Hearing this, Liu Zimo no longer hesitated.

  If he really had a choice, he would definitely become a dragon.

  rather than dragonization.

  It's not that Liu Zimo has any 'descendant of the dragon' thought.

  But the real dragon is more than one grade more handsome than the giant dragon.

  What is a dragon?

  Isn't it a big lizard with wings?

  Can really dragon.. Shin.

  Just thinking about it, Liu Zimo was a little excited.

  Handsome and domineering.

  King's Landing at the top of the food chain, even in myths and legends, is a 'king-like' existence.

  And that is the real dragon.

  ps: ********************For flowers, for a reward********************

  Three kinds of dragons, true dragons, giant dragons, and tyrannosaurs, are all dragons.

  The true dragon is the dragon of the sea, and is proficient in the changes of supernatural powers.

  The dragon spreads its wings in Jiutian and is good at element manipulation.

  Tyrannosaurus, the roost in the flesh, is the land tyrant. .

Chapter 97

  "Ding, you have already consumed [-] points to deduce the lost magic - Thunder Dragon Slayer."

  A sudden reminder sounded in Liu Zimo's ear.



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