'Maple Leaf City has been destroyed by more than half, and there are several extraordinary first-order mutant beasts raging. Please support...'

  'In Jungar City on the Prairie, countless mutant wolves are attacking, and the ammunition and food are exhausted. Please support...'


  One task after another in red font keeps flashing, but it is especially shocking.

  Even Liu Zimo couldn't help being stunned.

  "The situation has gotten so serious..."

  Clenching his fists tightly, Liu Zimo also felt a little helpless.

  The whip is beyond the reach, and the strength is beyond the reach.

  This is how he feels.

  What if his personal entity is powerful?

  In the face of such a vast race war, the role he can play is minimal.

  And, not only...

  Slowly raising his eyes, Liu Zimo also pulled abroad.

  What imprinted in his eyes was even more tragic.

  The country is destroyed and the city is destroyed...Life is ruined...

  Countless mutant beasts ravaged the land.

  In some cities, it is even more suspected that there are mutant beasts with extraordinary second-order coming out and reigning in the city.

  Moreover, the most terrifying thing is that not far from the capital, the capital of a country is occupied...


  It's kind of terrifying.

  "Even the capital has fallen..."

  Looking at the city that had turned into a sea of ​​fire in the picture, Liu Zimo vaguely saw a figure like a monitor lizard, screaming up to the sky...

  And this is the flame monitor lizard suspected to be the extraordinary second-level,

  In swallowing a fiery flame, burning everything....

Chapter 116


  With a deep sigh, Liu Zimo was also helpless.

  No matter how powerful he is, he has limits.

  The whip is beyond reach.

  Now, he just needs to protect Hangzhou City.

  However, Liu Zimo's brows were raised as if he had noticed something at this time.

  "More than five million points."

  In the soft whisper, Liu Zimo was also delighted.

  More than five million road points,

  This can do a lot of things.

  And, more importantly, Liu Zimo discovered that his thunder element talent had reached [-] at some point.

  what does this mean?

  Naturally, no words are needed.

  "The current me, in the eyes of the Lingli Research Institute, is the Thunder Spirit Body."

  Having said that, Liu Zimo also thought of a very good skill.

  The exclusive skill of the Thunder Spirit Body - Elementalization, transforming itself into a thunder attribute element, not only can have the speed of thunder, but also can be immune to physical damage.

  This is a very handy skill.

  As for scary...it can't be called 'horrible'.

  After all, this world is different from that of the Navy King.

  The extraordinary people in this world can control spiritual power.

  And spiritual power comes with various elemental powers, that is to say, they can completely touch elementalization.

  For example, if Liu Zimo is really elemental, then the ice girl is a frozen world, and her cold chill will touch Liu Zimo's elemental thunder...

  Therefore, in this world, elementalization will not be too scary.

  Convenience, however, is certainly convenient.

  "My real reliance is actually..."

  In the soft whisper, an inexplicable luster flashed in the depths of Liu Zimo's eyes.

  Immediately afterwards, it was obvious to the naked eye that the place where his eyes focused was actually a burst of ripples.

  There is also a vortex emerging.

  "Crack, click..."

  One after another, the cup he was looking at shattered and distorted until it disappeared.

  This whole process is just one breath.

  But Liu Zimo did nothing.

  And this is the most terrifying god-level skill, the power of the other eye. By adjusting the focal length, it can transmit matter from a long distance into time and space, and it can also forcefully twist the enemy into a different space.

  This is the attacking power of the left eye.

  As for the right eye, it is the power of illusory, which virtualizes itself and is completely immune to all kinds of attacks, even attacks with elements.

  However, Bokeh is afraid of attacks that can tear apart space.

  Like the explosion in the deepest part of a nuclear weapon, it should be able to distort space, which is very threatening to Liu Zimo.

  Also, there is a time interval in the phantom.

  The current Liu Zimo is not in control of the power of divine power, or he does not have a deep understanding of the power of space.

  Whether it is the distortion of the left eye or the illusion of the right eye, it requires a time check of nearly twenty or thirty minutes. .

  Moreover, there is a certain amount of spiritual power consumption.

  Cannot be used as a regular skill.

  However, this is enough.

  Therefore, Liu Zimo said that Shenwei is his reliance.

  As for elementalization, this is a power that can be revealed to others.

  And, really handsome.

  Turned into electric light, and disappeared in a flash.


  "System, I need to consume Dao points to deduce the elementalization of thunder attributes."

  "Ding, it is detected that the host's thunder attribute element talent has reached 100, which can consume two million points to deduce elementalization."

  When the words fell, Liu Zimo's mind was also shocked.

  Just because, at this moment,


  A thunderstorm actually tore the fog that ripped through his mind, and lashed out violently.

  It was a thunder light, extremely bright.

  Illuminated all darkness.

  Wherever the thunder light passed, everything was torn apart.

  In the end, this thunder light hit Liu Zimo's body fiercely.

  "Thorn, stab...~' ."

  As countless purple arcs flickered, Liu Zimo also noticed the strangeness of his body.

  It seems to be melting...

  Slowly opening his eyes, Liu Zimo had already discovered that his whole body was full of extremely bright electric lights.

  Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that his body gradually turned into lightning...

  At this moment, a strange feeling appeared in Liu Zimo's heart.

  That's why he seems to have turned into lightning...

  Yes, thunderbolt.

  "Is this elementalization?"

  Among the stunned voices, Liu Zimo was also moved.


  Just hearing a burst of air, a purple lightning has already cut through the air, and it has passed a distance of dozens of meters in an instant.

  And at the next moment, Liu Zimo's figure also appeared at the end of the training room.

  In the interweaving of countless purple lightnings, the outline of a human figure emerged.

  And this is Liu Zimo.

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