One terrifying ability after another is blessed.

  It has god-level abilities...

  In this way, it is also conceivable that Liu Zimo's power is by no means comparable to the ordinary extraordinary second-order.

  And, more importantly, with some abilities, the further back you go, the more terrifying the power.

  Don't say anything else,

  Just a divine power, you can see one or two.

  When he was at the first rank of Transcendent, Liu Zimo was still unable to exert the power of Shenwei.

  But now, he can at least exert the power of Shenwei at least five or six out of ten.

  Killing at a glance is not just talk.


  Now Liu Zimo is terrible.

  It's really scary.

  Even if you look at the **, including some deeply hidden guys, he should be regarded as the most top-level existence.

  Even, the combat power is enough to rank among the top three.


  Humans are not Liu Zimo's enemies now.

  His real enemy is a mutant beast, a beast of the deep sea.

  If you put your eyes on humans, then his pattern is not so small.

  At this time, on an armored vehicle that was traveling at extreme speed at night...

  "I hope the people of Yancheng can support for a while longer."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo, who was still in the armored vehicle, also hoped that Yancheng could persist until he came.

  After all, that's hundreds of thousands of lives.

  There are probably a lot of kids out there...


  After a while of silence, Liu Zimo also clenched his fists. .

Chapter 121

  Time passed slowly, but today's Yancheng is living like a year.

  Countless mutant beasts from the deep mountains drowned the entire city.

  This is a city surrounded by mountains and rivers.

  Although not prosperous,

  But it's not bad,

  High-rise buildings, red lights and green wine...

  But now, the city has turned into ruins, with flames and smoke flooding the entire city.

  Looking up, one mutant beast after another appeared in every corner of the city.

  There is a mutant green snake, hovering in the corner of the eaves, silently eating...

  There is a group of mutant wild boars, roaring, constantly rushing back and forth in the city...

  But the most terrifying thing is those terrifying creatures who set foot on the extraordinary.

  For example, the mutant goshawk that spreads its wings in the sky.

  Very sharp eyes, like sharp swords.

  Between the wings, a storm rises, sweeping everything...

  For example, among the mutant wild boar herds, the one who roared in the sky was a mutant wild boar king four or five laps bigger than the other mutant wild boars.

  The skin is thick beyond imagination,

  It's like wearing armor.

  The body is as high as three or four stories.

  "Boom, boom, boom..."

  During the earthquake, half the city seemed to be shaking.


  And not far away, 'quack quack' kept screaming, but it was a mutant toad with a height of one meter.


  With a roar, the chill spread.

  It can be seen to the naked eye that it is constantly frozen and turned into ice and snow.

  This is an extraordinary first-order mutated ice toad,

  Very scary.

  where it goes,

  Not only humans, but even many mutant beasts are frozen and turned into ice sculptures one after another.

  As soon as he opened his mouth, a blue beam of light ripped apart the city.

  Where the blue light beam passes,

  An even colder chill also erupted.

  In an instant, everything froze.

  And this is the extraordinary creature that ravaged the city of smoke.

  The entire Yancheng has a population of less than two million, and the extraordinary is less than five hundred people.

  But among the beast tide, there are as many as seven or eight supernatural creatures alone.

  With such a terrifying beast tide, it's no wonder that Yancheng was defeated like a mountain without even holding on for a long time.

  And this time...

  If you look at a corner of the city, you can even find that that corner has turned into a dead and pale world.

  It was a web-like world, with countless white spider silks constantly weaving, covering thousands of square meters of the city.

  Under the network world, all trees and life are withered,

  Mutated spiders, big and small, constantly travel through this web-like world.

  These mutant spiders are the size of a thumb.

  Also has the size of a palm.

  You can even see mutant spiders the size of an orange cat.

  And now, they are constantly spreading this white spider web world, it seems that they want to occupy a larger territory.

  Just, it's not scary.

  What is truly terrifying is that in such a world, countless white dead bones lie quietly.

  Those bones have mutant beasts.

  But it's more of a humanoid...

  And what does this mean?

  Nobody knows.

  However, every human being who comes here, sees this scene and is afraid that his hair will stand up, and then he will burst into unimaginable anger.


  This is an extremely small creature, but it actually started to prey on humans.

  And, not just one or two.

  At a glance, I am afraid that there are thousands of human beings, reduced to dry bones.

  "Who can save us... Who can save us..."

  In the choked voice, a man buried under the ruins also stared at the cobweb-like world above his head in awe.

  He even saw the innumerable terrifying mutant spiders.

  But at this moment, it seemed that his voice caught his attention.

  "Squeak...~' ."

  In the very sharp and ear-piercing scream, a mutated black spider the size of a washbasin appeared beside him, and even opened its mouth, revealing sharp teeth that made hair stand on end.


  Blood splattered everywhere, and this man was also in a shrill scream, and there was no sound.

  Immediately afterwards, countless spider silks spit out, entangling the entire man.

  At this time, if you look into the deepest part of the spider web world, you will definitely see a huge mutant spider about four or five meters high and seven or eight meters long, with black lines all over its body, sleeping quietly.

  It, with eight long black legs, looks extremely tough and powerful.

  And his body, countless fluff, stood up like black steel needles.

  This is the mutant spider king.

  It is precisely because of it that the corner of Yancheng is occupied, and there is no resistance at all.


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