This is equivalent to the star studio of the old days.

  An extraordinary person wants to join.

  But until now, few extraordinary people have been able to join.

  And all of this is because the Thunder Dragon's office, Lei Ming Hall, pursues the principle of not being too much.

  Dedicated to building the most elite team,

  Every extraordinary person who joins is not one in a thousand.

  But it is also one in a thousand.

  Moreover, regardless of character or talent, it is the best choice.

  But now, the owner of the firm, Mr. Lei Long, who is eager to join the countless extraordinary people, is actually inviting her to be an ordinary girl?



  Really stunned.

  "Why, don't you want to?"

  Suddenly, some regretful voices echoed in the air, but Wang Yuyan reacted violently, and hurriedly shook her head:

  "No, no... I am very happy that Lord Thunder Dragon can invite me, but I feel that my talent is not enough to join... I may disappoint Lord Thunder Dragon."

  In the somewhat nervous and uneasy voice, the girl buried her head again,

  It's cramped, and it's uneasy.

  Silver teeth are biting their thin lips tightly...

  "No, I trust my vision, and I trust you more."

  In the narration again, Liu Zimo also raised his hand and looked at the girl in front of him expectantly.

  Until shortly after...

  While very anxious, the girl finally raised her right hand...

  Soft and boneless, very smooth.

  These four words popped up in his heart, and Liu Zimo also released his right hand for the first time.

  Although he appreciates beauty.

  But as for taking advantage of a girl.

  For now though...very good.

  Wang Yuyan agreed to join his firm.

  Then, next, you can directly shift the focus of the office to her.

  She deserves to be nurtured...

  According to Liu Zimo's guess, in less than a month, there will be an extra extraordinary combat power in his office, Lei Ming Hall.

  Moreover, it is still the kind of extremely amazing extraordinary first-order. .

Chapter 103

  It is worth mentioning here that Liu Zimo's office is named 'Thunder Hall'.

  Corresponding to the Thunder in charge of Liu Zimo.

  Originally, I was going to call it 'Lei Ming', or 'Shen Lei', but after thinking about it, it lost some flavor.

  Then, in the discussion of the crowd, a word was added after 'thunder',

  It is called 'Thunder Hall'.

  Don't think this name is very middle school.

  This is much better than the West, and other places.

  Like the Knights of the Round Table of the Empire Never Sets...

  The holy church of a small country.~..

  There is also a very mysterious dark council...-


  These famous forces one after another all came out of myths and even legends.

  It's become a reality little by little.

  Moreover, in terms of secondary school level, they are not much worse than Liu Zimo's Thunder Hall.

  At least Liu Zimo personally feels that the Lei Ming Temple is much better than the office created by Yan Quan, the Yan God Sect...

  Of course, fifty steps, not a hundred times laughing...

  However, when he went to the Spiritual Power Bureau to register, Liu Zimo felt the strange gaze of the director of the Spiritual Power Bureau, Mr. Huang, and was also a little embarrassed.

  "Young is good."

  With a sigh, Huang Lao did not have the name of a joke.

  Instead, it is more supportive.

  Although this name is a bit of a middle school, it is indeed domineering and arrogant enough...

  It's okay to be arrogant when you're young.

  Moreover, Thunder Dragon is also qualified to take this name.

  After all, he is one of the most powerful people in the world.

  There's nothing wrong with getting it.

  Therefore, Thunder Hall has also become the final name of Liu Zimo Office.

  Now, if you go to Liu Zimo Office,

  You can definitely see the three words 'Thunder Hall' in a very huge base, shining brightly.


  And not long after that, Liu Zimo also instructed Uncle Wang and others to drive the car directly towards his base.

  "Uncle Wang, are you really considering moving to my base directly?"

  In a soft voice, Liu Zimo, who just got off the bus, also invited Wang Yuyan's father, Uncle Wang, to go to his base to settle down.

  "No, no... I won't go. There are many people in my family, and there are a group of brothers. I just hope Lord Leilong can take care of my little girl more."

  Uncle Wang was also a little stunned in the continuous remarks.

  Unexpectedly, Lord Leilong would value his daughter's talent, and even invited his daughter to join him.

  However, this is a good thing.

  A proper good thing.

  Therefore, Uncle Wang did not refuse, but repeatedly explained that his daughter should be well-behaved and sensible.

  "That's for sure, I will take care of Yuyan like a younger sister."

  Saying so, Liu Zimo also gave Uncle Wang a card:

  "This is my phone number, you can contact me when you need it."

  "and also..."

  When the words fell, Liu Zimo also took out a lot of the flesh and blood of the extraordinary bison and gave it to Uncle Wang:

  "Take these back with you."

  "No, no, it's too precious."

  Looking at the two huge corbels that Liu Zimo handed over, this strong man was also surprised and waved his hands again and again.

  This is really precious.

  Money can no longer measure.

  After all, this is the flesh and blood of an extraordinary creature, and it is no exaggeration to describe it as 'valuable' and 'invaluable'.


  "It's okay, you can take it, this is what you should be, just treat it as Yuyan's first month's welfare."

  Having said that, Liu Zimo also directly stuffed these into Uncle Wang's hands.

  For now, hunting extraordinary creatures is not difficult.

  So, he doesn't care about that either.

  And Uncle Wang is Yuyan's father anyway, so he should also take care of him.

  Now Liu Zimo has decided. In the future, Uncle Wang and his team will be the office and the most direct person in charge of dealing with the corpses of mutant beasts.

  His base is huge.

  In addition to the necessary extraordinary combat power, one team after another is also required.

  There is a team of chefs in charge of cooking.

  There is a team of secretary Liu Yayu who is responsible for trivial matters and docking work.

  And now, Uncle Wang's team responsible for dealing with mutant corpses...

  And this is also a need for power.

  If you want a force to become really strong, all kinds of logistical support must be done in place.

  With this in mind, Liu Zimo also looked forward to it.

  he looked forward to,

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