
  Just hearing a roar, she was knocked over a dozen meters away.


  "Sister Qian..."

  "Damn... this bastard."

  Among the repeated roars, the rest of the supernatural beings were also angry.

  Sister Qian, but the group flower of their team.

  But now, even life and death do not know.

  Without even thinking about it, this one after another is also killing the mutant wild boar not far away.

  It was just that what changed their faces was that this mutant wild boar seemed to be more terrifying than they had imagined.

  Among their successive attacks, the defense of this mutant wild boar was not torn apart.

  And, what's even scarier is...

  "Ow, ooh..."

  In the terrifying neigh, this mutant wild boar raised its forelimbs, and then a terrifying spiritual power suddenly erupted.


  Just hearing a roar, the earth shook, like a small earthquake.

  A terrifying circle of earth waves all erupted.


  "No, how is that possible."

  "Damn, what a joke."

  In a series of astonishment, more than a dozen extraordinary people actually flew out with six extraordinary people, and some, even their bones were shattered. .

Chapter 98

  Trample on the ground, trampling on the ground with both legs, a shock wave of extreme terror erupted, defeating everything.

  This is the skill of this mutant thorn boar.

  And now, in the sudden outbreak, this extraordinary team also suffered a big loss.

  "This guy has such terrifying skills~?"

  With a stunned sound, the flame fist leading this extraordinary team also clenched his fists, showing unwillingness.

  Damn it, damn it.

  why why?

  He finally led the team and went out to hunt, and he actually encountered this kind of monster.

  However, he will not give up.

  Glancing behind him, many supernatural beings who had fallen to the ground, who did not know their life and death, looked at the bruised partners who stood up one after another not far away, and Yan Quan also slowly stood up.


  Terrible flames ignited from all over.

  The surrounding temperature keeps rising.

  The flames in the depths of Yanquan's eyes also became brighter.

  until the next moment,

  "Big fireball..."

  During the sudden violent drink, Yan Fist slammed out a punch.


  Hearing a roar, countless flames converged and turned into a fireball five or six meters in size, smashing towards the mutant wild boar not far away.


  In the roar again, the earth is shaking,


  Amidst the shrill neighing, the far-away mutant thorn boar kept retreating.

  Beasts are mostly afraid of fire.

  Even if it mutates and evolves.

  Nor will their fear of fire change.

  However, fortunately, he had rough skin and thick flesh, and he was actually in contact with the flames.

  Even if the hair is burnt out...

  Even if the skin has turned into charred black...

  But he was still in the sea of ​​​​fire, standing quietly.

  And his eyes, at some point, became even more scarlet.

  The unimaginable pain devoured the last reason of the mutant thorn boar.

  Right now, it just wants to kill everyone.

  "Damn you all..."

  In the roar of his heart, the mutant thorn wild boar rushed out of the sea of ​​​​fire with an acceleration.

  "Boom, boom, boom..."

  The earth shook again.

  In the unbelievable gazes of the extraordinary people, a huge wild boar with flames all over its body rushed from the sea of ​​​​fire, and slammed into the flame fist not far away.

  "Brother Yanquan, run quickly."

  "don't want..."

  "be careful."

  Exclamation after exclamation, everyone's face changed greatly.

  In a trance, they all saw the scene of the flame fist flying upside down.

  However, at this time, they did not see a flash of determination in the eyes of the red-haired young man Yan Quan.


  The flames all over the body ignited again,

  And more and more surging,

  It was even spinning in mid-air.

  From a distance, it looks like a huge flame tornado.

  This is a trick recently developed by Yanquan - the bursting fire tornado.

  However, this skill is not perfect.

  A bad control.

  Even hurt his meridians.

  You must know that he is now the pinnacle of the ninth-level ability, and is about to hit the extraordinary first-order.

  At this time, he can't have too many injuries.

  It's just that it doesn't seem to care that much now.

  He has no choice.

  "I can't lose, I lose, my teammates just..."

  Gritting his teeth, the flame fist also kept accumulating power.

  The terrifying flame storm is also getting more and more surging.

  But at this time, if you pay attention to Yanquan's forehead, you will definitely be able to notice the sweat overflowing.

  The unimaginable stinging pain was the stinging pain from the meridians.

  There was an overwhelmed voice coming from the body.

  You know, this burst fire tornado is a move he plans to compete with Thunderbird.

  Thunderbird is best at developing moves.

  One is scarier than the other.

  And he also needs to have his own way of becoming famous.

  So, the burst fire tornado came out.

  Although it is not perfect,

  But definitely terrifying.

  Even if it was far away, Liu Zimo's eyes narrowed slightly when he didn't know when.

  "This guy is a genius."

  In the soft admiration, Liu Zimo also saw this red-haired figure, and the flame tornado was more than ten meters high.

  not bad.

  It is commendable.

  However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that he uses this skill too reluctantly.

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