In the middle of the night, Hangcheng finally blocked the invasion of the beast tide.

  Compared to Pau's unpreparedness.

  Hangcheng has been preparing for a long time.

  Moreover, there are also powerful superhumans one after another, and it is not difficult to block the beast tide.

  If Hangcheng can't stop it.

  So to be honest, other cities have no chance to block it.

  You must know that Hangcheng is located in a plain, and mutant beasts are considered rare.

  Moreover, the city is powerful.

  There are many strong people, and there are many troops stationed there.

  In this way, if you can't stop the beast tide, that's the real terror.

  So, no accident, Hangcheng blocked it.

  However, compared to Hangcheng, other cities are not so lucky.

  Just like now, ** a small city in the mountains - smoke city...

  "Roar, roar, roar..."

  "Roar, roar, roar..."

  One after another roar echoed in the city.

  Looking at Xunsheng, it turned out to be one mutant beast after another, walking on the streets of the city.

  These mutant beasts have mutant wild boars that came out of the mountains,

  There is also a mutant python that came out of the old forest...

  "Who can save me? Who can save me?"

  In the mournful call, a woman looked at the mutant python that was constantly approaching him, her face was also pale, and there was an indescribable fear in the depths of her eyes.

  But to answer her, only...


  During the sudden neighing, the huge blood-colored mouth also opened, just a mouthful...

  And on the other side,

  "Block them, block them..."

  "Be sure to block..."

  Among the repeated roars, a police officer organized an elite team to try to resist.

  But the next moment,

  "Ow... boil..."

  Amid the terrifying roar, a three- or four-meter-high mutant armored wild boar charged towards them like a locomotive.

  "don't want..."


  Amidst the repeated screams, this eight-member elite team flew out.

  One of the people who collided head-on flew out a hundred meters away and smashed to the ground, bloody and bloody.

  And this is the mutant beast.

  Unimaginable horror.

  Only the extraordinary, and the fully armed soldiers, can barely cope.

  "Who can save us..."

  "Where's the support? Where's the support?"

  "Dad, I want Daddy..."

  Either screaming, or exclaiming, filled the entire city, and countless people showed despair.

  Their smoke city was breached.

  Completely breached.

  Surrounded by mountains, mutant beasts come from all directions.

  And their city does not have enough combat power, it is impossible to stop it.


  Just a small half, the entire city of smoke has turned into a purgatory on earth.

  Flames and smoke filled the city.

  On the broken street, there are mutant beasts roaring.

  And above the ruined building, there are mutant beasts eating the corpses...

  Of course, this does not mean that the city of smoke is completely over.

  The air-raid shelter has already been built.

  Today, in the deepest part of the smoke city, there are still many human beings, huddled together with despair on their faces.

  This is the last barrier of Yancheng.

  It is also a barrier that cannot be breached.

  For this reason, hundreds of extraordinary people are stationed in front of the air raid shelter, ready to die.

  And this is still Yancheng, a proper fourth-tier city that is close to the third-tier city.

  But such a city is almost destroyed.

  It is also conceivable how difficult it is for the remaining fourth-tier and third-tier cities.

  Especially some cities in the mountains, it is impossible to block such a ferocious beast tide.

  And this night.

  It is also doomed to ** the earth, and there will be countless casualties.

  It's just that in such a disaster, there will always be humans who will stand up.

  It's like a city not far from Yancheng.

  This city is also in the mountains.

  In the face of endless mutant beasts, manpower is not slack... Seeing that the city is about to be breached.

  Finally, a young man walked out.

  That's an extraordinary...

  A ninth-level ability person, but in the end, he gave up the human body... and chose to integrate with the mountain.

  "Boom, boom, boom..."

  Along with the extremely terrifying vibration, a rock giant with a height of dozens of meters also rose from the ground.

  "If you want to step on this city, step on my corpse..."

  With a loud shout, this rock giant was actually one person blocking the corner of the city, deeply blocking thousands of mutant beasts.

  Not just him...

  Extraordinary people like this, now, on this night, keep pouring out.

  **The earth will never lack such people.

  When the country is in danger,

  They dared to die, and they dared to defend it all.

  "Do you have to go?"

  Covering her mouth, a young girl also looked at the figure not far away with tears on her face.

  That was her husband, an extraordinary person who was not registered with the Spiritual Power Bureau.

  He likes ordinary, like ordinary.

  Even if he awakened his ability, he never showed it.

  But now, listening to the screams of countless people, listening to the screams one after another, he finally couldn't sit still.

  "Wait for me in the dugout, if I don't come back, forget me."

  In the words that seem to explain his last words, this extraordinary person is also a rare surging spiritual power.


  In the roar that is not like a human, his body is constantly changing.

  Expand little by little.

  It keeps getting bigger.

  In the faint, there is endless vitality spewing out.

  After a while, a giant tree more than ten meters high with human limbs appeared in the corner of the city.

  Treantization - can be transformed into a giant tree, with extremely powerful defense and resilience...

  This is a very powerful ability.

  However, in exchange, he will extract the power of the earth and the rest of the trees to restore himself from the constant injuries.

  And in this continuous extraction, he is very likely to be completely tree-like.

  It can't be reversed again.

  The problem is, he has no choice.

  Not only him... Many extraordinary people have no choice.

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