Shaking his head helplessly, Liu Zimo also stared at the sky.

  "Boom, boom, boom..."

  The sudden roar, in the unbelievable eyes of one extraordinary person after another, was actually a gathering of dark clouds.

  This dark cloud is not big, only a dozen square meters.

  What is shocking is that this dark cloud actually appeared above the head of the mutant thorn boar.

  Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that the depths of this dark cloud continue to rotate, turning into a vast vortex.

  Looking carefully into the depths of the vortex, you can also see the wisps of arcs flickering.

  It is spitting out the electric mans.

  "This is?"


  One after another, their eyes widened, and all the supernatural beings were a little unbelievable.

  Because this is no ordinary thundercloud.

  That terrifying spiritual power.

  That tyrannical lightning...

  It always reminds me of a figure.

  And that, surprisingly...

  "Thunder pressure and angry waves..."

  A sudden violent drink came from a distant boulder.



  A lightning bolt as large as seven or eight meters fell violently from the depths of the dark clouds.


  Hearing an extremely terrifying roar, the entire mutant thorn wild boar was shocked.

  The unimaginable thunder engulfed his body in an instant.

  "Ow, ooh..."

  The mournful wailing could not stop.

  And his body was trembling constantly amid the terrifying thunder.

  Even the outlines of the bones were electrified.


  Under the unbelievable gazes of one extraordinary person after another, this mutant thorn boar slowly fell down...and could not get up again.

  At this time, many figures noticed that it was far away... That figure had turned around slowly and walked towards the depths of the field.

  "Thunderbird, really Thunderbird..."

  Looking at that very familiar back, Yanquan also felt his head dazed.

  How could he be here?

  He was puzzled, but looking at the giant figure that was slowly falling down not far away... He also knew that he didn't seem to have to resort to this last resort...


  With a secret thought in his heart, Yanquan also wrote down the kindness this time.

  "Is that really a Thunderbird?"

  "Thunder that falls from the sky, it should be..."

  "It's really terrifying. We beat the mutant beast to death and we couldn't help it. He solved it lightly?"

  "This is the Thunderbird, so powerful it's suffocating."

  In the continuous discussion, many extraordinary people couldn't hide the shock in their words.


  But Liu Zimo didn't know about it.

  He was just helping other supernatural beings.

  In today's wild, from time to time, extraordinary people can be seen fighting with mutant beasts.

  Terrible battles keep breaking out.

  One after another extraordinary person is one after another.

  They are either hunting mutant beasts for profit.

  Or simply suppress mutant beasts.

  However, there is no doubt that today's human beings have taken hunting mutant beasts as their first task.

  Just like now, Liu Zimo saw far away, several big men armed with machine guns and machetes, chasing a group of mutant beasts.

  It seems to be just ordinary people.

  But they still didn't hesitate.

  just the next moment,

  "Brothers, rush to me, this time a wave of fat, this is hundreds of thousands..."

  "Hahaha, it's really cool now, these mutant beasts are all white money."

  "Damn, I must find two girls when I go back... no, five..."

  "Okay, okay, this time it's done, we'll be worry-free for ten days."

  Among the cheers, these big men were also excited.

  Not far away, Liu Zimo, who came alone, raised his brows.

  man, he thinks too much...

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  However, it's fine.

  Even if these guys are for profit, they are fighting against mutant beasts regardless of life and death.

  This is enough.

  And this is what the Spiritual Power Bureau has been guiding.

  All people are soldiers.

  As long as you kill mutant beasts, you will have a steady stream of wealth.

  Now, in the market, there are hundreds of first-level mutant beasts.

  Like some rare mutant beasts, such as mutant rabbits with good taste, it is as high as [-].

  Wealth moves people's hearts.

  It is no wonder that countless ordinary people went bankrupt and changed a lot of weapons, rushed into the wild, and hunted mutant beasts without fear of death.

  Compared with the part-time jobs of the old days, it is much stronger.

  And, one more thing.

  That is to often eat the flesh and blood of mutant beasts, and it is very likely to awaken talent.

  At that time, they will also start a more advanced evolution.


  Crazy, greedy.

  Countless human beings have embarked on the road of hunting.

  Among them, Liu Zimo is also included.

  Slowly raising his eyes, looking not far away, Liu Zimo also noticed an extremely astonishing fluctuation of spiritual power.

  "Is this an extraordinary mutant beast?"

  In the soft whisper, Liu Zimo was also a little stunned.

  He didn't expect that he would be so lucky to meet an extraordinary mutant beast.

  To feel its breath, it should only be the middle stage of the extraordinary first-order.

.. .. 0

  Not strong.

  However, this is already a nightmare for most extraordinary people and ordinary people.

  "Run, run, an extraordinary wild cat came out..."

  "It's terrifying. I only saw a flash of black light, and dozens of humans were already bleeding."

  "Damn, how can there be an extraordinary mutant wild cat appearing."

  "Damn, this beast, this beast..."

  In the midst of the repeated curses, far away, many teams fled in embarrassment.

  There is no way,

  Low-level mutant beasts, they can still deal with ordinary people.

  But these extraordinary mutant beasts, sorry,

  That was beyond their limits.

  To put it bluntly, more than [-] people are fully armed, and they may not be able to fight an extraordinary creature.

  So run,

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