Terrible poison.

  But now, they are actually entangled around this humanoid figure, and their eyes are coldly looking at the mutant beasts rushing from all directions.

  And this is the snake man.

  They come from a tribe of snake people and have the skills of raising snakes that have been passed down for hundreds of years, even thousands of years.

  Snake hunting, snake training, snake dancing...

  In one go, even the mutant poisonous snake is a plaything in their palms.

  And this should be the earliest animal master among humans.

  In the old days, it was famous for the 'Dancing Snake'.

  In this new era, their skills have not been buried.

  Instead, it radiated a brighter light.

  like now...


  In the world-shattering neigh, a giant python with a length of twenty or thirty meters was holding a human figure and attacked the beast tide.

  That is the third elder of the snake tribe.

  A snake he raised has evolved again and again, and has already set foot on the extraordinary.

  Transformed into a mutant python.

  Today, the mutated python screams, and the beasts can't help trembling.

  Even the mutated beast tide in the distance stopped for a while.

  However, in the next moment, madness drowned out reason.

  They are still rushing towards the city where the humans are.


  Human race, a very powerful race.

  Although in the old days, technology reigned.

  But the ancient professions have not lost their inheritance.

  Now, in the old times, one ancient profession after another has bloomed with their own brilliance.

  The martial artist of **, the ninja of the cherry blossoms, the extradited snake man...

  In addition to these occupations, there are many other occupations...

  The emergence of these occupations can be said to have greatly eased the pressure on human beings.

  Of course, in addition to these ancient professions...there are some new ones...

  However, it's not even a profession.

  Like a free country, advocating science...

  The biochemical man they had already started to study also came out of the deepest laboratory.

  One after another, invulnerable, hard as iron, extremely terrifying.

  And these, Liu Zimo doesn't know yet.

  Now, he has returned to the base and chose to rest.

  The long-term battle is really exhausting for the spirit.


  However, at this time, what Liu Zimo didn't know was that the whole high-level city of Hangzhou was shaken because of him.

  "Is this really what he did?"

  Looking at it in a daze, the director of the Hangzhou Spiritual Power Bureau was also dumbfounded.

  All he sees so far are some pictures.

  But these photos shocked everyone.

  In the photo, there is a sea of ​​corpses and blood that stretches for two kilometers...

  Blood stained the earth...

  Dismembered limbs and bodies are also scattered all over the road.

  And at the end of that, there is a figure sitting alone on the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood,

  One person, one knife, and one jug.


  Taking a deep breath, the director of Hangzhou Lingli General Bureau was also speechless for a long time.

  "He broke through?"

  Among the horrified voices, the voice of Hangzhou Spiritual Power Administration was also a little trembling.


  Only by stepping foot on the second-order transcendence can we be able to do such a world-shattering move.

  "do not know..."

  While speaking softly, Luo Hu also expressed his ignorance.

  However, at this time, as if thinking of something, Luo Hu said bluntly:

  "It's just that before I left, I noticed that Thunder Dragon didn't seem to be hurt..."

  "With one enemy, thousands, or even tens of thousands of mutant beasts, still haven't been injured... If this is still the first-order extraordinary... it would be too terrifying."


  Listening quietly, many figures are also silent.

  Indeed, if this Thunder Dragon is still a first-order extraordinary, it is indeed too terrifying.

  So, to put it another way, it means...

  Looking at each other in dismay, many figures also have some guesses in their hearts.

  However, this is not yet certain.

  Moreover, no one dared to say.

  You know, that is the extraordinary second-order.

  There are few in the entire human world.

  Even among the mutant beasts, it is enough to be a 'king'.

  And now, Thunder Dragon could actually set foot in such a realm, which is too incredible.

  However, now is not the time to pursue these.

  The most important thing is to sort out the post-war.

  Thinking of this, the director of Hangzhou Lingli General Bureau also instructed:

  "Count the battle damage first..."

  "Then, arrange major hospitals to receive the wounded!!!"

  Listening quietly, the whole Hangcheng is running like a machine.


  The sky was getting brighter, and Liu Zimo also woke up from his slumber.

  However, to his astonishment, there was a lot of news about his satellite vitality.

  "Did you break through?"

  "Lord Thunder Dragon, you won't really set foot on the second rank of Transcendent, will you?"

  "My God, you actually blocked the mutant beast tide in one direction."


  One message after another, Liu Zimo also glanced at it.

  Most of these were messages from the director of the Spiritual Power Bureau and the instructor, Scar.

  Don't be in a hurry to reply.

  Compared with this, Liu Zimo is more concerned about the current situation.

  Thinking of this, Liu Zimo also turned on the computer and started looking for news.

  "**, now it's caught in a war, all major cities are fighting against mutant beasts, except for the top cities such as Hangzhou, Yanjing, and Modu, most of the other cities are in a hard fight, and even until now, the beast tide has not been repelled. ,,,”

  "What's even more terrifying is... Countless cities have fallen, and countless people are caught in dire straits..."

  Watching the news quietly, Liu Zimo was also silent.

  This is news from within the Spiritual Power Bureau, and it is very real.

  However, being true also means tragic.

  Unbelievably tragic.

  This night alone, the entire land is afraid that there will be no less than tens of millions of casualties.

  Even exaggerated.

  Slowly raising his eyes, looking at the cities that had turned into scorched earth one after another, Liu Zimo was also silent.

  "This is the real war..."

  While speaking softly, Liu Zimo also discovered the official website of the Spiritual Power Bureau, with countless tasks lit up.

  That is the rescue mission of each city.

  'Smoke City has been occupied, and until now hundreds of thousands of people are trapped in air raid shelters, water and food... can only last for ten days at most. '

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