With a response, the mutated orange cat figure not far away accelerated sharply,


  Hearing a sound of breaking through the air, an orange afterimage disappeared in a flash.

  But at the next moment,

  With a 'bang' sound, in Liu Zimo's stunned eyes, this mutant orange cat bumped into a giant tree not far away.


  With a loud bang, the tree fell.

  But this mutated orange cat was also a little dumbfounded, and seemed to be uncomfortable.

  "It seems that this girl's manipulation of mutant beasts is a bit more difficult than I thought..."

  "Even if you train hard, you may not be able to exert [-]% of the strength of mutant beasts."

  While speaking softly, Liu Zimo was keenly aware of the clumsiness and rigidity of this girl's manipulation.

  After all, it is not his own body, and it is really unfamiliar to control it.

  However, no problem.

  That alone is enough.

  With Liu Zimo's care, she can completely cultivate a mutant beast that can be manipulated for a long time.

  Under the control for a long time, she will definitely be able to exert all the combat power of this mutant beast.

  It's just that it's better to find some mutant beast for her?

  Her requirements are to be good-looking and cute.

  And Liu Zimo's request for her is a strong fighting force.

  Now that the office of Thunder Hall has just been established, it needs a strong combat force...

  It is not difficult to look at these two requirements separately.

  It can be difficult to put them together.

  It needs to be good-looking, and it needs to be powerful, and at least it is an extraordinary first-order.

  I have to say, it's a bit difficult.

  Also, it's not that hard...

  But even so, Liu Zimo finally found a very suitable mutant beast after three days in the wild.

  Yes, suitable.

  Although, it is suitable for Liu Zimo unilaterally.

  But Liu Zimo felt that he might need to feel wronged for Wang Yuyan.

  However, with this girl's weak temper, she probably wouldn't reject him.

  With this in mind, Liu Zimo also tentatively asked:

  "Yuyan, if I asked you to control a mutant beast that you don't like, would you refuse?"

  "It's okay, as long as Brother Thunder Dragon likes it..."

  In the very direct response, Wang Yuyan didn't care much about it.

  Although she likes good-looking animals.

  But possessing some other animals, she can also accept it.

  As long as it's not snakes, or some more disgusting animals.towel.

Chapter 104

  Mutated beasts are mostly ugly or huge.

  Yes, there are always some exceptions.

  Like a mutant beast not far from Liu Zimo.

  He was lying quietly on a thick branch that stretched out, his body as soft as a snake clinging to the trunk, and his black claws were ready to jump from the giant tree at any time.

  Trees are not what they used to be.

  Under the nourishment of aura, most trees are getting taller and thicker.

  Individual giant trees are even enough to carry the body of a giant beast.

  In front of him, this giant tree is just like that.

  However, Liu Zimo's eyes were all on this mutant beast.

  Trendy body, great beauty.

  The body is more robust and powerful.

  Black hair like satin, draped over the body,

  A furry, thick and fluffy tail that looks extremely slender, swaying constantly behind its back.

  This is Black Panther,

  A mutant black panther.

  As the leader of all beasts, the Black Panther truly possesses both strength and beauty.

  And now, after this black panther mutates, it seems to have become the embodiment of strength and beauty.


  In the deep beast roar, as if stretching, there is an indescribable laziness.

  However, if there is nothing, the terrifying aura that comes out is still unbearable.

  This is the extraordinary Black Panther.

  A very terrifying extraordinary black panther.

  It was also the reason why Liu Zimo was staring at her.

  If Wang Yuyan can really control this extraordinary black panther, then the entire office will have a very terrifying combat power.

  So, don't hesitate,

  There is no need to hesitate, Liu Zimo shot.


  The instant acceleration was like a burst of purple electricity breaking through the air, and a terrifying aura suddenly erupted.

  At this time, in the distance, the extraordinary black panther seemed to have noticed something, and a humanized vigilance flashed in the depths of his eyes.


  She only heard a roar, and she was suddenly shocked by her extremely lazy posture.

  At the same time, a very terrifying aura also erupted.

  Dark and depressing.

  As far as the naked eye can see, the surrounding sky seems to have dimmed.

  [Elemental talent-darkness: able to control the darkness, able to restrain one's breath, melt into the darkness, and control the power of darkness...]

  In a simple introduction, it is to exhaust the terrible power of an elemental talent.

  And at this moment,


  In the deep roar, the extraordinary black panther in the distance suddenly opened his mouth.

  A faint light locked in his throat.

  Subconsciously, Liu Zimo suddenly pulled away, dodging extremely quickly.

  However, at this moment.


  In the sudden roar, a ball of dark energy the size of a basketball spewed out of the mouth of this extraordinary black panther.

  It fell into the position before Liu Zimo.


  In the roar again, there was no terrifying momentum as imagined, but Liu Zimo's pupils couldn't help shrinking.

  Just because, at this moment, where Liu Zimo was before was actually a huge pit three or four meters deep.


  But it's creepy.

  From the terrible erosive force of darkness.Shocking indeed.

  However, this is interesting.

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo no longer hides it.

  "Crack, click..."

  Countless fine arcs spewed out of his body, and his whole person was like a king of thunder, killing the extraordinary black panther.


  Suddenly, a very heart-pounding black shadow disappeared, and Liu Zimo's face changed slightly.

  "So fast."

  When his heart shook, the thunder mang around Liu Zimo was entangled in his body.

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