This is the activation of the Thunder Armor.

  It is accompanied by the speed mode of the Thunder Armor, and the nerve reflex speed is slightly enhanced.

  Liu Zimo suddenly caught the figure of the black panther.

  "Thunder Dragon's Iron Fist."

  With a sudden violent drink, Liu Zimo punched out.


  Like a snake but not a snake, like a dragon but not a dragon, a thunderous light spit around the thunder and lightning dragon, and slammed into the extraordinary black panther.



  Accompanied by a terrifying roar, in the mournful whine of the extraordinary black panther, he flew out under the wrapping of thunder.


  Completely bewildered.

  The extraordinary black panther was like a copper bell, and a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes.


  Why was this tiny human being able to keep up with his speed, and even more able to fight back?

  Some doubts, but more anger.

  The rage from an extraordinary creature.

  "Roar, roar, roar..."

  In the continuous roar, the naked eye can see that countless dark air currents rise from his limbs.

  At the same time, the fluctuation of his entire person's breath continued to decline.

  That's it, it's still sunset now,

  If this is changed to night, I am afraid that even her figure will be difficult to capture.

  Escaping into the dark is no joke.

  And this is indeed a mutant beast that lives in the dark.

  The true king of darkness.


  In the roar again, a black streamer suddenly struck from a distance.

  At the same time, a very strong elemental fluctuation also erupted.

  It can be seen with the naked eye that countless darkness has turned into sharp claws several meters long, ruthlessly tearing towards Liu Zimo.

  [Dark claws - control the power of dark elements, follow the claws, and come out, enough to tear everything. 】

  Terrible single skill.

  However, compared to skills, Liu Zimo has never been weaker than others.


  Amidst the neighing like a thousand birds chirping in unison, the dazzling thunder also erupted in an instant.


  Accompanied by the terrifying roar, purple thunder light and pitch-black darkness seemed to divide the sky in two.

  Just, at this moment,

  "Chidori·Sharp Gun..."

  In the sudden violent drink, Liu Zimo's thunder light turned into a tone spear, penetrating from the dark posture.


  Just hearing a crisp sound, the body of the extraordinary black panther shook violently,

  Accompanied by it, an extremely mournful whine resounded through the sky.

  It's just that this isn't the end,


  With a broken figure, Liu Zimo suddenly rushed towards the extraordinary black panther.

  "Boom, boom, boom..."

  In the roar after another, Liu Zimo's fist was like a shooting star, constantly smashing down.


  Extraordinary creatures are no better than those low-level mutant beasts.

  They are strong and powerful.

  Therefore, if Wang Yuyan wanted to control, Liu Zimo had to take action and severely injured him, or even on the verge of death.

  Only in this way can control be possible.

  Yes, possible.

  Specifically, Liu Zimo is also uncertain.

  However, according to what he thought, there should be no surprises.

  "Although extraordinary creatures are powerful, their intelligence has just been conceived. In terms of spirit or soul power, they are not necessarily stronger than ordinary people."

  "And they can control their bodies, so Wang Yuyan, whose soul is much stronger than them, will certainly be able to."

  While muttering in his heart, Liu Zimo's spiritual power exploded again.

  The dazzling thunder light suddenly drowned the extraordinary black panther.


  Time passed slowly, and half an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

  And at this moment,


  In the very mournful whimper, not far away, an extraordinary black panther, which was thirty meters long and a circle larger than the ordinary black panther, also propped up his body tremblingly.

  However, without her holding up again,

  Her limbs were actually weak and fell to the ground again.


  Unimaginable pain engulfed his body.

  Now she, called 'scarred', is not an exaggeration.

  Still, it's not scary.

  What's really scary is that she feels like her lungs are going to explode, and her body is filled with unprecedented heat...

  This is the characteristic of all leopards.

  They can't go through a long battle, otherwise the body won't be able to take it.

  And this, even in the extraordinary black panther, has not changed.

  Of course, in exchange, they possessed unimaginable explosive power and speed of ordinary mutant beasts.

  Therefore, their real fighting style should be like assassins in the dark night.

  If you miss a hit, run away immediately.

  If there are truly intelligent humans, they will definitely try their best to escape when the first attack fails.

  Too bad he's not human...  

  But a pure beast.



  With a sigh, Liu Zimo stared at him not far away, the extraordinary black panther full of resentment, also smiled.

  This extraordinary black panther has reached its limit.

  Not just physical injuries,

  More physical.

  The loss of a lot of physical strength is fatal.



  With the sudden acceleration, Liu Zimo's figure broke through the air in an instant.

  Immediately afterwards, before the extraordinary black panther could react, he appeared on the side of the extraordinary black panther.

  one punch,

  With just one punch, he slammed into the head of the extraordinary black panther fiercely.


  Hearing a loud bang, the extraordinary black panther fell to the ground and couldn't get up again.

  This is fainting.

  This extraordinary black panther was completely defeated by Liu Zimo, and even fainted.

  And now, it's time for Wang Yuyan to perform.


  A sudden call, far away, a girl also hurried over.

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