An astonishing roar also sounded in Liu Zimo's ear.

  This is a mutant cat.

  The body is three circles larger than that of a normal house cat.

  In the scarlet eyes, there is violence.

  But now, its sharp claws lifted and charged towards Liu Zimo fiercely.

  just, the next moment,

  Sword in hand.


  Hearing a crisp sound, the figure of this mutant cat also solidified in midair.

  Blood spurted out completely until Liu Zimo's figure disappeared in place.

  "The real killing starts now..."

  Holding a long knife, the black knife drank blood, but Liu Zimo smiled.

  He is still saying that stepping into the extraordinary second-order, there is no chance to really show his strength?

  But now, the beast tide is coming.


  With a long roar, Liu Zimo was also like a killing god, who was actually alone and killed the entire beast horde.


  With the terrifying roar, the entire beast tide was shocked.

  Visible to the naked eye, countless blood and splashes.

  Countless severed limbs flew out from the air.

  And that is a masterpiece by Liu Zimo alone.

  Armed with a black knife...he started another slaughter.

  There was no massive thunderstorm.

  There was no startling sound of thunder either.

  Some are just, one person, one sword.

  Some are just plain and simple sword moves.

  But each of his swords is truly blood-drinking.


  As if the long sword was neighing, Liu Zimo's eyes were also cold.

  And this time,

  It seemed to smell a strong bloody smell.

  More mutant beasts came from all directions.

  And this is the real beast tide.

  A steady stream,

  Endless kills, endless annihilation.

  But Liu Zimo was not afraid.

  Stepping into the extraordinary second-order, his physical strength has risen sharply, which is enough to support him in a long battle.

  And now, he didn't use moves that consume too much spiritual power.


  This is destined to be an extremely long killing.

  For a long time, the blood dyed this high speed red...

  There were corpses all over the place.


  With a simple word, Liu Zimo slashed out with a backhand sword, and a mutant black rat that rushed towards him was split in two before it whined.

  And on the other side,


  Among the terrifying neighs, a mutant green snake spit out green light and attacked Liu Zimo.

  But at the next moment, a ray of blood appeared between its eyebrows.

  And this is Liu Zimo's killing.

  It is also a carnival that belongs to him alone.

  This is the real killing feast.


  However, what Liu Zimo didn't know at this time was that the entire Hangzhou Spiritual Power Bureau was shaken.

  Hangzhou, the traffic extends in all directions,

  There are eight main highways.

  These highways are southeast, northwest, and eight directions such as southeast, northwest, northeast, and southwest.

  But now, in the seven directions, there are a steady stream of mutant beasts attacking.

  However, in the southeast direction, the mutant beasts were not seen for a long time.


  Everyone is puzzled.

  How could there be no mutant beasts attacking?

  But when they drove the drone to the southeast, a scene that they could never forget again appeared.

  That's a highway.

  But now, the corpses piled up into mountains and spread to the distance.

  As big as the corpse of a mutant wolf,

  As small as the corpse of a mutant black rat.


  One after another, all lying on the ground.

  The blood has not dried up yet, and the strong smell of blood seems to permeate.

  And at the end of such a road,

  But you can vaguely see... a human figure, holding a long knife... is killing the beasts in the depths.

  He, single-handedly, impacted the beast tide in one direction of Hangcheng.

  It even defeated the entire beast tide, killing it.

  Up to now, more than [-] meters of blood has been left behind...


  Everyone was silent.

  Even the director of the General Bureau of Spiritual Power was silent.

  "Is that Thunder Dragon?"

  Among the unbelievable voices, the director of Hangzhou Spiritual Power Bureau was also a little stunned.

  "Yes, that is Lord Thunder Dragon."

  In response, a staff member also looked at the figure in the picture in disbelief.

  Obviously that figure is so thin.

  However, at this moment, he is constantly magnifying among countless staff members.

  Vaguely, they all heard a loud shout.


  The moment the words fell, the thunder light burst,

  Visible to the naked eye, a purple lightning flashed across [-] meters.

  Wherever he passed, everything turned to charred black, leaving the ground covered with devastation and countless screams of despair.

  The thunderbolt flashed, it was just a sword.

  But when this sword falls into the hands of the current Liu Zimo, it will become like this...

  A sword fell, but it was like hundreds, or even thousands, of sword lights fell.

  From a distance, it was like a purple lightning dancing in the beast tide. .

Chapter 113

  "Thunder Dragon, it's really Thunder Dragon!!!"

  "My God, he actually stopped the beast tide in one direction by himself. Is he crazy? He will definitely be overwhelmed by this."

  "Yes, no matter how strong he is, he is only one person. How can he stop such a terrifying beast tide..."

  "This guy is working too hard..."

  In the repeated exclamations, or worry, or nervousness... One staff member after another couldn't help but look at the figure in the picture.

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