Some are just, one after another, cold corpses.

  "Sir, there is a mutant python here that has not completely died."


  Listening to the commander's voice, this extraordinary man also pulled out his machete fiercely and slashed towards the head of the mutant python.towel.

Chapter 114

  "Tread, step, step..."

  Step by step, countless figures also turned into a long dragon, walking on the sea of ​​corpses and blood on the highway.

  There are more than [-] people supporting this time.

  Among them, there are more than [-] extraordinary ones.

  But now, these people, looking at everything along the way, are all shocked.

  In the depths of his eyes, there was an indescribable astonishment.

  The corpses along the way..innumerable.

  "Lord Thunder Dragon, how many mutant beasts did you kill?"


  Those simple four words made countless people silent.

  However, at this time, as if sensing something, a figure suddenly exclaimed:

  "Look at..."

  As the words fell, the rest of the figures looked in the direction of the figure's fingers.

  Imprinted in their eyes is,

  A hill of corpses...

  A mutant giant bear of six or seven meters is at the bottom, and a mutant wolf two or three meters in size is in the middle...

  And some other mutant beasts...

  One after another, the corpses of mutant beasts piled up into this ten-meter-high hill...

  Blood is overflowing from the corpses of these mutant beasts...

  The hills were dyed blood red.

  And on such a mountain of corpses, there was a figure sitting on the head of a mutant beast.

  "Gollum, Gollum..."

  Big mouth, big mouth drinking wine, there is a kind of indescribable freedom,

  A long black knife was inserted on the corpse, tick tick... dripping scarlet blood.

  Looking from afar...

  One person, one jug, and one knife...

  Combined with this mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood... Countless people couldn't help but be shocked.

  More is indescribable shock.


  This is Lord Thunder Dragon.

  With one enemy ten thousand, he looked as if he was unscathed.

  Such a scene really shocked everyone.

  Even Luo Hu, who led the team, was stunned.


  In the exclamation, Luo Hu, who was a professional, couldn't help but lose his voice.

  "'re here."

  Suddenly, as if he had discovered something, Liu Zimo also turned his head and took a sip of wine again. Liu Zimo also smiled and said:

  "Come on, don't wait... Hurry up and dispose of the corpses of these mutant beasts... and take them back..."


  After a while of silence, many extraordinary people and soldiers were stunned.

  However, at this moment, a girl suddenly stepped forward and asked carefully;

  "Lord Thunder Dragon, did you do this alone?"


  After pondering for a while, Liu Zimo also nodded:

  "That's it."

  When the words fell, the whole crowd fell silent...

  One after another, the complexion could not help but solidify.

  Not sure yet.

  But I can confirm from Lord Thunder Dragon's mouth that they are indeed completely stupid.

  one person...

  Was this really done by one person?

  Although the elemental talent, the destructive power is indeed terrifying.

  But Lord Thunder Dragon is a little too terrifying.

  This is beyond their understanding.

  However, at this time, as if he had reacted, Luo Hu also widened his eyes:

  "Are you a breakthrough?"

  Yes, breakout.

  If there is no breakthrough, although there is a small chance of defeating this beast tide.

  But it will never be like he is now, without any injuries.

  This has exceeded this limit.

  No matter how talented you are, you can't do it.

  Then the only explanation is that this guy broke through.

  Only by stepping foot in the second-order supernatural will one have such a shocking combat power.

  And in this regard, Liu Zimo just smiled...

  He didn't answer.

  Instead, he slowly raised his hand and grabbed the black long knife not far away.


  Raising his eyes, he took a deep look at the night sky.

  "If you think so, then so be it."

  Like a whisper in his ear, it sounded in Luo Hu's mind, and Liu Zimo was also surging with spiritual energy.

  "Crack, click..."

  One after another, countless purple electric lights intertwined, holding him up and flying towards the depths of the night sky...

  He chose to leave.

  Even now, he is a little tired.

  Not a physical thunder.

  but mental exhaustion.

  Although, now he still retains most of his physical and even spiritual power,

  It is also possible to let him kill for a day and a night.

  But not necessary.

  Now that he has just made a breakthrough, he can't overdraw himself like this...

  In Liu Zimo's view, every persistence is a kind of overdraft for the body.

  looks handsome,

  But in fact it will consume potential.

  The future evolution will be even more difficult.

  So, no need.

  "Let's go back and have a good rest."

  Saying so, Liu Zimo also accelerated and flew towards Hangcheng.

  Of course, a big reason for this is that Hangcheng can resist the beast tide.

  Since he has eliminated such a large number of beast tides, if Hangcheng can't resist it, there is no way out.

  Although he is powerful, he is incapable of being cloned after all.

  It is impossible to suppress the entire beast tide alone.


  Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, it was already midnight.

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