Liu Zimo saw her talent, and she also needed Liu Zimo's training and help.

  As for why Liu Zimo didn't directly deduce her abilities.

  Sorry, Liu Zimo is not suitable for this talent.

  He feels his body is more important.

  No matter how terrifying mutant beasts are, they are not as good as their own body.


  That's it.

  But now... Thoughts are constantly flying, Liu Zimo has a very kind smile on his face, and asks softly:

  "What's your name?"

  "My name is Yuyan, Wang Yuyan. My father likes the martial arts novel Tianlong... Then he gave me such a name, hoping that I would become a knowledgeable girl like Wang Yuyan."

  Listening to the girl's voice quietly, Liu Zimo also glanced in surprise at the burly man, Old Wang, who was busy cutting the corpse not far away.

  I didn't see it, that uncle actually likes to read martial arts novels.

  She also gave her daughter such a name.

  "Yes, yes, your name is very nice, and you are like the girl in the novel, knowledgeable and polite..."

  In the soft praise, Liu Zimo also did not hesitate to praise his words.


  Nodding slightly, the girl slowly buried her head,

  It was obvious to the naked eye that there was a blush on her face.


  Really shy.

  Facing Liu Zimo's compliments, she was really shy, and even started to grab the corners of her clothes with both hands, seemingly at a loss.

  This is Lord Thunder Dragon.

  Now the new star in the extraordinary world is also the top powerhouse in Hangzhou.

  This kind of existence, in the old times, is the horror of top stars, even more than top stars.

  Therefore, being praised by such a big man, Wang Yuyan, who has just grown up, can't stand it.

  It's just, I don't know if it's an illusion, she feels that Lord Thunder Dragon seems to be very affectionate to her.

  At some point, he invited her to sit next to him and started talking in various whispers.

  In a trance, it was like becoming her big brother.


  "Hey, Old Wang, look, look..."

  "what happened?"

  In a little stunned, Old Wang also looked in the direction of the old friend's finger.

  And at the next moment, what caught his eye was that it was his precious daughter, sitting together with Lord Thunder Dragon, as if he had endless things to say.

  From time to time, he even covered his mouth and chuckled...a 'creaky' laughter.


  After a while of silence, Old Wang's mood was more complicated.

  Women's colleges don't stay, or...

  However, for a moment, as if thinking of something, a smile appeared on his face.

  If his daughter can really be with Lord Thunder Dragon, that's not bad.

  Today's era is different from the past.

  Having the strong to take care of, and not having the strong to take care of, are two completely different concepts.

  And this, he has been hunting in the wild for a long time in recent days, and he feels it most clearly.

  And Lord Leilong is also powerful and has a good reputation. Old Wang even felt that his own daughter was not worthy of her.

  "Ha ha..."

  In the sudden smirk, Old Wang pretended not to see it, and continued to do the cutting work.


  Time passed slowly, and half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

  And this time, Liu Zimo unexpectedly chose to walk with others.

  Now he is sitting quietly in the back of the big truck.

  And Wang Yuyan was also sitting next to her carefully.

  Although it looks a little nervous, it is much better than before.

  As for his locomotive, it was given to a friend of Wang Yuyan's father to ride...

  At this time, the breeze was blowing, and the girl also picked up a strand of blue silk that covered the corner of her eyes, and asked curiously:

  "Lord Leilong, why do you want to go back with us? I remember that you seem to like to walk alone and rarely go with others."

  "I said, I am for you, do you believe it?"

  With a sudden smile, Liu Zimo did not hide his thoughts.


  Her face froze slightly, the girl's cheeks also flushed red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her entire head was buried fiercely.

  "That...that...Lord Thunder Dragon, I'm still young...I..."

  Among the stammering voices, the girl's mind was dazed.

  This speech like a confession made her a little overwhelmed.

  If others say so, that's fine.

  Although she will be nervous and uneasy, but she will never be like this.

  And all this, just because this is Lord Thunder Dragon,


  handsome in appearance,

  The character is even better...

  A proper male god, and the kind of male god enough to make her heart move.

  And her male god suddenly said this to her... that is, she is reserved...

  Change to a girl with an open personality, I'm afraid that at night... go to his room... and then...

  "You must have misunderstood."

  In the awkward voice, Liu Zimo also noticed the inappropriateness of his language.

  "I'm for your talent, not your people."

  "However, that's not right. Your talent is only yours. It seems that there is no problem with saying that it is for your people..."

  Having said that, Liu Zimo was also pondering which way of expression would be better.


  After a while of pondering, Liu Zimo also changed to a more direct way of expression.

  "I'm not jealous of your body, I'm for your potential. I feel that you have the potential to become a strong man, so I plan to take you into the real extraordinary world..."

  Direct, really direct...

  Directly to Wang Yuyan's face, her face was flushed, like a red apple.

  Well, she did misunderstand.

  However, Lord Thunder Dragon's words are too direct.

  jealous of your body...

  Wang Yuyan was really overwhelmed by these words.

  However, for some unknown reason, Wang Yuyan was still a little disappointed.

  Moreover, if you pay attention at this time, you will definitely be able to detect the speed of her heartbeat, which is not normal.

  However, this is not important.

  The important thing is to change the subject quickly.

  "Lord Thunder Dragon, isn't my talent very powerful? It's worth your attention."

  Among the curious voices, Wang Yuyan tried her best to suppress her heartbeat and nervousness.


  Nodding, Liu Zimo also praised:

  "Your talent, although not the strongest I've ever seen, is the most bizarre talent I've ever seen. If you develop it well, it has great potential."

  Having said that, Liu Zimo also stretched out his right hand and invited:

  "Then, are you willing to join my office, Thunder Hall?"

  Looking at this black-haired young man, Wang Yuyan was also rarely stunned.

  Lord Thunder Dragon, actually invited her to join the office, Thunder Hall?



  You must know that the office of Lord Thunder Dragon is now something that others want to enter when they break their heads.

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