"With me here, there should be no need to worry about safety issues,"

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo is also confident in his own strength.

  He has the confidence to protect the Ice Girl and others.

  Only, this time it was support.

  Moreover, it is still a very long support.

  Therefore, people are precious, not many. ,

  too much.

  Materials alone are a hassle.

  Although he has a magical space, he usually does not reveal it.

  This is his secret.

  "Besides the ice girl, it's good to have two or three more people."

  While speaking softly, Liu Zimo also thought of someone...

  That one person is a very powerful fighting force.Should be fine.

  Thinking of this, Liu Zimo also rushed towards the Spiritual Power Bureau.


  And not long after that, the deepest part of Hangzhou Spiritual Power Bureau...

  Nineteenth floor underground...

  This is the prison of the Spiritual Power Bureau, where powerful transcendents are imprisoned.

  Up to now, there are no less than twenty extraordinary people here.

  It's just, unfortunately, that most of these extraordinary people didn't take the right path.

  Like the wretched man before, not to mention, relying on the ability of the transparent world, he bullied his parents, and even shot at extraordinary women.

  Sin cannot be punished.

  And there is Shan Hun, the professional who robbed the Lingli Research Institute last time...

  These guys are all imprisoned here.

  And now...

  "Tread, step, step..."

  Step by step, suddenly echoed in the depths of this dark and damp prison.

  "Yo, is someone here again?"

  "This time, let's guess who it is, ahahaha..."

  "Damn, a bunch of lackeys, isn't it cool to be yourself? You have to be a cow and a horse for the country..."

  Or screaming, or disdain, the entire prison is boiling.

  They are all extraordinary beings who walk in the dark, their hearts are extremely distorted, and they are no longer comprehensible for normal people.

  Even some individuals started to slam into prisons violently.

  "Boom, boom..."

  One after another, the entire prison trembled.

  They are like wild beasts, wantonly venting their unwillingness.

  However, at this time,


  A sudden cold hum reverberated throughout the prison.



  With an extremely terrifying roar, countless purple lightnings were intertwined in the prison.

  The terrifying overlord's arrogance suddenly erupted.

  The entire prison fell into deadly silence.

  dead silence,

  Deathly quiet.

  It was a very noisy prison, but it was completely quiet.

  At this time, if you pay attention to these felons, you will definitely see cold sweat on their foreheads...

  His face turned pale.

  "what is this?"

  "Oh my God..."

  In the shock of Qi Qi, their eyes were all focused on the slowly emerging figure.

  It was a young man.

  His face was extremely cold.

  There were purple lightning flashes all over the body.

  Now he is wearing a snow-white trench coat...

  On the shoulder and neck of the windbreaker, there is a mark like a major general.

  And just behind the windbreaker, there is a thunder dragon that neighs and neighs, showing its teeth and dancing claws... lifelike.

  This is the clothes made by the Spiritual Power Bureau for Liu Zimo.

  It is said to be made from the fur of a first-order mutant beast.

  very precious.

  And now... it's just such a young man, but it stuns everyone.

  Even the most arrogant and most tyrannical felon, looking at this figure, is still in disbelief.

  There was fear in his expression.

  At this moment, a figure slowly walked out from behind Liu Zimo.

  He is the extraordinary person guarding this place, an extraordinary first-order ability person.

  Usually very arrogant.

  However, now, his attitude was extremely respectful.

  "This one is Mr. Thunder Dragon and the guardian of our Hangcheng. He is the second-rank extraordinary and the most top-level powerhouse. Please show some respect."

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  During the slow introduction, this extraordinary person looked at Liu Zimo with a flash of excitement.

  Extraordinary Second Order...

  Only by standing beside this adult can you understand what terror is.

  The unimaginable oppression made the blood almost coagulate.

  Even breathing is a little...not smooth.

  And this is Lord Thunder Dragon, the current guardian of Hangcheng.

  "Extraordinary second-order?"

  "What are you kidding?"

  Eyes widened, felons looked at this young-looking figure not far away in disbelief.

  But thinking of the terrifying aura just now, they couldn't help being silent.

  This one seems to be an extraordinary second-order.

  It was unimaginably powerful and suffocating.

  However, at this time, a very hoarse voice came from the deepest part of the prison.

  "Why did you come here?"

  It seemed a little surprised. In the deepest part of the prison, a very burly man raised his head.

  However, at this moment, as if he noticed something, his pupils shrank slightly.

  "You, really broke through?"

  In the unbelievable voice, Shan Hun was also a little confused.

  Not long ago, he also played against this guy.

  If it wasn't for this guy, he wouldn't be imprisoned here.

  But now, this guy actually broke through?

.. 0

  "You seem to have suffered a lot here,"

  Suddenly speaking, Liu Zimo also noticed Shan Hun in the deepest part of the prison.

  One after another very thick chains locked the body.

  It is a huge hook, and it runs through his lute bone.

  It was bloody and looked extremely miserable.

  At this time, listening to Liu Zimo's voice, the guard of the prison also stepped forward and explained:

  "Lord Leilong, this guy Shanhun is a professional, and his innate ability is extremely terrifying. Our Spiritual Power Bureau has not developed a device to suppress spiritual power, so we can only use such extraordinary means."


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