This is the realization of spiritual power.

  Very scary.

  It can be regarded as a sign of 'first entering the extraordinary second-order'.

  The extraordinary second-order is the further accumulation of spiritual power.

  reached tens of thousands.

  Compared with hundreds of grades 1 to [-],

  Compared with thousands of extraordinary first-order...

  The extraordinary second-order spiritual power can already be described as terrifying.

  At this time, Liu Zimo's casual strike is very likely to be an all-out strike from the extraordinary first-order.

  Just like now, with a wave of the right hand,


  Hearing a loud bang, a bolt of lightning as thick as a bucket shot out from Liu Zimo's arm.


  With the extremely terrifying roar, Liu Zimo spent a lot of money to build the basement with a huge pit several meters deep.

  "It's not just the skyrocketing spiritual power, but also the level of refinement. My current spiritual power is several times that of the extraordinary first-order, which also means that my spiritual power is equal to the extraordinary first-order spiritual power..."

  "The amount of spiritual power, the degree of purity of spiritual power... Among all the superpositions, my destructive power has reached several times that of the extraordinary first-order, and with some skills, it can even reach astonishing ten times..."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo also likes to speak with data.

  What is worth mentioning here is that Liu Zimo is only the first to enter the second rank of extraordinary.

  When he first entered the extraordinary second-order, he reached ten times the destructive power of the extraordinary first-order.

  This is a very exaggerated concept.

  And more than that.

  Destructive power, not combat power.

  The combat power is powerful, but the destructive power is not necessarily amazing, such as some martial artists.

  But an element controller like Liu Zimo, while the destructive power is amazing, also means that his combat power will reach a very shocking level.

  And now...

  While swallowing Leimang, Liu Zimo is also doing the final precipitation.


  Time passed slowly, and the entire basement became more and more quiet.

  And a figure with lightning flashes all over his body, the breath is gradually restrained.

  [Restraining the breath - able to restrain one's own breath, but also to suppress life fluctuations...]

  It's a skill.

  A very nice skill.

  Liu Zimo consumed [-] Dao Points.

  To hide his power.

  Breaking through the extraordinary second-order, although it is a happy thing.

  But not worth showing off.

  Based on the principle of low-key, Liu Zimo also intends to expose it after a while.

  "Some guys break through, and they will usher in a strong enemy...and then show their might."

  "But I don't really want that..."

  Smiling, Liu Zimo kept his breath away.

  Is it good for you to be awesome?


  Apart from making people more respectful and making some people feel jealous, there is no benefit at all.

  Now he should keep a low profile,

  Be quiet again.

  And this can be regarded as Liu Zimo's behavior.

  So... from Shenwei's different dimension, he took out a piece of clothing and put it on, and Liu Zimo also slowly pushed open the door of the basement.

  "Boom, boom, boom..."

  Along with the extremely terrifying vibration, a ray of light also broke through the darkness and poured into Liu Zimo's eyes.

  At the same time, there were voices one after another.

  "Zimo, how about the Jiaolong blood bath?"

  "I just heard some vibrations, are you okay?"

  "They say it's dangerous to absorb the dragon's blood..."

  One after another, Sister Qin, Bing Nu and others all showed concern.

  In this regard, Liu Zimo just smiled and said bluntly:

  "Do you see me as someone who has something to do?"

  " really doesn't look like it."

  In response, the ice girl also took a deep look at the figure walking out of the training room.

  Feeling more energetic than before.

  However, I don't know if it was an illusion, she looked at the current Liu Zimo and felt an inexplicable pressure.

  Can't tell, don't know.

  But it made her frown.

  She did not know the source of this pressure.

  It's not just her... Yu Yan, who is hidden in the crowd, also has a similar feeling.

  "Brother Thunder Dragon seems to have changed a little..."

  Among some doubtful voices, Yu Yan, whose soul power is particularly powerful, is also puzzled.

  She has a strong soul.

  As a result, you can perceive some things that ordinary people cannot perceive.

  But for these, Liu Zimo didn't care.

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo also dispersed the crowd,

  Now he is ready to go to the wild to relax.

  And this time, alone.


  The night was getting darker.

  The wilderness in Hangzhou is still the same.

  "Roar, roar, roar..."

  "Sing, sing, sing..."

  There are terrifying mutant beasts, roaring constantly in the middle of the night.

  There are also mutant birds that spread their wings in the night sky.

  But at this time, no one noticed a figure galloping in the dark night.


  Like a flash of purple lightning, it ran at an extremely fast speed, setting off a terrifying storm.

  This is Liu Zimo.

  For the first time since stepping foot on the extraordinary second-order, he accelerated with all his strength.



  Faster than comprehension.

  The storm was all set off, and the flashing electric light made him look more like teleportation.

  In the faint, you can hear the sound of sound explosion and cracking.

  It was a terrifying sonic boom that could only be produced at the speed of sound.

  Very scary.

  In this way, it is also possible to imagine how fast Liu Zimo's speed is.

  Just, more than that...

  "Lightning shock..."

  During the sudden violent shouting, Liu Zimo's hands were facing a mountain not far away.


  Accompanied by a terrifying roar, a pillar of lightning that was dozens of meters thick spurted out unexpectedly, engulfing the mountains in the distance.

  And in the next moment,

  What appeared in Liu Zimo's eyes was the disappearance of a mountain.

  Although this mountain is not big, such exaggerated power still makes Liu Zimo's face change slightly.

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