It can be seen with the naked eye that countless spiritual powers are actually gushing out.

  And this is just the beginning.

  Just because, at this time, Liu Zimo actually opened the different dimension of Shenwei.


  Just listening to a roar, countless nine-color auras spewed out, and three drops of nine-color liquid fell into the medicine pool.

  And at the moment when these three drops of nine-colored liquid melted into the medicine pool.


  In the sudden roar, Liu Zimo's face changed.


  Unimaginable energy was constantly pouring towards his body.

  It's like he's about to burst his body...

  "This is the combination of Jiaolong medicinal bath and Jiucai spirit liquid..."

  Gritting his teeth tightly, Liu Zimo also urged Lei Lingjue to absorb this vast spiritual energy.

  "Boom, boom, boom..."

  He only heard loud noises one after another, and the energy seemed to be poured into his body.

  Around him, a terrible storm of spiritual energy was set off.

  "Stab, stab..."

  One after another, countless purple electric lights spewed out from Liu Zimo's body.

  For a time, the place where Liu Zimo was in retreat was transformed into a world of thunder.

  And this is Liu Zimo's retreat.

  "There should be no surprises."

  While muttering in his heart, Liu Zimo was also somewhat confident.

  This time, he was very prepared.

  There is a dragon's blood bath outside, baptizing the body, and there is endless spiritual energy inside, nourishing the body...

  And he has even become an iron cloth shirt of external strength, and a golden bell hood of internal strength has also entered the door.

  Now his physique, like a humanoid mutant beast, can definitely withstand the erosion of these auras.

  And that's not to mention, his Lei Lingjue is refining spiritual power at an extreme speed.

  In this way, his breakthrough is also conceivable.

  "If I can't break through, then few people can break through."

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo heard a 'click'.

  As if breaking through some shackles.

  The spiritual power of his body suddenly skyrocketed.

  And, it's not scary yet.

  What is truly terrifying is that while countless spiritual powers continue to pour into his body, they also begin a deep baptism.

  like strengthening...

  Liu Zimo could clearly feel that his physical body was further strengthened.

  Leather, tougher.

  The bones are also stronger.

  Even the blood, the torrent, is like a river... constantly tumbling in the body.

  And, this is just the beginning.

  The transformation continues...

  And this is also the real extraordinary second-order.

  Compared with the extraordinary first-order, entering the extraordinary gate for the first time.

  Extraordinary second-order, already regarded as 'strong'

  The weak and extraordinary second-order, the destructive power is understandable.

  The extraordinary second-order of the peak,

  For example, the short-lived extraordinary second-order deep-sea behemoth in Pau, with its sudden breath, pierced through half of the city.

  Such amazing destructive power is truly appalling.

  "A peak extraordinary first-order, with one punch, the punching wind alone is enough to destroy a small half of the street..."

  "So what about the extraordinary second-order..."

  In the sudden murmur, Liu Zimo was also looking forward to the terrifying destructive power of the extraordinary second-order.

  However, now, he is also faintly aware of the horror of the extraordinary second-order.

  That kind of transformation from the inside out is really suffocating.

  Especially the inside of the body...every aspect seems to be evolving in a new direction.

  "Bang, bang, bang..."

  One after another, the powerful heartbeat was as deafening as thunder. .

Chapter 110

  "This is the breakthrough..."

  A sudden sigh resounded from the deepest part of the underground base, and a figure slowly opened his eyes.

  "Crack, click..."

  Electric light flashed away from the depths of his eyes, and this figure slowly opened his mouth and let out a sigh of relief.


  It's just that the deep part of his open mouth seems to be locked with a ray of thunder, and an extremely depressing breath is also coming out.

  And this is the current Liu Zimo.

  Breaking through the extraordinary second-order, his spiritual power has reached an astonishing [-].

  Inside and outside, are full of extremely terrifying spiritual power

  But it's not scary,

  What's really terrifying is that the spiritual power in his body is still growing...

  There seems to be no end.

  "The more amazing the foundation of the extraordinary first-order, the greater the benefits of breaking through the extraordinary second-order..."

  "When I was in the first-order supernatural, I polished my body to a certain level, so when I broke through the second-order supernatural, my body was able to absorb more spiritual power."

  While speaking softly, Liu Zimo also had his own judgment.

  Extraordinary level,

  Extraordinary Second Order...

  To be honest, it is more about the evolution of the body.

  The stronger the body, the more terrifying the combat power.

  This is the reason why the extraordinary first-order mutant beasts can easily kill the extraordinary first-order humans.

  Physical strength, not a grade.

  And this, in the later stage, will be better.

  Because, in the back, the spiritual power is tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions...

  Such terrifying spiritual power is appalling.

  Under the blessing of such spiritual power, it is naturally difficult for the mere body to compete.

  Of course, some monsters who cultivate the flesh are not included here.

  Among them, Liu Zimo is included.

  Although he cultivated spiritual power, he never gave up the cultivation of the physical body.

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo also felt the filling of spiritual power in his body.

  And this time,

  "Break me..."

  A long whistle shook the entire basement, and the wooden barrel that Liu Zimo was in shattered violently.


  With a loud bang, countless fragments burst out.

  And Liu Zimo's figure gradually emerged.

  Slim as before.

  However, his figure is more perfect.

  popular muscle...

  A sturdy yet beautiful body.

  And the purple arcs that spilled out of the body from time to time.

  The current Liu Zimo, even if there is no surging spiritual power, the lightning in his body will continue to overflow.

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