This is due to the fact that he has been hunting outside Hangcheng for a long time in the past two months.

  Points keep accumulating.

  And these Dao points, even if they consume 20 to deduce the golden bell, there are still [-].

  Next, what skill should we deduce?

  Or, what elemental talent should be activated?

  While thinking about it, Liu Zimo thought of his eyes.

  There was divine power in his eyes.

  So there is a certain reinforcement.

  As he stared at it carefully, a tinge of blood red flashed away.

  Compared with other eyes, this eye has been greatly improved.

  Simply put, the eyes have undergone an unknown evolution.

  look further,

  See more clearly.

  And it was these eyes that made Liu Zimo think a little.

  ".〃Do I want to try, deduce the 'eye of the sky'..."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo was also thinking.

  Heavenly Eyes,

  One of the five eyes in Buddhism.Also known as Tianqu Eye, it can see through the six realms, far and near, up and down, front and back, inside and outside, and the future.

  If ordinary people have the opportunity, there should be hope.

  And Liu Zimo felt that he should have hope to open it up.

  However, after thinking about it, Liu Zimo gave up.

  Just because he thought of a better way.

  "I can wait... until I meet the person with the ability to open the eyes of the sky... In this case, I can directly deduce his ability."

  Thinking of this, Liu Zimo was also a little proud.

  He is different from others.

  When others cultivate Heavenly Eyes, they may not be able to determine what type of Heavenly Eyes they have opened.

  But what about him?

  Just keep searching, you can find the right eye for you.

  This is very good.

  "As long as you give me enough time, I will be able to constantly improve myself, practice all kinds of supernatural powers and secret methods in the world, and make up for my deficiencies."

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo also decided to store the [-] million points first.

  Next, he needs to use Dao points, and there are many more.

  And he also needs to store some Dao points for emergencies.

  This is one of his trump cards.

  There can be no surprises...

  However, at this time, Liu Zimo didn't know that something big happened in the depths of Hangzhou.

  "Chase, chase, that guy stole the burning girl..."


  "You must get back the burning girl."

  In the repeated exclamations, the entire Spirit Power Research Institute was in chaos.

  Countless personnel and extraordinary people rushed out.

  "Hahaha, it's up to you..."

  Among the wild laughter, the one standing on the wall of the high-rise building, holding a burly figure of a girl in his hand, also punched and slammed into the ground.


  Accompanied by an extremely terrifying roar, it was visible to the naked eye that a terrifying shock wave that swept over [-] meters exploded in an instant.

  "Boom, bang, bang..."

  One by one, countless staff members and extraordinary people flew out backwards, and blood spurted out of their mouths.

  [Innate Ability Shock Wave - A terrifying shock wave that can explode with spiritual power, sweeping everything. 】Only.

Chapter 107

  "Emergency help, urgent help, there are dark supernatural beings who stole the most precious thing from the Spiritual Research Institute..."

  "Emergency help, urgent help, there are dark supernatural beings who stole the most precious thing from the Spiritual Research Institute..."


  Amidst the repeated reminders, Liu Zimo woke up from his practice.

  "what is this?"

  Looking at the message from the satellite phone, Liu Zimo was also silent.

  The deepest thing in the Lingli Research Institute,

  It was robbed.

  You must know that the Lingli Research Institute is the most mysterious institution in the world today.

  There are countless treasures in it.

  Even the dragon's blood flowed from the Spiritual Power Research Institute.

  But now, the most precious thing in Hangzhou Lingli Research Institute has been robbed.


  After a while of silence, Liu Zimo also received a call from Huang Lao, the director of Lingli Northwest Branch:

  "Is it Thunder Dragon?"

  Asking softly, Liu Zimo also responded directly:

  "Yes, Chief."

  "Okay, Thunder Dragon, please put down all the tasks in your hand now, and recover the things from the Spiritual Research Institute at all costs..."

  "What is that, is it precious?"

  "I can only say that it was an extraordinary person, an extraordinary person suspected of being a god-level talent, and now, some people in the dark world are eyeing her..."

  While speaking softly, Huang Lao, the director of the Northwest Branch of Lingli, didn't look good either.

  This kind of existence was actually robbed?

  The entire Hangzhou Lingli Research Institute has an inescapable responsibility.

  However, now is not the time to pursue these.

  The really important thing is to get back...

  Thinking of this, Huang Lao, the director of Hangzhou Lingli Northwest Branch, also promised:

  "The Lingli Research Institute promises that if anyone recovers it, they will be given a Flood Dragon bath... A medicinal bath made with the blood of the Flood Dragon, not only that, but also prepares some things you need for you."

  Listening quietly, Liu Zimo also hung up the phone slowly.

  The Lingli Research Institute was actually robbed?

  some meaning.

  As for the Jiaolong bath and even the treasures, to be honest, Liu Zimo doesn't care.

  What he really cares about is this existence with god-level talent.

  "God-level talent..."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo also woke up the sleeping girl Yuyan.

  "Let's go, Yuyan."

  "Okay, Brother Thunder Dragon."

  In response, Wang Yuyan also possessed the body of the extraordinary black panther.

  As for her body, she has Sister Qin and Ice Girl Haosheng to take care of her.


  "Huh, huh..."

  In the continuous air, Liu Zimo and the extraordinary black panther rushed towards the depths of the city at high speed.

  However, at the next moment,

  Turning over, Liu Zimo also jumped on the back of the extraordinary black panther.

  "Yuyan, thank you for your hard work."

  "It's not hard."

  With a chuckle, the extraordinary black panther is also a fierce acceleration...


  Hearing a roar, her light body actually shuttled back and forth above countless tall buildings.

  And this is the extraordinary creature.

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