"Can't get close."

  In response, an officer also clenched his fists and explained unwillingly:

  "There is a burning girl in the car, and the Lingli Research Institute has told me that they must not hurt her. This greatly limits our firepower..."

  "As for the extraordinary, to be honest, Luo Hu, Nian Shi and others are not opponents of this one..."

  "I don't know where he came from, but he is so powerful."


  Listening quietly, many people are unwilling.


  This seems incomprehensible.

  Ranged, heavy fire weapons, cannot be used.

  In terms of the power of the extraordinary, they seem to be unable to do this.


  Now... one figure after another can only watch, the off-road vehicle broke through the blockades and disappeared at the end of the horizon.

  However, at this time, few people noticed... Above the high-rise buildings in Hangcheng, a dark shadow disappeared in a flash.

  In the faint, there is a purple thunder light, shining in the night sky.

  "I didn't expect that there would be such a powerful dark professional..."

  Smashing his mouth, Liu Zimo's mouth was also slightly upturned.

  "It's really powerful. Lord Luo Hu, he has never fought before, and he was hit hard by several tricks."

  From a distance, Yu Yan also captured this scene with the vision of the extraordinary black panther.

  "Luo Hu's strength is not weak. He is already in the middle stage of the extraordinary first-order. With his tiger transformation, he can be regarded as powerful. Unfortunately, he has encountered a more terrifying guy."

  With a murmur, Liu Zimo didn't care about that.

  Everything is predestined.

  The moment he arrived, it was already over.

  "Brother Thunder Dragon, shall we speed up now?"

  "Wait, when he completely walks out of the city and goes to the wild, we will take another shot."

  While speaking softly, Liu Zimo also had his own thoughts.

  The city has some limitations.

  He has to consider the safety of the people,

  But in the wild, it's different.

  That's the real dark place.

  death, killing, betrayal...

  Everything is possible.

  And in that kind of place, Liu Zimo can show his strength and terror unscrupulously.

  Yes, unbridled.

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo did not know when the thunder began to gather.


  In the neighing like a thousand birds chirping in unison, a dazzling thunder spear appeared in his hand...

  The Chidori sharp spear was further sublimated and turned into an ultra-long-range sniper skill - Chidori Thunder Spear.

  Can cut through hundreds of meters, even kilometers,

  Run through everything.

  And now...

  Watching quietly, the off-road vehicle disappeared into the night, Liu Zimo also jumped from the extraordinary black panther.


  This jump was actually dozens of meters high.

  However, this is not scary.

  What's really terrifying is that countless purple electric lights interweave, actually bringing his body into the higher night sky.

  "I see!!"

  Looking at the flashing lights of the car in the dark night, Liu Zimo also tightened the thunder spear in his hand,

  "Run through, Thunder..."

  During the sudden violent drinking, Liu Zimo's right hand also exerted strength.


  Just listening to a roar, a purple thunder light turned into a meteor and shot towards the off-road vehicle hundreds of meters or even kilometers away. .

Chapter 108

  At this time, the off-road vehicle...

  The burly man who had just ended the battle also chose to rest.

  A battle like this is also somewhat exhausting for him.

  Moreover, the wild is no better than the urban area.

  Dangerous here.

  Even if he has to be prepared to fight hard all the time.

  However, just when this burly man was about to close his eyes and rest in peace, a sudden palpitation appeared in his heart.

  "Be careful..."

  In the subconscious drinking, this burly man sitting in the co-pilot suddenly raised his hand and slammed the steering wheel of the driver's cab.


  During the extremely fast skid, this off-road vehicle also drifted on the ground.

  However, at this time,


  There was a sudden roar, and the earth not far away was shaking.

  Accompanied by it, the dazzling thunder light illuminates the dark night.

  "What is this? Boss..."


  In the repeated exclamations, several people in the off-road vehicle also noticed the extremely dazzling thunder light inserted in the earth not far away.

  This is like a long gun, showing purple, with countless purple electricity intertwined,

  It is inserted upside down on the ground, and even the surrounding ground is cracked.

  There is no doubt that if they brake half a step slower, this thunder spear is enough to penetrate the entire off-road vehicle.


  Taking a deep breath, these people were also shocked.

  And at this moment, a very solemn voice also sounded in the night sky.

  "It's Thunder Dragon..."

  The corners of his mouth grinned open, looking at the dazzling lightning that was almost a sign, the burly man also slowly opened the car door and walked outside.

  And in the next moment,

  What imprinted in his eyes was... the Lord of the Night Sky, a figure stepping on purple lightning.

  He stands quietly,

  like the god of thunder,

  The whole body is surrounded by purple arcs, dazzling and dazzling, making people dare not look directly.

  "first meet..."

  With a chuckle, Liu Zimo was also a burly man looking down on the ground.

  His eyes narrowed slightly for some time.

  [Innate Ability - Plunder: Skills that can plunder others, currently only three can be plundered, and the price of plunder is the death of the extraordinary...]

  Watching quietly, Liu Zimo also vaguely understood why this powerful professional took away the precious experimental materials from the Spiritual Research Institute.

  "I didn't expect to have such a terrifying talent."

  While muttering in his heart, Liu Zimo was also dumbfounded.

  This talent is terrifying.

  It is not too much to be classified as a god-level talent.

  If he could plunder three god-level talents, he would be able to push this burly man into a terrifying situation.

  However, Liu Zimo was more terrifying than him.

  He can directly deduce talent and ability.

  No need to plunder at all.

  Therefore, although Liu Zimo was shocked by the power of this talent, he didn't care much.

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