Immediately afterwards, she seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Liu Zimo's feet in disbelief.

  "Brother Thunder Dragon, you don't want me to possess this terrifying mutant beast."

  yes horror,

  Fighting fiercely with Brother Thunder Dragon for ten minutes is undefeated.

  It even left an injury on Brother Leilong,

  The horror of this mutant beast is absolutely conceivable.

  But now, Brother Thunder Dragon actually wanted her to control such a terrifying mutant beast.

  "Try it, I saw it, this is a female leopard..."

  Listening to Liu Zimo's remarks, Wang Yuyan blushed for some reason.

  But the next moment,

  Gritting her teeth, she also said firmly:

  "Then I'll give it a try, I will definitely not disappoint Brother Thunder Dragon."

  Saying that, she also came to this extraordinary black panther.


  In the sudden roar, she had long black hair like a waterfall, and it was automatic without wind.

  At this time, if someone can see something that ordinary people can't see, they will definitely be able to see an illusory figure the size of a slap, which actually emerged from Wang Yuyan's eyebrows, and even flew towards the eyebrows of the extraordinary black panther.

  Accompanied by it, Wang Yuyan's body seemed to have lost its strength and fell down slowly.

  This is possession, which is to attach one's own soul to an animal, not only to be able to control the animal's body, but also to be able to control their power.

  Terrible talent.

  But all along, Wang Yuyan has not made good use of it and really developed it.

  However, after she met Liu Zimo, everything was different.

  Just because Liu Zimo sensed the true power of her talent, and gave him the most reasonable guidance.


  Looking forward, Liu Zimo also murmured:

  "Don't let me down."

  Saying so, Liu Zimo also hugged Wang Yuyan's body that was about to collapse.

  While manipulating other mutant beasts, her body will enter sleep mode.

  There can be no surprises.

  Therefore, Liu Zimo will also protect his body for the first time.


  Time passed slowly, and this time the possession seemed to be longer than expected.

  But at this moment, while the eyelids trembled slightly, the extraordinary black panther lying on the ground not far away seemed to be about to wake up.

  Subconsciously vigilant, Liu Zimo's right hand also had a dazzling explosion of thunder.

  But at this moment, a pair of eyes like black gems slowly opened.

  Not as scarlet and tyrannical as before.

  Instead, it flashes a humanized color.

  Moreover, as if he didn't adapt, this extraordinary black panther kept shaking his head and roaring from time to time.

  "It hurts so much, the bones all over the body seem to fall apart..."

  Among the delicate voices, Yu Yan's voice echoed in the air.

  "you succeeded?"

  With his eyes widened, Liu Zimo, who was on guard from a distance, was also a little stunned.


  It can be seen to the naked eye that the extraordinary black panther in the distance nodded humanely, and then there was a very humane smile on his face:

  "Brother Thunder Dragon, I succeeded."

  In the smug laughter, Wang Yuyan also stood up like a little girl who wanted to wait for praise...

Chapter 105

  However, at this time, Wang Yuyan was stunned that what came out of her mouth was an extremely low and hoarse roar...


  The roar shook the night, and also caused Liu Zimo's mouth to twitch slightly.

  "This girl..."

  With a sigh, Liu Zimo also waved to Wang Yuyan.

  "Tread, step..."

  In the continuous acceleration, this extraordinary black panther actually rushed towards Liu Zimo like a big cat.

  Moreover, what made Liu Zimo even more stunned was that this extraordinary black panther actually began to stick out its tongue and lick the right hand of Liu Zimo, the eater.

  "Uh... Brother Thunder Dragon, I can't help but feel a little terrified. This reaction seems to be instinctive..."

  Among the eager voices, Wang Yuyan was also stunned.

  What the hell?

  How could she be like this?

  "It seems that the instinct of extraordinary creatures is still extremely terrifying, even if you can't suppress it."

  With a chuckle, Liu Zimo didn't care.

  And he turned his hand and touched Wang Yuyan's head.

  The hair is soft and comfortable to the touch, like silk.

  At this time, if you pay attention, you can definitely notice that the extraordinary black panther seems to enjoy Liu Zimo's stroking, and actually rubbed Liu Zimo's right hand intimately.

  However, the next moment seemed to have reacted, and the extraordinary black panther pulled back violently, and there was a humanized complexity and embarrassment on his face.

  She...seems out of control again.

  However, this is not a big problem.

  At least, Liu Zimo is very satisfied.


  Time passed slowly, and several hours passed in the blink of an eye.

  During this period of time, Wang Yuyan also roughly learned to control the body of the extraordinary creature mutant black panther.

  Even, it can break out a certain amount of combat power.

  like now,

  "Dark Claws..."

  During the sudden violent shout, a black claws three or four meters long ripped apart the night sky.

  "Crack, click..."

  The continuous trees and big trees all burst into pieces in an instant, turning into smashes.

  "very scary."

  With an exclamation, Wang Yuyan also controlled the body of a super 15 normal black panther to accelerate.


  Just hearing a sound of breaking through the air, her entire body turned into a black shadow, shuttled in the depths of the woods.


  Soon, like a ghost.

  And the speed of the extraordinary black panther should be regarded as the top among the extraordinary first-order mutant beasts.

  It's normal to have this speed.

  According to Liu Zimo's guess, the mutant beast of the same level, it is estimated that the extraordinary leopard with the thunder attribute can compete with this extraordinary black robe in speed.

  Under the full force of the explosion, it can keep up with the speed of Liu Zi's Murray Armor mode.

  The speed of this extraordinary black panther can be imagined.

  However, at this time, there was no time for Wang Yuyan to adapt more to the body of the extraordinary black panther.

  "Let's go."

  With a chuckle, Liu Zimo also hugged Wang Yuyan's body and walked towards the distance.

  "Okay, Brother Thunder Dragon."

  "I'll come right away."

  Among the repeated responses, a black leopard that was a circle larger than usual also emerged from the depths of the woods.

  However, looking at his jumping and jumping appearance, Liu Zimo also faintly noticed a little.

  That is, when controlling mutant beasts, Wang Yuyan's personality is obviously a lot more lively.

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo also took care of the blue silk on the girl's head in his arms.

  Her body should be in a deep sleep now.


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