Looking forward to the day when the Thunder Hall of the Office will stand on the top of the earth, with a splendid name.


  And not long after sending Uncle Wang and the others away, Liu Zimo also brought Wang Yuyan directly to a very large base.

  "My God, is this our base?"

  Looking at the huge building standing on the ground not far away, Wang Yuyan's eyes flashed with shock.

  Surrounded by towering old trees and shady...

  In the depths of the trees, there is a building with glazed tile roofs, just like a golden island.

  very beautiful.

  Even more breathtaking.

  And this is the base of the Thunder Hall.

  Huge and shocking.

  Although there are still many facilities that have not been built inside, from the outside, it is already shocking.

  And this is the top firm in Hangcheng today.

  It is also a strong barrier to defend Hangcheng.


  Nodding slightly, Liu Zimo also took Wang Yuyan and walked directly towards the depths of the base.

  And shortly after that.

  "Boss... are you back?"

  "Brother Thunder Dragon..."

  "Zimo...you're finally back."

  Among the repeated openings, many people came out to greet him.

  An ice girl with icy blue long hair,

  There is also a very hot sister Qin in a white uniform...

  Also, it's Li Feng, who is cultivating iron sand palms... wait...

  "I brought back a new member today."

  With a loud laugh, Liu Zimo also introduced this new partner to many extraordinary people.

  "Name, Wang Yuyan, the ability is possessed animal. I am eighteen years old this year... I will be a member of our team from now on."

  When the words fell, a very warm applause also sounded,

  Ling Wang Yuyan was a little embarrassed.

  However, many people are still curious about Wang Yuyan's abilities.

  "Possessed animals?"

  In a little astonishment, the twin sister Suzune also asked curiously:

  "Your ability is to possess other animals and control them?"


  Nodding slightly, Wang Yuyan also said a little embarrassedly:

  "I can only possess some ordinary animals, it's useless."


  With a response, many people's faces showed a touch of disappointment.

  They thought that the members that Thunder Dragon brought back this time were terrifying?

  I didn't expect that it was just the ability to manipulate animals.

  However, at this time, Sister Qin, who knew Liu Zimo well, raised her eyebrows:

  She is a little younger brother, but her eyes are vicious.

  If it is really simple to control animals, he will never bring this girl back at will.

  In this regard, Liu Zimo did not make any extra explanation.

  It's a secret.

  At least for now.

  When he trains Wang Yuyan well, it will definitely surprise people.

  For this, Liu Zimo firmly believed.


  Time passed slowly, and a few days passed in a blink of an eye.

  And these days, when Liu Zimo went out hunting, he accidentally brought someone with him.

  That is Wang Yuyan.

  "I said, Brother Leilong wouldn't like Sister Yuyan, would he?"

  He smashed his mouth, and the strangest elf bell sound was also at the base, he whispered.

  "No, Thunder Dragon doesn't seem to be close to women."

  In a bit of amazement, Suzuyu was also surprised.

  "If you're not close to women, you must have not met the right person. Look at Yuyan's younger sister, she is knowledgeable and reasonable, and she is born beautiful, so it's normal to be liked..."


  After a while of silence, many figures in the base who heard the voice were stunned.

  Dude, that makes some sense.

  And, more importantly, Brontosaurus prefers to hunt alone.

  But now, he actually brings Sister Yuyan every day...

  This is indeed suspicious.

  At this time, Liu Zimo didn't know what everyone was thinking.

  Now, he is really thinking about cultivating Yuyan.

  And the reason why he took Wang Yuyan to the wild was to find a suitable 'mutated beast' for her.


  The engine roared constantly, and Liu Zimo was also riding a motorcycle and carrying Wang Yuyan on the highway.

  "What animal do you like, or rather, what animal do you like to manipulate?"

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  When suddenly asked, Liu Zimo also looked back at the girl whose face was red because of her nervousness.

  This girl is too shy.

  Just sitting on his locomotive makes his face red.

  "I like.. I like good looking..."

  Among the nervous voices, Wang Yuyan also spoke out the hearts of most girls.

  It looks good, just fine.


  Nodding slightly, Liu Zimo was also thinking about what kind of mutant beasts look good, and how powerful are they?

  It's not easy to find.

  However, as Wang Yuyan's first mutant beast,

  You can still find it for her.

  Time passed slowly, and half a day had passed in the blink of an eye.

  And for a long time, Liu Zimo was also obsessed with finding suitable mutant beasts for Wang Yuyan.

  During this period, Liu Zimo even hunted an eighth-level mutant beast for Liu Zimo.

  Just like now... Under a big tree, Liu Zimo leaned quietly.

  With a smile on his face, he looked at not far away, an orange cat...

  This orange cat is two circles bigger than the average cat and looks extremely cute.

  But it has sharp claws far beyond people's imagination, as well as speed.

  With a slight jump, it jumped up to a height of seven or eight meters.

  And now, it is such an eighth-level mutant orange cat, jumping on the grass, so happy.

  "Brother Thunder Dragon, can I really control this mutant orange cat?"


  Among the stunned voices, an inexplicable frequency also vibrated in the air.

  This is a mental frequency vibration.

  It is equivalent to the legendary Divine Sense voice transmission.

  When Wang Yuyan possessed an animal, she accidentally discovered that she could rely on this to communicate with other people.

  "Of course, that's what your talent is."

  After smiling, Liu Zimo also continued:

  "You try to accelerate with all your strength."


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