Not to mention being tall,

  Not for the people, nor for the country.

  But just for the family behind them, and even their children, they had to go out.

  "Fight to the death, do not retreat."

  With a loud shout, this tree is more than ten meters high, and the huge tree is also pushing the beast tide.


  And at the same time... Countless deep mountains and old forests also broke out a terrible war.

  There is a saying, 'Buddhism is prosperous in the prosperous world, and Taoism is hidden in the mountains alone; in troubled times, the Bodhisattva does not come out, and Laojun carries his sword to save the vicissitudes'.

  This is the way to describe Buddhism and Taoism.

  But this time, not only Taoism has changed, but Buddhism has also changed.

  One monastery after another, the doors were opened, leading to the commoners of the village.

  One after another, the temples also pushed open the door.

  Accompanied by it, one after another powerful warriors and even extraordinary people walked out.

  Yes, powerful warriors and even extraordinary ones.

  Daoist and Buddhist disciples, who practice martial arts all the year round, and live in the deep mountains, with abundant spiritual energy.

  Even if you can't awaken your ability, you can still become a warrior.

  Therefore, the number of strong people in Buddhism and Taoism today is beyond imagination.

  And now,


  With the sound of a Buddha's name, the Buddha's light was actually blooming, and a middle-aged monk came out of the cage like a tiger, and rushed towards the mutant beast outside the temple. .

Chapter 115

  "Dragon Claw Hand."

  In the sudden violent drinking, a figure also jumped out of the temple, and between the claws of the right hand, there was actually a phantom of dragon claws appearing.

  And this is the famous dragon claw hand of Fomen.

  It's a grappling technique.

  The power is extremely good, enough to open mountains and crack rocks,

  Just like now, the right hand turned into a claw and landed on a mutant wild boar not far away.


  Only a loud bang was heard, the flesh and blood were separated, and a scar that was deeply visible to the bone also appeared.

  And on the other side,

  "Nianhua smile..."

  In the soft whisper, a seemingly extremely handsome little monk was picking leaves and hurting the enemy.

  Yes, picking leaves hurts the enemy.

  "Huh, huh..."

  One after another, the flying leaves in the sky turned into thousands of flying knives, rushing towards the mutant beast.

  "Roar, roar, roar..."

  "Sing, sing..."

  In the continuous screams, countless mutant beasts are bloody.

  And this is the seventy-two ordinary skills of Buddhism.

  Every secret skill has a successor.

  These unique skills, in the age of the end of the law, do not see divine power.

  But now, with the recovery of spiritual energy, one after another unique skills are reappearing in the world.

  What's even more shocking is... each of these unique skills is like an innate ability of the extraordinary.

  As long as you cultivate it, you can rely on it to fight the enemy.

  Kill the enemy invisibly.

  And what does this mean?

  It means that countless people without awakening talent can rely on these martial arts, unique skills, and set foot on the door of transcendence.

  And it's no wonder that there are so many strong men pouring out of a small monastery.

  But, this is just the beginning...

  The opening of the monastery also means that Buddhism has entered the WTO.

  When Buddhism entered the world, Taoism was naturally impossible to be excluded.

  Like now... One after another, the holy places of Taoism have opened their doors.

  "Ladder Cloud Vertical..."

  With a soft drink, there was actually a figure of 15 wearing a Taoist robe, stepping on the air and rushing towards the cliff.

  There, there were mutant beasts attacking the villagers.

  And at the same time,

  "Crack, crack..."

  The continuous sound of beating is like a wave after wave after wave.

  And that, was actually a Taoist priest who abandoned the whisk and faced the enemy with both hands.

  This is the palm of the cloud.

  Martial arts again.

  Martial arts and innate abilities...the same thing.

  However, if martial arts is hard work, it is possible to succeed in cultivation and help the world open the door of transcendence.

  Innate ability requires luck...

  Yes, luck.

  However, it is worth mentioning that compared to martial arts, talent and ability are even more strange.

  At least for now, the power of individual talents is not comparable to that of ordinary martial arts.

  In addition to the legendary magic, something like King Kong's indestructible magic was born.

  Or 'Dugu Nine Swords' and other martial arts were born.

  Otherwise, it is impossible for anyone to rely on martial arts to fight against those with powerful abilities.

  Especially for an element controller like Liu Zimo, the destructive power is far beyond what ordinary warriors can imagine.


  And at this time, Buddhism and Taoism came out, and only the martial artist that only ** possessed was truly born.

  Yes, only ** has it.

  As for other countries, each has its own heritage.

  Just like now, Sakura Country...

  Facing the endless tide of mutant beasts, a very mysterious profession was born.


  One is the old age, it looks like an acrobatic performance, a very ridiculous profession, but in today's era... but it shows their unimaginable horror.

  "Shh, shh, shh..."

  One after another, the air was broken, and the mysterious figures shrouded in the night clothes one after another passed over the city like a dragonfly on the water.

  They are light and flexible.

  like a bird.

  The figure flickered, but a knife wiped the throat...


  With a crisp sound, a mutant sea beast fell to the ground.

  However, it has to be said that island countries also have advantages, and there are fewer beasts on land.

  And more from the sea.

  This also makes them more targeted on defense.

  Such as **, flying in the sky, swimming in the water, running on the ground... the sea, land and air come together, even if the ** resists, it is extremely difficult.


  At the same time, some small countries also came out with their unique professions.

  like an extradition country...

  A figure shrouded in black robes is also whistling.

  In the very clear voice, there are countless hissing sounds coming from all directions.

  "Fizz, fizz..."

  Along with the continuous neighing, one mutant poisonous snake after another slowly emerged.

  This is a mutant viper.

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