Suddenly, a roar like a dragon's roar echoed in Liu Zimo's mind.

  At the same time, an extremely shocking picture appeared in front of Liu Zimo's eyes.

  "Boom, boom, boom..."

  The vast dark clouds gather in the sky and the earth.

  A very huge vortex also appeared.

  And in the depths of that vortex, the thunder light continued... There was actually a figure like a big snake, circling constantly.

  Yes, serpent.

  It doesn't look like a real dragon.

  Instead, it looks like a big snake.

  It's just that it has two horns...


  In the neighing like a dragon but not a dragon, a snake but not a snake, above the sky, in the dark clouds, there was a big snake wrapped around its body and rushed towards Liu Zimo.


  In the sudden roar, Liu Zimo's body was shaken.

  at the same time...

  "Crack, click..."

  With a crisp sound after another, his body was filled with rolling thunder,

  Countless lightning bolts are constantly intertwined on the body.


  Like a dragon but not a dragon, like a snake but not a snake in the neigh,

  It can be seen to the naked eye that a creature like a real dragon is lying on Liu Zimo's shoulder.

  It is transformed by thunder.

  It has antlers, a snake body, and two claws on its belly.

  This is not a dragon.

  But not a snake either.

  It is the dragon between dragons and snakes! !

  Yes, Jiao.

  Moreover, it is still Lei Jiao.

  "sing... sing..."

  In the neighing again, Liu Zimo felt that the strength of his body continued to skyrocket, as if there was no end.

  At the same time, his control over Thunder has also continued to improve.

  At this time, if you pay attention to his elemental talent, you will definitely be able to see that his thunder attribute elemental talent has risen again, reaching above 95.

  And his spiritual power has reached 9000...

  It is only one step away from ten thousand.

  "This is the real lost magic - Thunder Dragon Slayer..."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo also punched out.


  Accompanied by a loud bang, the lightning flashed brightly.

  It was obvious to the naked eye that Lei Jiao, who was lying on Liu Zimo's shoulder, was circling his arm and flew out.


  During the sudden neighing, a Lei Jiao followed Liu Zimo's fist and rushed into the distance, reaching ten meters away.

  Looking from a distance, in the dazzling thunder light, there seems to be a thunder dragon descending into the world.

  This is Thunder Dragon's Iron Fist.

  Compared with Liu Zimo's ordinary fist, the power is more than ten times stronger.

  A skill comparable to Liu Zimo.

  Of course, this is also a skill in itself.

  This is lost magic - Thunder Dragon Slayer.

  Thunder's slaying the dragon can give Liu Zimo the power and physique of a dragon.

  And Liu Zimo was excited by the dragon's blood to destroy the lost magic thunder.

  what does this mean?

  It means that Liu Zimo already possesses the power of a Flood Dragon.

  Moreover, it is still Lei Jiao.

  With his continuous cultivation and development, Lei Jiao's true power will be further triggered.

  Until one day, Liu Zimo can truly transform into Lei Jiao.

  No, it's not just Lei Jiao.

  This lost magic Thunder Dragon Slayer is cultivated to the extreme, which can turn Liu Zimo into a real Thunder Dragon.

  The real dragon is coming,

  All beasts crawl.

  With this in mind, Liu Zimo was also a little excited.

  "Now, the name Thunderbird is no longer suitable for me..."

  "Lei Jiao..."

  "No, let's go straight to Thunder Dragon... I will turn into Thunder Dragon sooner or later."

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo also decided to change his title.

  Thunderbird or something, not domineering.

  How can there be Thunder Dragon domineering.

  Of course, things like the title were not decided by him.

  He needs to get others to recognize the Thunder Dragon title.

  And it's not difficult.

  Just because...the spiritual power was surging, the naked eye could see that countless thunders were intertwined on Liu Zimo's body, and then a thunder like a dragon appeared on Liu Zimo's shoulders.

  From a distance, it looks like Thunder Dragon is lying on Liu Zimo's shoulder.

  It seems that it is not really domineering.

  If ordinary people see this, they will definitely exclaim "Thunder Dragon".

  Yes, Thunder Dragon.

  It's not that Liu Zimo simply thinks, but now he really deserves such a title.

  And now... Slowly raising his footsteps, Liu Zimo also walked outside.

  "Tread, step, step..."

  Step by step, the thunder around Liu Zimo's body became brighter and brighter.

  It's a spectacle of skyrocketing, uncontrolled spillovers.

  Very scary.

  But it is enough to prove how terrifying Liu Zimo's progress this time is.

  A drop of dragon blood not only slightly strengthened Liu Zimo's body, but also enhanced Liu Zimo's spiritual power.

  In a real sense, it awakened the lost magic in Liu Zimo's body - Thunder Dragon Slayer.

  "When I cultivate this magic to the end, I can complete the initial dragon transformation, condense dragon scales, and even..."

  While speaking softly, Liu Zimo felt a scorching heat in his throat.

  It was the breath of a real dragon.

  A very scary skill.

  However, the current Liu Zimo can't break out.

  Even if you open your mouth and spit, it's just an electric light.

  This skill is still developing.

  When Liu Zimo loses the magic Thunder Dragon Slayer, continuously strengthens Liu Zimo's body, and is completely transformed, Liu Zimo can burst into the real 'Dragon's Breath'.

  When he opened his mouth and spit, a beam of thunder ripped apart the sky and the ground, with the aura of destroying everything, dividing the entire city in two.

  And this is the breath of the dragon.

  However, if Liu Zimo wants to reach that realm, he needs to be an extraordinary second-order at least.

  Even the extraordinary third-order is conceivable.


  The further increase in strength also gave Liu Zimo the urge to hunt.

  Moreover, now he does not have much Dao points.

  So, must hunt.

  Thinking of this, Liu Zimo also greeted the Spiritual Power Bureau.

  Then, riding a locomotive, it galloped towards the wild in the city.

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