Nodding slightly, Liu Zimo also expressed understanding.

  However, this time, Liu Zimo is for this guy.

  His talent is plundering, and he has plundered the two talents of Juli and Shockwave.

  If Liu Zimo finds another good talent for him, he will be able to transform into a killing machine, which is a very good combat power.

  So, with a thought, several lines of purple lightning flashed across the air, heading towards the chains that locked Shanhun.

  "Crack, click..."

  Only two crisp sounds were heard, and the two chains broke in response.

  "Let's go."

  While speaking softly, Liu Zimo also slowly turned around.


  In some stunned voices, Shan Hun was also puzzled.

  "Hundreds of thousands of people in Yancheng are trapped in air raid shelters, and mutant beasts are ravaging the city, and we need our support."

  Having said that, Liu Zimo also paused and added:

  "This is your chance to make good on your crimes. If you're lucky, you can reduce the punishment in the future..."

  When the words fell, the entire prison was shocked.

  Dedicated to guilt?Reduce the sentence?


  However, when they thought of what Thunder Dragon said about going to Yancheng for support, most of them couldn't help but change their expressions.

  Yancheng is still somewhat famous.

  It is thousands of kilometers away from here.

  Going to that kind of place to support is tantamount to dying.

  However, even so, several figures stood up and said:

  "Can I go?"

  "And I..."


  Listening quietly, Liu Zimo also looked up, and then categorically refused:

  "You are not strong enough..."

  One is the ninth level ability, and the other is not even the ninth level... and the talent is not enough.

  I want to go to this place to support...

  Afraid to die.

  However, at this moment, another figure actually stood up:

  "I should be able to, my ability can be integrated with the machine... Although I am only a ninth-level ability, but if you give me a fully armed chariot, my combat power is absolutely terrifying..."

  "Furthermore, I was imprisoned because I was wronged... This point, as you are, if you are willing to investigate, you should be able to find out." Jin.

Chapter 119

  "Melting into the machine? Being wrongfully imprisoned..."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo also took a deep look at the figure not far away.

  This is a youth.

  With thick eyebrows and big eyes, he looks very heroic.

  It really doesn't look like a rapist.

  However, this does not mean that he was wrongfully imprisoned.

  Just his ability...

  His eyes narrowed slightly, and Liu Zimo also used the system to check his innate abilities.

  [Machine Tinder——The Tinder that can turn itself into a machine, giving the machine life and power, the more powerful the machine, the more terrifying the power of the explosion... The stronger the power, the more the power of the machine can be exerted ...while also strengthening the machine itself...]

  Watching quietly, Liu Zimo couldn't help but be slightly taken aback.

  This ability is somewhat good.

  Do not,

  Not so simple.

  Rather terrifying.

  If this allows him to integrate the 'aircraft carrier', the combat power is afraid that it will directly explode.

  However, considering his strength, he should not be able to fully control the aircraft carrier.

  But even so, his potential cannot be underestimated.

  "If he is integrated with the chariot, even some rough roads should be able to cross..."

  With this in mind, Liu Zimo also agreed with his statement.

  Not because of his combat power.

  But because of his convenience.


  Suddenly, a purple lightning ripped apart the prison...

  Immediately afterwards, in the eyes of this young man who were somewhat surprised, the prison that trapped him was slowly shattering.

   "Give you a chance. If you can really help me, I will investigate your case after I come back."

  "Okay, Lord Thunder Dragon."

  With a response, this young man also suppressed his excitement.

  However, at this time, as if thinking of something, he also raised his eyes and said bluntly:

  "My name is Xu Hongda, Lord Leilong can call me 'Dazi'..."


  Suddenly, Liu Zimo also gave this guy a nice nickname.

  "You will be called Tinder from now on."

  Once again, Liu Zimo didn't pay attention to the stunned expression on this person's face, and slowly turned around and walked outside the prison.

  As for Shanhun, after taking a deep look at Liu Zimo's back, he also got up from the ground, shook his arms, and chose to follow.

  Why not follow?

  He had no choice.

  According to his current crime, at least he will be sentenced to more than ten years.

  But now, he has a chance to get out of prison


  And, more importantly,...


  In the soft whisper, Shan Hun also showed anticipation.

  He is expecting...

  he longs for,

  Looking forward to the next fight with him, eager to go all out next time.


  But Liu Zimo didn't care too much about it.

  This time, he was just looking for some decent guys.

  It's almost there now.

  Three extraordinary people, two of which are professionals.

  should be enough.

  "Are you sure you will take them both out of prison?"

  In the confirmation once again, the director of the General Bureau of Spiritual Power also raised his eyes and looked at the two figures behind Liu Zimo.

  The fire is fine, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and although the clothes are ragged, it looks fine.

  But that guy Shanhun is ferocious and ferocious, so it's a little scary.

  "Director, do you think the two of them can make waves in my hands?"

  With a chuckle, Liu Zimo's face also showed a hint of playfulness.

  "Crack, click..."

  One arc after another weaving the body.

  Along with it, the ground under Liu Zimo's feet was penetrated... revealing bottomless potholes.


  During a period of silence, not only the director of the General Bureau of Spiritual Power, but even Shanhun and Huozi behind him changed their expressions slightly.

  They have no doubt that the thunder and lightning the thickness of this thumb is enough to kill them here.

  At this time, looking at Liu Zimo, the director of Hangzhou Spiritual Power Bureau also smiled:

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