In the repeated roars, more mutant beasts swarmed, pushing the hesitant mutant beasts forward.

  maybe forced,

  Maybe helpless...

  But they still attacked Liu Zimo again...

  And looking at this mighty mutant beast, Liu Zimo also took a deep breath.

  During the surge of spiritual power, an indescribable oppression also surged from his body.

  "Overlord color..."

  The soft whispers were like a thunderbolt from the blue, and the whole night sky shook.

  visible to the naked eye,

  Everything seemed to freeze.

  Countless purple lightnings are intertwined in the sky.

  An extremely terrifying momentum rose to the sky.

  Filled with an unimaginable sense of oppression, the atmosphere seemed to freeze, making people suffocated.


  The clouds in the night sky all collapsed in an instant...

  And this isn't terrible.

  "Crack, click..."

  The entire highway is constantly cracking... just like a spider web, spreading out into the distance.

  as if shaking...

  Of course, the real horror is...

  "Roar, roar, roar..."

  "Sing, sing, sing..."

  The countless mutant beasts on the ground seemed to have suffered a great mental shock, and they were shocked, and even their bodies were unable to stabilize and began to shake.

  Above the sky, the birds screamed, but they fell one after another towards the ground.

  For a while, the entire night sky was silent.

  And this is the tyrannical domineering.

  Known as 'one million talents have one'... It is a kind of king's qualification, and it is also a kind of domination of the world...

  And after Liu Zimo turned it into his own ability, he could also use his spiritual power to motivate him.

  I have to say, it consumes a lot.

  Even Liu Zimo's current spiritual power is a huge loss of one or two percent.

  But the harvest is also gratifying.

  One mutant beast after another is shaking, and the mutant birds and mutant birds in the sky can no longer hold their wings and fall to the ground...

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  In just a few breaths, two-thirds of the mutant beasts lost their combat power.

  The scope of its spread has reached astonishing hundreds of meters, even thousands of meters...

  "This is the tyrannical domineering..."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo was also satisfied.

  However, now is not the time to hesitate, tightening the long knife in his hand, Liu Zimo is also speeding up to kill these mutant beasts.

  Taking advantage of people's illness will cost people their lives.

  In a short period of time, it was difficult for Liu Zimo to break out his domineering aura for the second time.

  Therefore, he must take this opportunity to kill and kill again.


  Blood stained the road, corpses all over the world...

  In the mournful beast roar, countless mutant beasts are terrified, looking at the distant figure, like a demon...

  "Roar, roar..."

  One after another, many mutant beasts fled without looking back.

  Yes, run away.

  Mutated beasts are also 'people'.

  No, there will soon be human wisdom.

  They also know fear, and they know fear.

  And now, this person is really terrifying to kill them.

  Countless mutant beasts fell behind him.

  He clearly stood quietly, but there was an unimaginable oppression that was suffocating.

  A sea of ​​corpses and a sea of ​​blood, he is the only one.

  At this time, quietly watching some mutant beasts fleeing, he did not chase.

  Not incapable of chasing.

.. 0

  but not necessary.

  He has slaughtered enough...

  Looking back, the two-kilometer highway is full of corpses...

  Shaking his head helplessly, Liu Zimo also sat on the corpse of a relatively tall mutant beast, and then took out a pot of wine from the magical space.

  "Grumble rumble..."

  The hot drink moistened his throat, and Liu Zimo felt a lot more comfortable.

  "If you kill in the future, you still have to prepare more wine."

  "It's really cool."

  With a sigh, Liu Zimo also backhanded the black knife into the mutated giant bear corpse under his butt.

  This is an extraordinary first-order mutant giant bear.

  Unfortunately, under the shock of Liu Zimo's domineering look, he lost his ability to resist.

  In the end, a sword sealed his throat, and blood flowed.


  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo also noticed his Dao point, reaching an astonishing five million.

  "It's another tens of thousands of mutant beasts..."

  In the soft whisper, Liu Zimo also has his own judgment.

  This time, the level of the mutant beast was obviously higher than the level of the mutant sea beast that Pau encountered last time.

  Killing one is equivalent to two or even three that Pau killed.

  Therefore, he almost killed tens of thousands of mutant beasts.

  And this is also the reason why he turned back and couldn't see the end at a glance...

  Tens of thousands of mutant beast corpses, lying on the highway,

  what concept is this,

  I'm afraid no one dares to think about it.

  Just like now... far away, the extraordinary people who walked down from the convoy one after another, and the troops were dumbfounded.

  "Oh my god..."

  Covering her mouth, a female superhuman looked at this scene in disbelief.

  All she could see were corpses.

  There are mutant mice, there are mutant giant wolves,

  Countless mutated corpses, covered all the way...

  From time to time, purple arcs can be seen, emerging.

  "Gollum, Gollum..."

  Swallowing saliva, the rest were stunned.

  "Is this what Thunder Dragon did?"

  "How is it possible? How is this possible?"

  "Is this really the power of man?"

  Exclamation after exclamation, everyone was shocked, and there was an indescribable shock in the depths of their eyes.

  And now, they all got out of the car...

  Walking along the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, I walked slowly towards the end of the highway.

  They are going to support... Lord Thunder Dragon.

  This is the task,

  It is also a must.

  However, as they continued to walk, they became more and more shocked and horrified.

  Along the way, there is not one left.

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