If there is a person with intensive phobia, his hair will stand on end.

  But now, taking a deep look at this piece of the world covering thousands of square meters, Liu Zimo also slowly raised his palm.

  "Boom, boom, boom..."

  With a terrifying roar, thunderclouds surged...

  There was actually a vast vortex of dark clouds gathered above Liu Zimo's head.

  This is the starting style of Liu Zimo's skill to suppress the angry waves.

  It's just that this time, the thunderous and angry waves are a little different from before.

  This time, the thunderous and angry waves have used the power of heaven to a certain extent.

  After all, it is still raining hazy drizzle in the city of smoke.

  So well...

  "Thunder and angry waves."

  While speaking softly, Liu Zimo's eyes were also extraordinarily calm.

  Calm Dao seemed to be looking at a corpse.

  And at the moment when Liu Zimo's words fell,


  Accompanied by a terrifying roar, an extremely terrifying spiritual force rose into the sky.

  This wave of spiritual power is so vast,

  so terrifying,

  So much so that the extraordinary people who are fighting fiercely in every corner of the city are attracted.

  "what is that?"

  Leng Leng, a smoke city extraordinary person, can not help but stunned.

  Just because, looking for his gaze, above the sky, dark clouds gathered and turned into a huge vortex...

  From a distance, it seems that a catastrophe is imminent.

  And on the other side,

  "It's this trick again..."

  With a shock, the ice girl Shang Xueyu was also a little suffocated.

  Lightning suppresses angry waves, Liu Zimo is a very terrifying skill.

  Last time, Pau was short-lived, running through a corner of the city...

  But now, after Liu Zimo broke through the second-order extraordinary, this trick was going to be repeated again.

  "Boom, boom, boom..."

  In the increasingly terrifying roar, the vortex of dark clouds gathered in the sky actually began to continuously swallow thunder.

  And at this very moment,

  "Turn me to ashes."

  With a loud shout, Liu Zimo violently pressed his raised right hand to the ground.


  Only to hear a terrifying roar, the thunder light with a thickness of nearly [-] meters fell from the sky.


  During the sudden loud noise, the entire white and dead still spider web world also shook violently.

  However, without waiting for countless mutant spiders to neigh,

  "Crack, click..."

  In the continuous thunder, the thunder light spread, actually engulfing the entire spider web world.

  "Ding, you have killed a level 5 mutant spider, Dao Point +500..."

  "Ding, you have killed a level 4 mutant spider, Dao Point +400..."

  "Ding, you have killed a level 6 mutant spider, Dao Point +600..."

  Among the repeated reminders, hundreds of mutant spiders were also turned into ashes in the roar of thunder.

  Yes, ashes.

  The extremely fragile body of the mutant spider could hardly withstand Liu Zimo's thunder.

  Even the extraordinary spider in the deepest place was getting weaker and weaker in the shrill neighing.


  It was as if countless pieces of glass pierced through the glass with a piercing scream... The giant spider, which was four meters high and seven or eight meters long, jumped up.

  This jump was actually against the thunder light, jumped a hundred meters high, and rushed towards Liu Zimo.

  However, upon closer inspection, the thorn-like fluff around this giant mutant spider has turned to ashes.

  Even the eight tough and slender feet were blackened.

  But even so,

  He also roared, jumped up, raised his sickle feet high, and slashed towards Liu Zimo like a sickle.


  With a cold snort, Liu Zimo's right hand also touched the hilt of his sword at some point.


  In a flash of thunder, above the sky, the body of this very huge mutant spider also solidified.

  "Push at me, courage is commendable."

  While speaking softly, Liu Zimo also flew towards the ground without looking back.

  As for this very huge mutant spider, sorry, it is already a corpse...  

  And at this moment,

  'Stab, stab...'

  One after another, the giant mutant spider behind Liu Zimo erupted with dozens of bloodstains, and countless blood spurted out from the bloodstains.

  In an instant, a sword, but dozens of swords, crossed.

  This is Liu Zimo's current kendo.

  I can't say how gorgeous it is.

  But fast, accurate, ruthless, but it is all.

  And this is also conceivable.

  Now, he uses thunder to stimulate his reflex nerves from time to time, and activate his own cells at the same time.

  The current Liu Zimo's brain reaction speed is estimated to be several times that of an ordinary extraordinary person.

  Even the body's reaction speed is more than one grade stronger than that of ordinary superhumans.


  He strikes his sword, and soon,

  Too soon to respond.

  The ordinary kendo master Mo said and Liu Zimo learned from each other.

  I'm afraid that even Liu Zimo's sword can't stop it.

  "I don't have a lot of time to spend on kendo, so I can only keep improving my sword speed, improve my accuracy of cutting people, and maximize my speed, accuracy and ruthlessness."

  While speaking softly, Liu Zimo, who fell on the ground, slowly put away the long sword in his hand.

  Vaguely, a drop of scarlet blood could be seen dripping from the tip of the sword.


  Between the repeated crisp sounds, the ground is filled with blue smoke.

  It's poisonous.

  The blood of that giant mutant spider is highly poisonous.

  No wonder, its innate ability is related to poison.

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo also silently wrote down the talent of 'toxin strengthening'.

  If necessary, it is not too late to deduce.


  But at this moment, Liu Zimo didn't know that his existence shook the whole city.

  "Is that Mr. Thunder Dragon?"

  "My God...what a joke."

  "Is this really something humans can do?"

  "Lord Thunder Dragon, Lord Thunder Dragon... Really invincible..."

  In the repeated exclamations, the countless survivors of Yancheng saw that...

  Seeing the thunder that destroys everything,

  Turn one area into a sea of ​​thunder.

  Countless mutant spiders were all reduced to ashes in the sea of ​​thunder.

  In such a scene, not to mention these figures.

  Even in the distant mountains, the fire is shocking.

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