"Stab, stab..."

  The dazzling thunder light wrapped the entire locomotive.

  at the same time,

  "Sing, sing..."

  Like a dragon but not a dragon, like a snake but not a snake, a thundering dragon appeared on Liu Zimo's locomotive.

  From a distance, it looks like a three- or four-meter-long Lei Jiao traversing the road at high speed.

  "My God, what is that?"

  Suddenly exclaimed, an extraordinary person also noticed the galloping thunder light on the highway.

  "Ray, Ray... Thunder Dragon??"

  Eyes widened, the expressions of the rest of the extraordinary people also changed drastically.

  However, at the next moment, as if recognizing something, this extraordinary person couldn't help but exclaimed:

  "It's Thunderbird, it's Thunderbird, that's Thunderbird's exclusive locomotive - Thunderbird."


  In the repeated exclamations, the extraordinary people along the way looked at the flashing thunder light in disbelief.

  However, it's more than that.

  More and more people took out their mobile phones to take pictures for the first time.

  Thunderbird, but a great man,

  A rising star of the younger generation.

  Also, he is so handsome now.

  Really handsome, riding a motorcycle, surrounded by lightning.

  And that, Leiguang, from a distance, it seems that there is a thundering dragon, shuttling on the road.

  Not really handsome.


  Only at this time, Liu Zimo paid no attention to these.

  Now he is constantly adapting to his own strength.

  As the thunder surged, the thunder light around him became more and more dazzling.

  And his locomotive made a terrible roar.

  This locomotive was specially built for him by the Lingli Bureau, and it can greatly prevent electricity.

  It won't be damaged by the thunder light he erupted.

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo also quickly passed the city and headed for the wild.

  Today's ** earth...

  Divided into, urban and wild.

  Cities are divided into inner and outer regions.

  The inner circle is okay, with the active suppression of the Spiritual Power Bureau, the mutant beasts are almost invisible.

  Although there are certain mutant beasts on the periphery, they are relatively few.

  But in the wild, it was different.

  Mutated beasts abound.

  Although there are few powerful mutant beasts, they should not be underestimated.

  Endless kills, endless annihilation.

  And this is understandable.

  Humans are many.

  But compared with the endless mutant beasts, it is still too few.

  like now...


  In the far sky, there are dozens of mutant sparrows the size of orange cats flying high.

  At this time, it seems that the existence of Liu Zimo was discovered.

  These mutant sparrows were also chattering, flying towards Liu Zimo.

  "Huh, huh..."

  One after another, like arrows...

  The beasts of the past had no intelligence, and had no malicious intent towards humans.

  But now, the spiritual energy is revived, the intelligence of the beast is gradually opened, and it is also aware that humans are the enemy.

  Therefore, in the wild, when encountering humans, most mutant beasts will take the initiative to attack.

  And, there is another reason.

  That is, humans are mostly weak.

  is the best hunting option.

  This is believed to be unexpected by all human beings.

  They were originally at the top of the food chain, but now they are gradually falling towards the bottom of the food chain.

  If it weren't for human beings with technology, I'm afraid that overnight, they would be reduced to dust and become the real bottom layer.

  And this is spiritual recovery.

  It is the evolution of the race.

  It's an explosion of life.

  If you can't seize the opportunity in such an era, then the waiting must be...

  With a sigh in his heart, Liu Zimo did not hesitate.


  The thunder light all over the body erupted in an instant, covering more than ten meters around.

  The mutant sparrows that turned into sharp swords one after another, and shot towards him, turned into coke and fell to the ground before they approached.


  Suddenly, among the panicked neighs, there was a mutant sparrow who sensed the danger in time and pulled towards the sky.

  But don't wait for him to fly more.


  In the flash of lightning, a charred blood hole appeared on his body.


  He blew a sigh of relief at his finger, as if to extinguish the thunder at his fingertips, and Liu Zimo was also satisfied.

  Without wasting his training for this period of time, the accuracy rate has been greatly improved.

  To be commended.


  But at this moment, Liu Zimo didn't know, there was a place not far from him.


  During the sudden violence, more than a dozen people looked at not far away with cold eyes.

  There, there was a huge mutant wild boar.

  There were thorns all over him.

  Like barbs.

  Evil and terrifying.

  And his size has reached an astonishing five or six meters huge.

  From a distance, it looks like an armored tank.

  And now,

  "Ow, ooh..."

  Among the terrifying roars, this mutant wild boar that had reached the ninth level was also staring at the extremely small humans not far away.

  These guys dared to hurt him.


  In the terrifying roar again, his entire body rushed out.

  "Boom, boom, boom..."

  When the earth trembled, dust waves were raised.

  "Be careful..."

  "Be careful to avoid..."

  After repeated reminders, more than a dozen people pulled away in time.

  However, at this moment,

  "don't want..."

  Amidst the panicked screams, a girl could be seen, half a step slower.

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