He, one person, one sword, traverses the highway.

  The countless mutant beasts around him are constantly gathering because of the strong bloody smell around him...

  Unstoppable, endless...

  But he showed no sign of retreating.

  The long knife in his hand was raised, and it was another bloody road - killing.

  And at this moment,


  During the sudden neigh, the screen flickered for a while.

  Accompanied by it, a roar came from behind the screen.

  Vaguely, one staff member after another saw it, and it turned out to be a mutant crow the size of a house cat.

  "My lord, under the attack of mutant birds, the drone broke."

  "I see."

  Nodding his head, the director of the General Bureau of Spiritual Power instructed:

  "Send someone to immediately support Thunder Dragon..."

  "I don't want to chill the hearts of the frontline..."


  Listening quietly, countless staff are also taking orders.

  And not long after that, one convoy after another kept rushing from the inner city of Hangzhou to the southeast of Hangzhou.

  "Damn it, have you heard? Lord Thunder Dragon blocked the beast tide in one direction by himself, and we are going to support him now."

  "Uh...Are you sure you're not joking? Stop the beast tide alone?"

  "It's... I'm kind of unimaginable."

  "I also don't believe it. Although Lord Thunder Dragon is indeed strong, there is a limit to one's strength."


  In the repeated exclamations, the countless people in these teams were somewhat unacceptable.

  It's just that they couldn't help but look solemn when they remembered the dignified order from the superior.

  If so...

  That was really scary.

  One person and one sword blocked the beast tide in one direction.

  Regardless of strength, this courage alone is worth everyone's awe.


  At this time, Liu Zimo didn't know that the support from Hangcheng had arrived.

  Now he is immersed in killing.

  Simply put, it's a red eye.


  With a loud shout, Liu Zimo jumped, jumping dozens of meters high, holding swords in both hands, and stabbed towards a very huge mutant eagle not far away.


  Hei Dao Ga pierced through his body, driving the mutant eagle's body, and smashed it down towards the ground ruthlessly.


  With the extremely terrifying roar, the earth in a radius of [-] meters was shaking.

  It can be seen with the naked eye that a huge pit with a depth of more than ten meters has emerged.

  And just in the depths of the giant pit, he slowly pulled out the black knife inserted into the mutant giant eagle, and Liu Zimo also raised his eyes...

  What caught my eye was the gathering of mutant beasts one after another.

  They are not afraid of death,

  They, one after the other.

  However, at this time, a very cold system prompt sounded also in Liu Zimo's ear:

  "Ding, you have killed the eighth-level mutant giant eagle, Dao Point +800..."

  Among the very cold reminders, Liu Zimo was startled.

  Only this voice could soothe Liu Zimo's numb heart.

  not only that.

  "The sky is not shocked, the heart is as clear as ice..."

  In the soft whisper, a touch of coolness also circulated in Liu Zimo's mind.

  This is the ice heart trick.

  Be able to calm down.

  And now Liu Zimo is in a strange state and needs such means to calm his mind.

  Without such means, Liu Zimo would be completely out of control.

  even runaway.

  And this is understandable.

  Repeated killing, hands stained with blood...

  The world in front of him has turned into a blood red.

  How can ordinary people accept and even bear it?

  In other words, Liu Zimo's personality is not bad.

  He has cultivated the Ice Heart Art again, and can maintain his sanity.

  Yes, enchanted.

  This is in the martial arts novels, that is, into the devil.

  And the Bingxin Art, it is very good to suppress his enchantment, so that he will not really indulge in killing.

  And now,

  Raising his eyes, he looked at the mutant beasts that kept rushing towards him, and Liu Zimo also pressed the ground with one hand.

  "Lightning thunder..."

  With a murmur, the terrifying thunder suddenly spread like waves in all directions.

  "Roar, roar, roar..."

  "Sing, sing, sing..."

  The shrill neighing, the terrifying roar... One after another, it really resounded through the entire night sky.

  It was a mutant beast, neighing in despair.

  And the last neigh of my life...


  With a sigh, Liu Zimo looked helpless as he looked at the charred corpses all over his body.

  This is no longer a killing.

  But slaughtered.

  Somewhat scary.

  But more is an indescribable complexity.

  "Although the points are increasing, I can't be happy."

  With a sigh, Liu Zimo also knew that he was a little numb.

  From start to finish, he has killed thousands of mutant beasts.

  Now, slowly walking up to the top of the pothole,

  Looking back... corpses, large and small, all over the highway.

  Some turned into charred black and were once submerged in thunder.

  Some have a sword to seal their throats... and never see life again.

  This is his only killing.

  dripping and scary...


  And at this time, slowly raised his eyes, looking not far away...

  Impressed, one after another mutant beasts stared at his figure in a panic.

  Although, most of the mutant beasts have not opened their intelligence yet.

  But they also know the fear, and they know the fear...

  But now, the murderous aura on Liu Zimo's body is a bit terrifying.

  Looking from a distance, there is a kind of indescribable heart palpitations.

  Even these mutant beasts can't help but feel a little timid.

  One by one, back and forth.

  But the problem is... the mutant beast in front is retreating, but the mutant beast in the back is unaware of Liu Zimo's terror.

  "Roar, roar, roar..."

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