must run.

  This is definitely not something they can provoke.

  However, at this moment, many people discovered a figure.

  He wore a black trench coat and slowly walked towards the depths of the field.

  "Hey, kid, run, there's an extraordinary wild cat out there, you can't afford it."

  "Yeah, boy, you can't commit suicide, come back soon."

  Said, these guys actually drove, and it seemed that they were going to take Liu Zimo away together.

  And this, in the wild, is rare.

  It can only be said that these uncles are good-hearted people.


  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo also showed a smile on his face, saying:

  "Thank you, uncles... I'll be fine."

  Saying so, in the unbelievable gazes of these uncles and strong men, dazzling thunder light actually poured out from the whole body of this black-clothed youth.

  Vaguely, it could be seen that a dragon transformed by thunder was dancing around his body.

  "This is?"

  Eyes widened, an uncle also seemed to think of something and exclaimed:

  "He's Thunderbird, Thunderbird. I've seen him on the video, it's really him."


  Qi Qi shook, but these people saw an electric arc flashing away in the air.

  Then, in the depths of the field, there was a terrifying roar.

  "Crack, click..."

  The thunder continued, as if there were countless lightning bolts falling from the sky.

  Accompanied by it, a terrifying meow resounded through the sky.

  "Meow meow..."

  This hissing is very terrifying.

  It is like the last grief of a mutant beast in a desperate situation.

  But there is no way...he encountered the monster.

  A real monster.

  How could such a powerful existence emerge from a mere human being?

  When I was shocked, this mutant black cat with a body size of three or four meters, a slender and strong figure, and an extremely smooth fur, also widened its eyes.

  Even the depths of his eyes revealed a look of disbelief.towel.

Chapter 99

  "Thunder Dragon's Iron Fist..."

  During the sudden violent shout, Liu Zimo's right fist also accumulated a shocking thunder light.


  Just listening to a roar, I could actually see a group of thunder light like a thunder dragon, spraying towards the huge black cat not far away.


  During the sudden neighing, the speed was blurry, and Liu Zimo was a little surprised that this black mutant night cat avoided Liu Zimo's punch.

  "So fast."

  Startled, Liu Zimo noticed a black claws attacking Liu Zimo.

  Quick, quick.

  As a clever cat.

  In the midst of constant mutation and evolution, her speed is even more terrifying.

  There are afterimages in the air. ,

  However, this cat is fast, so is Liu Zimo's speed slow?


  With a cold snort, Liu Zimo's whip leg was suddenly thrown out.

  next moment,


  With an extremely terrifying roar, terrifying air waves rolled back in all directions.

  There is even a splash of lightning.

  And Liu Zimo and this extraordinary black cat flew out at the same time.

  This time, Liu Zimo didn't use too many moves.

  Just wrapped his arms and legs with thunder.

  And this is the Lost Magic - Thunder Dragon Slayer, a very superficial use.

  Wrap yourself with thunder, greatly improving your strength, speed, and defense.

  If Liu Zimo's thunder is terrifying enough and his spiritual power is huge enough, he can even condense scales similar to dragon scales.

  And that is the initial dragon transformation.

  Of course, this is too far away from Liu Zimo.

  Right now, he is just starting to test his own lost magic - Thunder Dragon Slayer.

  Thunder Dragon's Iron Fist,

  Thunder Dragon's Whip Legs...

  It looks like a very unpretentious skill.

  But because of these skills, Liu Zimo has the courage to rush towards the extraordinary black cat.

  You know, Liu Zimo usually fights,

  Especially in the bloody battle in Pau, they were all high above the ground, standing in the Nine Heavens and descending thunder.

  Like a magician, it bombards from a distance.

  But now, he actually took the initiative to confront an extraordinary wild cat.


  Eyes widened, many Transcendents who hadn't left were surprised.

  "Lord Thunderbird is so terrifying in melee combat?"

  "I rub it, it's a bit exciting to fight with mutant beasts."

  "It's terrifying, this is a professional..."

  "This is too cruel."

  In the repeated exclamations, many supernatural beings are horrified.

  Looking at their eyes, a few hundred meters away, a figure full of thunder light, opened the way with fists and legs, and actually suppressed the extraordinary black cat.

  However, not only these extraordinary people, but even a few big men who had just had a relationship with Liu Zimo came back secretly.

  "I rub it, he really is Lord Thunderbird."

  With a strange cry, this big man with a beard also laughed.

  He actually spoke to Lord Thunderbird just now.

  Moreover, Lord Thunderbird smiled at him.

  At this time, if Liu Zimo knew what this big man was thinking, he would definitely look stiff.

  A woman is fine.

  It's a little exciting for a man to think the same way.

  It's just that at this time, Liu Zimo didn't know this.

  Now he is fighting with this extraordinary black cat wholeheartedly.


  In the terrifying neighing, this extraordinary black cat jumped violently, rushing towards Liu Zimo, and the fangs in its mouth spit out at an unknown time.

  However, at this moment, as if she had noticed something, her body was in midair with a distortion that was beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

  Then, dangerously and dangerously, he avoided Liu Zimo's whip leg.

  "Good guy."

  With a strange cry, Liu Zimo was also surprised, this extraordinary black cat is so smart.

  Can this be avoided?

  However, no hurry.

  Play slowly.

  He is also determined to sharpen his strength.

  If he really wants to kill, it is estimated that at the moment of the collision, he will be able to kill this extraordinary black cat in seconds.

  Don't underestimate the current Liu Zimo.

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