And the reality is the same.

  Therefore, now, adhering to the principle of prudence, Liu Zimo also prioritizes checking his talents before fighting.

  Even if it consumes some Dao points, it doesn't matter.

  Dao point, you can continue to kill and harvest.

  There is only one life.

  This is not a game.

  One mistake, one accident, and it's gone.



  In the sudden roar, countless information also poured into Liu Zimo's mind.

  [Innate ability brute force - Compared with the ordinary mutant giant bull, its power is even more terrifying. Under the full force of the explosion, it has five times as much as the ordinary mutant giant bull, in the true sense of the mountain cracking. 】

  Watching quietly, combined with this mutant bison, that muscle like a mountain, Liu Zimo also decisively dissipated the thunder light from his hand...

  This guy...a bit ruthless.

  It really exerts its power to the extreme.

  If Liu Zimo is stupid and melee combat, it is estimated that he will fly out like a cannonball in the next second.

  So, keep the distance, be sure to keep the distance.

  However, at this time, looking at the supernatural beings gradually gathering around...

  These superhumans are all hunting in the wild.

  Now attracted by his fighting.

  But, now is not a good time to get close.

  Therefore, with the surging spiritual power, Liu Zimo also faced the surroundings and said:

  "Stay far away, this mutant bison is very ferocious."

  The sound waves are rolling, and Liu Zimo's voice is also within a kilometer, and everyone can hear it.

  This is another kind of spiritual skill.

  The spiritual power is given to the sound, to the point of sound shocking kilometers.

  "What? Even Lord Thunder Dragon said that."

  "I wipe, yo..."

  "Can't be offended, can't be offended, quickly find a safe place."

  In the continuous narration, these extraordinary people also retreated decisively.

  As for some brainless guys who continued to approach, Liu Zimo didn't care either.

  He is not a saint.

  All that should be reminded.

  Don't blame him when he will die.

  And at this moment,


  In the very dull roar, the mutant bison in the distance also wiped the ground with its hind limbs, and slammed towards Liu Zimo.

  "Boom, boom, boom..."

  During the earthquake, even Liu Zimo's eyes narrowed slightly.

  However, the Thunder Armor was already wrapped around the body.

  The speed mode is not known when it will be turned on, and Liu Zimo's reflex nerves are also greatly enhanced.

  At this moment, the speed of this mutant bison has slowed down considerably in Liu Zimo's eyes.


  With a simple step back, Liu Zimo also avoided the collision of this mutant bison.

  However, the next moment,


  Accompanied by an extremely terrifying loud noise, a giant tree that was hugged by the two of them shattered violently, without even a moment's effort to support it, it was already shattered under the horns.


  Taking a deep breath, countless transcendents watching from a distance were also horrified.

  The destructive power of this mutant bison is a bit terrifying.

  However, it is.

  Mutated cows are good at strength.

  And this mutant black bull, based on this, has a brute force that far exceeds that of the same family.

  It can be said without hesitation, if it rushed into the city.

  Without considering its strength, it can charge again and again, destroying countless buildings in the city.

  Ordinary cattle, plowing the fields.

  But this one can cultivate fields in the city and in the steel and cement.

  That's the horror of it.

  And this time, it was a hit.

  This mutant bison also turned around with a swaying head, turned slowly, and looked at Liu Zimo again.


  In another roar, it actually launched a charge again.

  simple and direct,

  But not as scary.

  However, Liu Zimo is not a guy who sits still.

  With a sneer, Liu Zimo also clenched a long black knife in his right hand.

  The sword is too brittle to resist.

  Or this black knife made of iron alloy, okay.

  "Chidori Blade..."

  While whispering, Liu Zimo chose to use the skill of Chidori to strengthen the sharp blade again.

  "Stab, stab..."

  The hazy purple electric light spread on the blade, and Liu Zimo also raised the sword violently, rushing towards the mutant black bull.

  Although, with his various long-range skills, he was able to chop this mutated bison to death unscathed.

  But how can there be such a blood-seeing stimulus.

  Moreover, he has the heart to polish his strength.

  You must know that in the beast tide in the future, he can't make any mistakes.

  Once there is a mistake, it will be overwhelmed by endless mutant beasts.

  But in this almost one-on-one battle, he can make mistakes.

  Allow yourself to make two mistakes.

  Only in this way can he continue to polish his fighting skills.

  The real powerhouses were all killed in the sea of ​​blood and corpses.


  And at the next moment, the roar continued, and the lightning flashed.

  The two figures collided with each other under the gaze of countless extraordinary people.


  The black knives all over the thunder light slashed fiercely on the head of the mutant black bull that collided with.


  As if the sound of a sharp blade piercing the body, Liu Zimo's long knife tore apart the defense of this extraordinary black bull in an instant.

  But at the next moment, Liu Zimo's face changed.

  Really changed.

  A terrifying to the extreme power, suddenly passed along the blade.

  It made his arms start to vibrate.

  "I wipe..."

  With a strange cry, Liu Zimo's whole body flew out like a cannonball.


  With a loud noise, a huge pothole appeared on the ground hundreds of meters away.

  And Liu Zimo climbed up from the wobbly wormhole.

  No injuries.

  It just looks horrible.

  But Liu Zimo's internal organs were tumbling for a while...

  The corners of his eyes couldn't stop twitching, but Liu Zimo knew that he still underestimated the brute force of this mutant black bull.

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