With this in mind, the director of Hangzhou Lingli General Bureau also added:

  "As long as you are in need, our Spiritual Power Bureau, Hangcheng Force, and the government will strongly support you. Of course, you must understand that there are some things you can't do."

  Listening quietly, Liu Zimo also smiled.

  It has to be said that the decision of the top management of Hangzhou City was somewhat unexpected.

  This is the treatment of the strong.

  However, thinking about it, he also understands a little bit.

  A powerhouse like him now, no matter which city he goes to, that city is destined to be greeted by a sweeping couch and cheered by the whole people.

  Therefore, if Hangcheng wants to keep him, it is not too much to give him the best treatment.

  And this is this era.

  As long as you are strong, everything is possible.

  in this way...

  "Then I'm here, thank you all."

  While speaking softly, Liu Zimo also noticed that there were several figures walking out not far away.

  Holding a neatly folded set of clothes in their hands, they walked slowly.

  "This is a dress made for you overnight.."

  "From now on...the whole Hangcheng is with you..."

  "And you will also become the general guarding Hangcheng..."


  Among the very impassioned voices, one big man after another couldn't help being a little excited.

  The present era is not as good as it used to be.

  When the beast tide swept the whole country, all the cities could rely on were themselves.

  As for support,

  Sorry, most of them are unable to protect themselves, so what support is there?

  Therefore, at this time, there is a top-level powerhouse coming out of a city, and it is definitely the existence of this city's Dinghaishenzhen.

  And now, the breakthrough of Thunder Dragon also means that Hangcheng has a real security guarantee.

  How this doesn't get them excited. .

Chapter 118

  After accepting the treatment and benefits given by Hangcheng, Liu Zimo also returned to the base.

  During this period, various benefits also came one after another.

  Among them, including a full truckload of spirit stones.

  According to the Spiritual Power Bureau, this is Liu Zimo's salary this month.

  "Good guy..."

  Touching the wings of his nose, Liu Zimo was also a little shaken.

  This spirit stone is a bit over the top.

  And, more than that...

  Looking at the figures one after another busy at the base, the corners of Liu Zimo's mouth were also slightly upturned.

  This is the military, which is further enhancing the defense construction of the base.

  "We will arm the base of Lord Thunder Dragon according to the top military base."

  In the soft remark, a figure also looked at Liu Zimo with a frenzy.

  "Okay, sorry to trouble you."

  Patting the soldier on the shoulder, Liu Zimo was also delighted.

  That's the benefit of status.

  Now, the entire Hangcheng will be his backing.

  Of course, when Hangcheng is in danger, he will be obliged to walk in the forefront.

  However, at this time, a piece of news also came.

  "At present, every city has encountered a beast tide, and many of them are in a desperate situation..."

  "Especially in a city like Yancheng, the entire city is lost. The only hundreds of thousands of residents are also hiding in air raid shelters. Water and food are extremely limited. According to the current analysis, they can last for less than ten days... "

  Looking at the news quietly, Liu Zimo also understood the meaning above.

  "Does the above want me to help?"


  Nodding his head, an adjutant also said condensedly: "The above hopes that you will lead an elite team to support Yancheng and rescue hundreds of thousands of people."

  Speaking of which, the adjutant also added:

  "As mentioned above, you can bring all the extraordinary people in Hangcheng as long as you want, but it is best not to have too many. We in Hangcheng still need to keep strength to guard the city."

  "it is good."

  With a response, Liu Zimo did not refuse.

  He had already anticipated this.

  But, I didn't expect it to come so quickly.

  "Support Yancheng..."

  While speaking softly, Liu Zimo also thought of Yancheng.

  This city is located in the mountains,

  Traffic is extremely inconvenient.

  Even if the above wanted to send a large army to support it, it could not be done.

  At this time, the only people who can support him are the top transcendents like Liu Zimo.

  Only they can go deep into the mountains, and even more...


  "Give me half a day, I'll try to organize some people."

  "Okay, Lord Thunder Dragon."

  With a response, this adjutant also looked forward to it.

  If Lord Thunder Dragon is willing to rush over, then the hundreds of thousands of people in Yancheng will definitely have hope of surviving.

  And at this time,

  "Zimo, are you really going?"

  During the soft inquiry, Sister Qin on the side was also a little nervous.

  Supporting Yancheng is no better than supporting Pau.

  That was in the Land of Abundance, deep in the mountains.

  It takes more than [-] kilometers for the distance alone.

  Even if you have to travel all the time, it will take more than 20 hours.

  And this is not considered, road traffic has problems due to the impact of the beast tide.

  There are also countless mutant beasts along the way.

  Therefore, this support is absolutely unpredictable.

  "Going must be going... There are hundreds of thousands of lives there..."

  In the soft remarks, Liu Zimo's words also contained a touch of firmness.

  He is powerful, and support is definitely the best choice.

  As for the others,

  To be honest, if you go, you will die.

  He had to pick some people, though.

  A person's power is limited.

  Even he needs some help.

  However, at this time, a cold voice also sounded in Liu Zimo's ears:

  "Me, I'll go with you."

  Suddenly speaking, the ice girl not far away also walked slowly.

  Accompanied by it, the surrounding chill continued to spread.

  With the naked eye, the sky is full of ice and snow...

  "Now I can freeze a [-]-meter area, which is enough to be your helper."

  In addition, the ice girl Shang Xueyu also has a desire deep in her eyes.

  "it is good."

  Looking directly into the eyes of the ice girl, looking at the firmness in the depths of her eyes, Liu Zimo did not refuse.

  Moreover, I have to say, the ice girl's field control is very powerful.

  If she was there, it would really help a lot.

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