It is unimaginable, but Liu Zimo has actually seen it.

  And she finally fell into a coma because of seeing Liu Zimo.

  Until now, Liu Zimo is unforgettable.

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo also found a place to rest and prepare to recover some physical strength.

  However, at this time, Liu Zimo didn't know that the corners of his eyes could not stop twitching as he looked at the strong men who were extremely skilled at cutting the corpse of the mutant black cow.

  "It's them again. This is the first time they rushed out to help Lord Thunder Dragon and deal with the corpse~' ."

  "Good guy, they found a fat man."

  "Tsk tsk, to be honest, I'm envious."

  "Me too."

  In the repeated sighs, they have no choice.

  Who let them not have such skills.

  Looking up, their extremely skilled techniques, their amazing knife skills...

  As expected of a pig-killer.

  Nothing to say.

  But for these, Liu Zimo didn't know.

  Sitting under a tree, leaning on the black long knife with one hand and leaning his back against the tree, Liu Zimo also closed his eyes, rested his mind, and waited for a few uncles not far away to dispose of the corpse.

  The corpse of the mutant beast, it is best to deal with it as soon as possible.

  Processing in advance can lock the spiritual power and ensure that the spiritual power will not flow away.

  And these guys, obviously experienced, have prepared a lot of ice cubes and even a freezer.

  "When you go hunting in the future, you can take them with you."

  While murmuring in his heart, Liu Zimo also knew that he needed this kind of talent.

  Yes, talent.

  This is talent.

  Moreover, with this group of uncles, handling the corpse for him can save him a lot of trouble.

  Just, at this moment,

  "Lord Thunder Dragon, do you want to drink water?"

  Suddenly, a very nice voice came from Liu Zimo's ear.

  When his eyelids trembled, Liu Zimo also opened his eyes,

  And at the next moment, a girl was imprinted in her eyes.

  He looks seventeen or eighteen,

  A melon face, looks very beautiful.

  Bright pupils, very clear, reflected a young man in black.

  "you are?"

  In a daze, Liu Zimo heard the voice from Uncle Yuan Yuan.

  "Lord Thunder Dragon, then I'm the little girl. This is the first time he came out to hunt with us."

  "You're hunting, do you still bring your daughter?"

  With a chuckle, Liu Zimo also took the mineral water that the girl handed over.


  With a grin, the big man in the distance said with a smile:

  "Don't look at how weak my daughter is, she is much stronger than me."

  "Is that so?"

  A little stunned, Liu Zimo's eyes turned to this girl again.

  Good guy, he just didn't notice it.

  Only now did he discover that this girl was an extraordinary person who had awakened her talent.

  Moreover, it has reached the sixth level.

  "Are you still studying?"

  Somewhat curious, Liu Zimo was surprised by the youngness and tenderness of this little girl.


  Nodding, this girl bit her lip, feeling a little uncomfortable:

  "But now, unlike before, there are not many who can go to school."


  After a while of silence, Liu Zimo was also stunned.

  It seems that it is.

  The aura recovered, and countless mutant beasts were constantly mutating.

  Except for a few schools, most of the other schools have stopped functioning.

  The safety of students is one aspect.

  What's more important is that most of today's students have no intention of going to school and live in fear every day. How can they learn knowledge and culture?

  Thinking of this, Liu Zimo was also a little helpless:

  "Don't worry, when the situation stabilizes, you will be able to study."

  In the soft remark, Liu Zimo's face also showed a firm color.

  Let students have a chance to study.

  This is a must.

  Civilization needs inheritance,

  If there are not many students in this generation, then the consequences in the future can be imagined.

  However, the safety of students is indeed another issue.

  "I heard that the Spirit Power Bureau is preparing for the Transcendent Academy."

  As if thinking of something, Liu Zimo's eyes couldn't stop flickering.

  Transcendent Academy, a school for cultivating extraordinary people.

  However, its entry requirements are very harsh.

  That is, the talent must be awakened.

  But the problem is that people who awaken their talents are one in a thousand.

  Even if the concentration of aura continues to rise, there are not many extraordinary people who awaken their talents.

  And this, is destined to be able to go to the Transcendent Academy, there are not many students.



  After a while of silence, Liu Zimo's face also showed a complex color.

  We must find a way to bring more students back to the academy.

  This is an extraordinary person, the most basic responsibility.

  They protect not only the safety of human beings, but also the inheritance of human beings from generation to generation.

  However, at this moment, when he raised his eyes, Liu Zimo also looked at this girl.

  He was somewhat looking forward to this girl's talent.

  Now, he is used to checking the talents of others.

  More than just in case.

  It is more to find some interesting talents and enrich their own means.

  Just like the transparent world before, it is very fun.

  He used this talent to bully Ice Girl and Sister Qin for several days.

  Until now, the two girls looked at Liu Zimo with vigilant eyes, eager to kill him.

  Thinking of this, Liu Zimo couldn't help but laugh.

  As for how to explain these talents, it is not difficult.

  Simply put, it's good to develop.

  He is able to develop various skills,

  Occasionally develop some strange skills, but also understand.

  As for whether others can develop it, it has nothing to do with him.

  He is a genius, a famous genius.

  Now in various forums and online, he is called 'skill master', 'movement creator'...

  Those gorgeous and terrifying moves, one after another, are all eye-catching.

  ordinary extraordinary,

  No, even an extraordinary person who has set foot on the extraordinary first-order, there is not one or two moves that can be used, but Thunder Dragon is better, and the shots are all kinds of terrifying skills.

  And all this, even the director of the General Bureau of Spiritual Power, this unfathomable powerhouse is due to talent.


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