Just now, his elementalization turned into a lightning bolt in a real sense, and it was fleeting.

  "When I was elementalized, my speed almost changed qualitatively, at least twice as much. Although I dare not say it, it turned into a real thunder, but the speed has indeed increased significantly."

  "However, elementalization consumes not spiritual power, but physical strength... very tired, very tired..."

  In the soft speech, Liu Zimo also has his own understanding of the skill of elementalization.

  Maybe for the first time.

  But the physical exhaustion and mental exhaustion are real.

  However, think about it too.

  Elementalization is the transformation of the body into countless elemental particles, so how can it consume spiritual power?

  This should consume physical and mental strength.

  Physical strength, Liu Zimo is not easy to explain.

  But mentally, Liu Zimo needs to use his mind to manipulate elements and reorganize his body, which is extremely terrifying to the consumption of his mind.

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo didn't care much about it.

  It's just because he knows that if he develops his talent, the son of the earth, to the extreme, then he only needs to stand on the earth, and his physical strength can be continuously recovered.

  And this is the combination of skills.

  Thinking of this, Liu Zimo thought of more.

  "I remember that when my five element talents are full, I can deduce the legendary Taoism, and my thunder attribute talent is full, it seems that I can deduce the thunder attribute Taoism."

  While speaking softly, Liu Zimo also thought of Dao Fa.

  Dao Fa, some abilities in Chinese legends.

  Simply put, it is the method of the fairy family.

  Liu Zimo also wanted to deduce these Taoist methods and supernatural powers at the beginning.

  But these Dao Fa supernatural powers, in addition to the need for Dao points, are very large.

  More importantly, he has limitations.

  For example, if Liu Zimo wants to deduce the thunder attribute Taoist method, such as Jiuxiao Shenlei and Wuxing Shenlei, he must push the thunder attribute talent further.

  Don't you see in myths and legends, cultivating immortals also requires qualifications.

  You have no talent, you are a goddamn immortal.

  And the Lei Spirit Body, to be honest, is just the threshold for entering the world of immortality.

  In this way, it is also incomprehensible why there is no one in a hundred thousand cultivators.

  "There is no one in ten thousand who awaken talent, but there is no one in a million who can cultivate immortality."

  Although this is an exaggeration.

  But it is a fact.

  Immortal cultivation is the worst, and also needs a kind of elemental talent to fill up, turn into a thunder spirit body, a fire spirit body...

  These physiques are necessary for cultivating immortals.

  And some Taoist magical powers, the conditions are even harsher.

  For example, the famous five-element escape method,

  All that is needed is the five element talents of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, all of which are full, and they all reach the level of [-].

  "Cultivation of immortals, what I want is immortality... It is understandable that the conditions are harsh."

  Smiling, Liu Zimo didn't care.

  Now he can slowly develop and improve the talents of each element.

  It is equivalent to one day when all-attribute talent is pushed to the limit.

  Then it will become the most terrifying physique in the world of immortality - the celestial spirit body...

  At that time, even if it was a cultivator, so what.

  He can easily knock on the door, and even embark on the path of immortality.

  However, right now, not yet.

  He is not qualified enough.

  Also, the point is not enough.

  It's just that now is not the time to think about this. After simply mastering the elementalization, Liu Zimo also took a shower, changed a set of clothes, and walked outside.

  At this time, Liu Zimo also discovered that some people at the base had returned.

  Like the ice girl, the twin sisters Lingyin Lingyu.

  However, what makes Liu Zimo a little concerned is that the ice girl Shang Xueyu seems to have broken through...

  "Have you set foot on the extraordinary level?"

  In a little stunned, Liu Zimo also came to the ice girl not far away.


  Nodding slightly, the ice girl Shang Xueyu also said bluntly:

  "Breakthrough while fighting."

  Having said that, the ice girl Shang Xueyu looked at Liu Zimo's eyes and couldn't help but flicker.

  "You, did you break through?"

  "That's it."

  In the simple response, Liu Zimo also noticed a flash of ecstasy on the face of the ice girl Shang Xueyu.

  "Really, you really broke through."

  "Oh my God."

  Among the repeated exclamations, the ice girl Shang Xueyu, who rarely had emotional fluctuations, also jumped up excitedly.

  You know, this is an extraordinary second-order.

  There is not one in the whole Hangcheng.

  Now Liu Zimo is definitely the number one powerhouse in Hangzhou.

  Even the whole country, and even all human beings are ranked first.

  And this is Liu Zimo.

  ".〃You girl, low-key, low-key, do you understand?"

  While speaking softly, Liu Zimo also touched the ice-blue long hair of the ice girl Shang Xueyu.

  However, at this moment, as if he noticed something, Liu Zimo's face changed slightly.

  "Are you hurt?"

  In some solemn voices, Liu Zimo also looked at the back of the ice girl Shang Xueyu.

  There, though bandaged,

  There is still blood spilling out.

  "It's okay, it's okay, it's just being grabbed by a mutant beast's claws."

  Among the voices he didn't care about, Liu Zimo noticed the inadvertent frown of the ice girl Shang Xueyu.

  Obviously, this injury is not light.

  You know, the current medical facilities are not bad.

  And the resilience of the extraordinary is not weak at all,

  But now... she had a bandage wrapped around her back, but there was still a very rich blood color overflowing.

  "Does it hurt?"

  In the soft whisper, Liu Zimo's face also showed a rare look of worry.

  "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't really hurt."

  With a smile on her face, the ice girl Shang Xueyu also changed the subject and discussed other things with Liu Zimo.

  However, Liu Zimo didn't care too much about these.

  Now he is thinking about skills.

  What skills can heal Ice Maiden.

  It is best not to leave scars on girls.


  More importantly, Liu Zimo didn't want to see Ice Girl's pained appearance.

  Therefore, Liu Zimo resolutely returned to the training room after repeated contemplation.

  "Ding, are you sure you spend one million Dao points (alright) to deduce the Palm Immortal Art?"


  Listening to the system's cold beep, Liu Zimo also nodded.

  It was accompanied by an influx of information in his mind.

  [Palm Immortal Technique - a recovery technique, which can reliably release spiritual power regardless of internal or external injuries, achieving an amazing recovery speed. 】

  This is a very convenient and even practical ability.

  However, when Liu Zimo deduced this ability, he was also keenly aware of this ability, and the spiritual power needed was of life attributes.

  Yes, life attributes.

  Unusual element attributes, thunder, fire, earth...

  The life attribute is a very rare attribute.

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