Extremely flexible mutant beasts like the transcendent black panther can run and jump freely on high buildings.

  For them, tall buildings are the best pedals...

  But at this time, Liu Zimo didn't know that in the depths of Hangzhou, a burly man was carrying a girl and got into a black off-road vehicle.

  "Go, go... Let's rush out of Hangcheng."

  "Okay, boss."

  Among the unanimous responses, this off-road vehicle was also accelerating, and it rushed towards the border of Hangcheng at a very high speed.

  Along the way...

  "Boom, boom, boom..."

  In the roar after another, it was this big man who climbed onto the roof of the car, raised his fists and fell, and one terrifying shock wave after another was set off, leveling everything around him.

  Even above the sky...

  Looking at the slowly approaching helicopter, this burly man also grinned.

  "Death to me."

  With a loud shout, a vast shock wave rushed towards the sky.


  In the sudden roar, the helicopter above the night sky exploded in an instant, turning into pieces of the sky, and it smashed into the street.

  "Who is this guy? How can he have such strength?"

  Among the horrified voices, a professional from the depths of the Spiritual Power Research Institute's face changed drastically.

  Until now, he felt as if his body was falling apart.

  If it weren't for his innate ability to be hardened, he would have lost his combat power at this moment.

  And now...

  constantly chasing,

  These guys actually staged a chasing battle on the streets of the city.

  However, the ending is doomed.

  In an era where the power of this man gradually surpasses that of technology, the strength of this big man is indeed a bit terrifying.

  During the charge all the way, he has already thrown away the large army.

  That terrifying shock wave, as if to destroy everything, actually shattered countless chased cars.

  Even the planes in the sky flew up in an instant.

  However, at this moment, as if he noticed something, the big man's eyes narrowed.

  A subconscious side pull of the body.



  Accompanied by a loud noise, a figure jumped from a tall building on one side.


  In the continuous roar, the appearance of this figure is constantly changing,

  Hair grows from the body.

  From a distance, it looks like a humanoid Luohu walking upright.

  "It's Luo Hu, I've heard of you..."

  With a chuckle, the burly man also laughed.

  The right fist was clenched tightly, wrapped in spiritual power, and slammed towards Luo Hu.

  Seeing this, Luo Hu didn't hesitate, and threw a backhand punch.


  In the collision of fists and fists, terrifying air waves swayed.

  However, at this time, Luo Hu's voice also echoed in the night sky:

  "A powerful professional like you, why do you do such a thing?"

  "Isn't it good to serve the country?"

  "Protect the city, okay?"

  Among the repeated roars, Luo Hu couldn't contain the anger in his heart.

  At a time when all human beings are in crisis, there are such powerful people who cannot hide.

  Even behind the scenes.

  He even took action against the Lingli Research Institute.

  "Everyone has their own aspirations."

  With a chuckle, the burly man didn't care about that.

  When he set foot on this road, there was no turning back.

  You must know that the two abilities he plundered at the beginning were both killing the extraordinary.

  And this is unforgivable in the eyes of the Spiritual Power Bureau.

  Besides, his talent... also doesn't allow him to be exposed.

  How could such an evil and terrifying plundering talent be allowed.


  Does he really have a choice?

  With a sneer in his heart, another ability of this burly man is also activated.

  [Giuli - Greatly increase strength...]

  Arms twitched...

  It can be seen with the naked eye that the muscles like mountain buns are constantly pouring out.

  At the same time, a substantive force filled the heart of the burly man.

  "not good."

  Luo Hu, who noticed this scene, exclaimed subconsciously.

  But at the next moment,


  With a sudden punch, the burly big man's fist seemed to be wrapped in air and slammed into Luo Hu's body.

  "how can that be?"

  In the sudden scream, Luo Hu's body actually smashed towards the distant buildings like a cannonball.

  "Boom, boom, boom..."

  In the continuous roar, he smashed through the entire building, but he did not stop the castration.

  "This kind of power?"

  Unbelievable on his face, Luo Hu was also stunned.

  that punch,

  How can it be?

  So terrifying, it almost shattered all his bones, and even smashed him into the depths of the wall, embedded in it.



  "Humph, the extraordinary person of the Spiritual Power Bureau is just like that."

  With a sneer in his heart, the burly man also saw the border not far from Hangzhou.

  "After rushing through here, we will let the birds fly as the sky is high, and the fish leap as the sea is wide."

  With open arms, this burly man also began to cheer for victory.

  There was no one who could stop him.

  When he rushes out of Hangcheng, everything can be declared over.

  As for why?

  Of course, the wild world today is considered a restricted area for the entire class.

  extremely dangerous.

  If he rushes into the wild, it is impossible for the cities to send people to hunt him down.

  Even if you send people, it's only individual.

  And he is very confident in his own strength.

  So... I have to say, this is the worst of times and the best of times.

  As long as you have the strength, even if you trample the law, there is no problem.

  With this thought in mind, the big man couldn't help but burst out laughing.

  The spiritual power in the whole body is constantly surging.


  Just hearing a roar, with him at the center, a shock wave erupted with extreme terror, sending countless figures flying away.


  "Is it really impossible to catch up?"

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