The most elusive thing in this world.

  In the old days, some people were still struggling with math exams, but some people climbed to the highest hall of mathematics at a young age, and they were amazed again and again.

  Is this something that ordinary people can understand?

  certainly can't understand,

  Don't even think about it.

  And this is genius.

  A true genius is an existence that ordinary people dare not even imagine.

  And Thunder Dragon is undoubtedly a genius.

  A genius standing at the top of countless people.

  Still an all-around genius.

  A skill master who is good at developing various moves...

  Fighting master who is good at fighting...

  There is also a master of the art of killing that can be called 'art'...

  Some people even said that 'Thunder Dragon is already a monster beyond genius'.

  In this regard, Liu Zimo just smiled.

  The family knows their own affairs.

  He was never a genius,

  only count...


  With a sigh, Liu Zimo was shocked.

  Just because at this time, countless information poured into his mind.

  [Possessed animals - able to possess their own souls on various animals and (fortunately) mutant beasts, and then control their bodies... You can only control one at a time... While controlling, The main body will fall into a deep sleep. If the main body has an accident during this period, then it will never go back... Permanently lose the body...]

  Looking at it blankly, Liu Zimo was also silent.

  And this talent...


  As his eyes flickered, Liu Zimo also looked at this beautiful girl with a melon face.

  I didn't expect such a beautiful embryo to awaken such a strange talent.

  This talent, I am afraid that someone needs to escort it.

  If no one guards the main body, then the consequences are conceivable.

  Moreover, not only that, she wants to possess herself, and it is estimated that she also needs this mutant beast not to resist her.

  The best way not to resist is for someone to hunt mutant beasts for her, and even destroy her spiritual consciousness for her...

  Simply put, this is a talent that needs to rely on others.

  If there is only one girl, then it is difficult for her talent to be transformed into a powerful fighting force.

  And this is conceivable.

  After all, how could she hunt powerful mutant beasts alone?

  Without the mighty beast as her body,

  How could she have an amazing fighting power?

  This is a chain relationship.

  One by one.

  With this in mind, Liu Zimo is also curious:

  "Do you know your ability and talent?"

  "I know."

  Nodding her head, the girl also suddenly leaned into Liu Zimo's ear, as if whispering, and said happily:

  "I seem to be able to control ordinary animals. The last time I controlled a bird, it was so cute. I also controlled a small fish, blowing bubbles in the fish pond..." No.

Chapter 102

  Listening quietly, Liu Zimo was silent.

  Visible to the naked eye, the corners of his eyes twitched uncontrollably.

  Good guy,

  Does this girl really know her talent?

  Do you really understand the horror of her talent?

  Not everyone has Liu Zimo's ability to see through talent.

  Most people's talents rely on their own continuous exploration, and then develop bit by bit.

  However, there is another point, that is, many superhumans do not realize the true power of their talents.

  Just like the girl in front of me,

  All she knew was that her talent was capable of manipulating animals,

  But she didn't realize that her talent was capable of controlling even powerful mutant beasts.

  If this finds her a very powerful mutant beast, I am afraid that it will be able to create a very powerful combat power in a short time.

  Moreover, it is far more powerful than ordinary people understand.

  Just because the mutant beasts have wisdom.

  But their intellect was just born,

  How can it be smarter than humans.

  To put it bluntly, they only relied on the physique far beyond human beings to suppress human beings.

  And if they have human wisdom in the true sense, they will understand development and make rational use of their own skills.

  Then their combat power, I am afraid there will be an amazing improvement.

  In front of him, this little girl has such potential.

  With the body of a powerful mutant beast, it also carries the wisdom of human beings.

  Thoughts are flying, Liu Zimo is also moved.

  Really moved.

  He felt like he had found a treasure.

  "Find this girl an extraordinary creature and let her control..."

  Suddenly such an idea came to mind, but Liu Zimo thought of something even more handsome.

  That is if this girl controls some mutant beasts with huge bodies.

  Then it can completely transform into a reloaded tank and shock the entire beast tide.

  Single-handedly, deep in the beast tide to kill a bloody path.

  And it doesn't matter if you die in battle.

  After all, it was just one of her manipulative bodies, in short, a puppet.

  She has as many bodies as she wants.

  And if there is a huge force behind her to support her, she will cultivate the bodies of powerful mutant beasts one after another.

  So please don't doubt that this seemingly weak little girl has the terrifying power to destroy a beast tide.

  You know, although she can only control one mutant beast now.

  It doesn't mean that she can only control one mutant beast all the time.

  Capabilities can be continuously developed.

  The power is also growing...

  Looking at this girl blankly, Liu Zimo was also rarely excited.

  This is the best gift that God has given him in recent times.

  Yes, God gave him the best gift.

  As for why it is the best gift for him.

  Of course, Liu Zimo planned to include her in the movie.

  A girl like this is enough to be called a 'Strategic Extraordinary'.

  Its terrifying potential is enough to draw anyone's attention.

  And Liu Zimo is one of the few, with the ability to cultivate her existence.

  In terms of resources, his firm is almost complete.

  There are already several teams under his command.

  In terms of ability, his strength has already reached the extraordinary first-order great perfection, and he can't find a few in the whole body.

  As for the development of abilities, Liu Zimo instructed her, and it was no problem for a hundred.

  So... not only for her, it is also a great honor for this girl to meet Liu Zimo.

  This is mutual.

  Both are good for each other.

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