Of course, Liu Zimo was not feeling well.

  This mutant black cow is also not feeling well.

  A deep bloodstain appeared on his forehead, and the scarlet blood flowed downstream, dyeing his eyes red, making the world under the eyes of this mutant black bull turn into a scarlet color.

  And under the stimulation of this blood, this mutant black bull was even more tyrannical.

  As the spiritual power continued to spurt, a terrifying oppression also came.

  However, Liu Zimo has long been used to this.

  With one hand, he shook it in the air, dispelling the numbness in his right hand, and Liu Zimo also tightened the long knife in his hand again.

  "Let our battle be more violent."

  As always, Liu Zimo, who was shrouded in thunder, rushed towards the mutant black bull not far away like a god of war.

  "Boom, boom, boom..."

  The roar does not stop, the battle does not stop.

  The terrifying battle spread even more than a thousand meters.

  Everything in front of the mutant black bull was constantly torn and shattered under his enormous power.

  Even boulders as large as several meters were instantly shattered.

  But only Liu Zimo is extremely flexible, and his figure is terrifying.

  Constantly dodging the collision of the mutant black bull, the black knife wrapped in thunder light in his hand slashed fiercely again and again.

  The scars are constantly appearing on the mutant black cow,

  The blood gradually dyed its body red...

  The more violent, the more manic.

  The flow of too much blood made his brain a little hypoxic.

  Even the neighing is getting weaker.

  It's just that it's even more fierce...

  However, being cruel is useless.

  What awaits him is destined to be another victory for Liu Zimo.

  Raise the sword! !


  In the soft whisper, the dark clouds gathered in the sky unexpectedly dropped a purple lightning bolt, and it was even more fiercely pierced on Liu Zimo's long knife.

  "Zi La Z La..."

  The purple thunder light suddenly shone brightly, illuminating the sky.

  At this time, Liu Zimo took the posture of drawing a knife again.

  "Thunderbolt flashes... swiftly..."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo's figure disappeared in an instant.

  The storm blew up in an instant.

  Even some powerful Transcendents just saw an astonishing lightning flash from a distance.



  Accompanied by the sound of tearing flesh and blood, the body of the far-away mutant black cow gradually solidified.

  It can be seen with the naked eye that there is a bloodstain between his eyebrows...

  From eyebrows to body,

  From body to tail...

  Until the entire mutant black cow's body is divided into two...

  Blood spurted out more than ten meters high. .

Chapter 101

  If only someone could turn killing into an art.

  Then, countless extraordinary people believe that there is only one person.

  That's Thunder Dragon! !

  He really turned killing into an art.

  An astonishing and shocking art.

  Gorgeous moves, slashing slashes, and that flashing purple lightning...

  All of these are all about a dimension called 'art'.

  This is true art.

  "It's so beautiful, so beautiful. It's really a visual pleasure to watch Thunder Dragon kill mutant beasts..."

  A woman, a woman with a long knife on her back, looked at the figure standing quietly on the ground, her eyes couldn't stop flickering.

  She had already heard that Thunder Dragon's killing was beautiful.

  But now that she saw it with her own eyes, she was even more shocked.

  Catch a dazzling thunder light from the sky, and then make a posture of drawing a sword... An instant kill split this mutant bison in two.

  Such a scene is truly shocking.

  Not only her, but the extraordinary people around her were all shocked.

  Thunder Dragon's killing is really beautiful.

  Although killing, it is very strange to describe it as beauty.

  But describing the killing of Thunder Dragon is definitely no problem.

  Just because it's really an art.

  A fascinating art.

  But now, on the ground, the long knife is slowly returning to its sheath, and the thunder light in the depths of Liu Zimo's eyes is also slowly dimmed until it disappears.

  It's just that he still stands quietly on the ground, not moving.

  he is tasting,

  Savor the battle just now.

  It also sums up the gains.

  "First, use the thunder and raging waves to simulate the weather, lower the thunder, then use the black knife to catch the thunder, greatly increasing the power of the black knife, and finally use the lightning speed of a thunderbolt to slash in an instant... until it is divided into two. "

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo felt that there were some fly in the ointment.

  This set of combos consumes too much of the mind.

  Can only be used as an undercard.

  not as a regular move.

  However, it is.

  Can you use two powerful skills at one time?

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo also described himself in one sentence.

  "The rest doesn't matter, it's over for being handsome."

  Yes, handsome is over.

  At least, with this set of tricks, he made himself handsome.

  If before, the spiritual power surged, covering the body and blocking the blood falling from the sky, it would be more perfect.

  With this in mind, Liu Zimo also felt that there were some fly in the ointment.

  Now, covered in blood, it seemed that he had to go back and change his clothes.


  With a sigh, Liu Zimo also slowly turned around.

  However, before he could approach the body of the mutant black bull, several big men rushed up.

  "Lord Thunder Dragon, let's dispose of the corpse for you. I came from a pig-killing background, so I'm sure there will be no problem."

  Listening to this simple and honest voice, and looking at this somewhat familiar face, Liu Zimo also remembered these few people. It was the warm-hearted man he bumped into when he came to the wild in Hangzhou for the first time.

  "Okay, trouble uncle."

  Nodding, Liu Zimo did not refuse.

  It's a good thing that someone can help with this.

  As for the cost, that's fine.

  They will be delighted when they are given some mutated black beef.

  And Liu Zimo does not reject this.

  Looking for someone to do things, of course, to give back.

  No plain good intentions.

  Of course, this is not some fanatical.

  For these fans, Liu Zimo didn't understand either.

  It is conceivable to stay at the base for three days and three nights just to see Liu Zimo's girl.

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