"Support, support yet?"

  In the very mournful roar, in the city, one after another human beings who are still resisting the mutant beasts in the corners, also made such a shout.

  "Support, where is there any support, each city can't protect itself..."

  Among the helpless voices, a figure was also pale.

  On the other side, several more people rushed over and hurriedly said:

  "Yes, yes... I just logged on the official website of the Spiritual Power Bureau, and it said that a team from Hangcheng came here."

  "Squad? What are you kidding?"

  Suddenly roaring, a person's mentality collapsed.

  "Look, look... There are mutant beasts everywhere, what can a team do?"

  "Also, we came from Hangcheng. Hangcheng is more than a thousand kilometers away from here. You wouldn't expect them to come by plane."

  During the continuous roar, everyone was stunned.

  Yes, what's the use of a squad coming.

  Moreover, it still came from Hangzhou.

  You must know that there are countless mutant beasts in the wild today.

  The sky has become a site for mutant birds.

  Under such circumstances, it is a question whether this elite team can come.


  Gritting his teeth tightly, an indescribable despair also pervaded.

  "So, all we can do is wait to die..."

  The sudden voice echoed in the air, causing everyone's complexion to change again and again.

  "Hold on, the air defense zone is still waiting for us to collect supplies and go back."

  Saying so, a burly man also gritted his teeth and ran to the nearest supermarket.

  They are the air defense zone, the squad sent out to collect supplies.

  However, to be honest, if this team came out, it would be a near-death experience.

  However, they have no choice.

  If they don't come out again, hundreds of thousands of people in the entire air defense zone will be...

  And they, as soldiers...sometimes, have to go back and forth.


  Time passed slowly, and the situation of the entire Yancheng became more and more difficult.

  Large-scale resistance or something has long ceased to exist.

  All resistance was defeated.

  Today, there are only human beings who hide in Tibet one after another, hiding in every corner of the city...

  As for the bomb shelter, it's not that they don't want to go.

  Instead, it's gone.

  The bomb shelter, in the deepest part of the city.

  To get to the bomb shelter, they had to go through the city all the way.

  At this time, the mutant beasts in the city are rampant, passing through the city, which is tantamount to courting death.


  "Dad, are we going to die?"

  Suddenly, a very nice little girl's voice sounded in a dark basement.

  Xunsheng looked around, a little girl who looked seven or eight years old in a small white dress, hugged a middle-aged man tightly.

  "No, no, Dad will accompany you."

  While speaking softly, this middle-aged man pulled out a dagger at some point.

  Aimed at the little girl's back.

  The right hand is trembling,

  Tears fell uncontrollably.

  Middle-aged people are also desperate.

  This basement was discovered sooner or later.

  At that time, his death was a small matter.

  But his daughter...

  But his daughter...

  How painful it would be to die tragically at the hands of mutant beasts.

  Bite, claw, gnaw...

  Everything, just thinking about it, this father is trembling and a little desperate.

  She is an angel from the world.

  I didn't come to this hell.

  Therefore, he is hesitant to end all this early.

  "Maybe, leaving now is the best option..."

  "Don't worry, Dad will come to accompany you."

  While muttering in his heart, the middle-aged man also gritted his teeth and stabbed the girl in the back with a face full of despair.

  as a father,

  He actually killed his own daughter.

  How desperate it would be.

  But this middle-aged man has no choice.

  "Ni'er, Daddy is sorry for you."

  The moment the words fell, a touch of cold light also pierced his clothes.

  However, at the next moment,


  A sudden roar erupted from the entire basement.

  Accompanied by it, an unimaginable impact was going in all directions.


  Hearing a loud bang, the middle-aged man's body flew out and slammed into the wall not far away.

  Dazed... This middle-aged man was also stunned.

  Even the bones in the chest cavity are already broken.

  Even if the body is badly damaged...

  But his eyes were fixed on the little girl not far away.

  That little girl was covered in purple light.

  The unimaginable spiritual power is constantly spraying out like materialization.

  Deep and terrifying, it enveloped her entire body.

  However, this is not terrible,

  What's really scary is that the teddy bear that this little girl is holding in her arms is actually lit up with a scarlet light.


  In the somewhat hollow voice, the girl's face was also distorted because of pain.

  "I'm sore, I'm sore..."

  "It's like something is waking up..."

  "It's craving, it wants to come out..."

  Speaking one after another, the purple spiritual power around the girl became more and more surging.

  And this vast spiritual power is like a tornado, rising into the sky, attracting the surrounding mutant beasts.

  "Roar, roar, roar..."

  "Roar, roar, roar..."

  In the continuous roar, countless mutant beasts are gathered.

  "Ni'er, Ni'er..."

  Hearing this extremely terrifying roar, the middle-aged man also showed despair, raised his hand tremblingly, and reached out to the little girl not far away.

  In the blink of an eye, he saw a very huge mutant python, from top to bottom, pounced on his girl.

  "Do not..."

  In the last roar, this middle-aged man was also desperate.

  However, don't wait for him to roar more.


  Suddenly, in the roar that seemed to come from ancient times, a thick arm with purple flames burning all over appeared in front of the little girl's body.


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