While muttering in his heart, Liu Zimo also had his own thoughts.

  At this time, listening to Liu Zimo's remarks, the Ice Girl couldn't help but laugh.

  "It's a secret for the two of us..."

  In the soft whisper, the ice girl felt the rare acceleration of her heartbeat.

  This guy... speaks, it's really nice.


  Time passed slowly, and it was noon in the blink of an eye.

  At this time, Liu Zimo also rushed to the Hangzhou Spiritual Power General Administration.

  What caught my eye was that one big man in Hangcheng was one after another.

  With the director of Hangzhou Lingli General Bureau,

  There is also Huang Lao, the director of Hangzhou Lingli Northwest Branch,

  And Lieutenant General...

  Lots of great people.

  However, now they saw Liu Zimo's eyes, but it was like seeing a monster.

  "You, have you really broken through?"

  Among the trembling voices, the director of the Spiritual Power Bureau looked at Liu Zimo with indescribable expectations.

  If Thunder Dragon really breaks through...

  Then their entire Hangzhou city is no less than having the Dinghaishenzhen.


  Nodding slightly, Liu Zimo also knew that he couldn't hide it.

  However, since it is going to be exposed, let's really shock everyone.

  With this thought in mind, Liu Zimo is also surging with spiritual power, mixed with the domineering look of the overlord.


  With an extremely terrifying roar, countless purple lightnings were intertwined in the sky and even the earth...

  Everything seems to be frozen.

  The atmosphere was filled with an indescribable sense of oppression, which made one feel a little suffocated.

  At this moment, the earth trembled slightly.

  "Crack, click..."

  One after another, the earth cracked open like a cobweb, and it continued to spread into the distance.

  And this isn't scary.

  What is really terrifying is that under the unbelievable gazes of these big figures in Hangzhou, the countless security guards guarding the entire office fell to the ground one after another.

  "Puff, puff..."

  One after another, the sound of these figures falling to the ground seemed to hit their hearts, causing their faces to change greatly.

  "Is this the power of the extraordinary second-order?"

  "It's too scary, this kind of momentum."

  "My God...I feel like I'm dying..."


  Exclaimed again and again, one after another big man looked at Liu Zimo's eyes, as if he had seen an unprecedented monster.

  They know that the extraordinary second-order is powerful.

  But I never thought that the extraordinary second-order would be so strong?

  Is this...really human?

  At this time, the eyes of the big men looking at Liu Zimo changed a bit.

  Either in awe, or in fear...

  But there is no longer the slightest height.

  In such an era... the strong are always respected.

  And Liu Zimo's current strength is beyond imagination.

  They have no doubt that as long as Thunder Dragon thinks, they can erase all of them in an instant.


  A natural awe also emerges.

  And this was also expected by Liu Zimo.

  The reason why he mixes the domineering and domineering purpose is also here.

  Intimidate everyone with strength, thereby dispelling some people's bad ideas.

  "Everyone... I am a member of Hangcheng, and I will definitely fight for Hangcheng."

  In the simple description, Liu Zimo's voice also rang in the ears of everyone.

  Then, after a pause, Liu Zimo also added:

  "If Hangcheng needs it, I will definitely walk in the front."

  These two very simple sentences made the director of Hangzhou Spiritual Power Bureau and many people laugh.

  "I didn't read you wrong, Thunder Dragon..."

  With a loud laugh, the director of Hangzhou Spiritual Power Bureau looked at Liu Zimo with great satisfaction.

  This kid has lived up to the training of the Spiritual Power Bureau.

  However, this does not mean that they can send Thunder Dragon at will.

  The current Thunder Dragon is too strong.

  Strong enough to overturn the entire Hangcheng.

  And the Thunder Dragon with such 'absolute force' is definitely not something that can be easily controlled.

  Moreover, instead of taking control, it is better to let him fight for Hangcheng and mankind better.

  Thinking of this, the director of Hangzhou Lingli General Bureau also said bluntly:

  "Thunder Dragon, before you came, I have discussed with others... I am going to give you a position."

  "But after thinking about it, we don't know what position you like..."

  "So, we changed the way..."


  Listening quietly, Liu Zimo was also a little stunned.

  "In a different way?"


  Nodding his head, the director of Hangzhou Spiritual Power General Bureau looked at each other and said directly:

  "We allow you to establish an extraordinary team with you as the center, and even an extraordinary army... If the number reaches [-], it will directly become the Hangcheng garrison, responsible for the internal and external security of Hangcheng."

  "At the same time as the responsibility is heavy, you also have the right to be exempt from the jurisdiction of the military and the Spiritual Power Bureau... have absolute autonomy..."


  Speaking one after another, the director of the Hangzhou Spiritual Power General Bureau's eyes couldn't stop flickering.

  absolute autonomy,

  This was the highest reward they gave Liu Zimo.

  A strong man like Thunder Dragon cannot be restrained.

  It is better to let go than to think about being in control.

  Moreover, Thunder Dragon is also really reliable.

  In the beast tides again and again, he rushed in front.

  When the tide of beasts in Hangcheng attacked, one person entered the tide of beasts and killed tens of thousands of mutant beasts.

  Such a character is enough to make the whole Hangcheng pay attention.

  And he, now, also has a very high prestige among the extraordinary people and even the people in Hangzhou.

  So, to be straightforward, grant him such a right.

  So that he can better develop his own power.

  It can also better protect Hangcheng.

  As long as he and Hangcheng are bound together...then everything is ok.

  This is the decision of the top management of Hangzhou City.

  You know, all cities are now in dire straits, and they have to face the invasion of beast tides from time to time.

  But their Hangcheng will be as stable as Mount Tai because of the Thunder Dragon.

  This is just like Yanjing has the director of the General Bureau of Spiritual Power, the supreme power.

  This is the nuclear weapon of the extraordinary age! !

  enough to protect one side.

  Therefore, he must not be offended, absolutely must not be offended, and let him stay in Hangzhou willingly.

  For such a strong man, the best reward is absolute autonomy and strong support from Hangcheng.

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