A pair of eyes stared at the earth, the scorched black crater that spanned thousands of square meters.

  one move,

  just one trick,

  But it wiped out tens of thousands of mutant spiders.

  Such terrifying destructive power completely shocked and even scared Shanhun.

  "Is this the destructive power of the extraordinary second-order?"

  His face was stiff, and Shan Hun felt a little stunned.

  "Please don't think of Thunder Dragon as a normal second-order extraordinary..."

  In the sudden opening, the ice girl Shang Xueyu also explained.

  However, at this time, if you pay attention to the ice girl Shang Xueyu, you will definitely be able to see her face twitching uncontrollably.

  Compared to last time, Thunder Dragon became stronger again.

  Not only has the destructive power increased by a large margin, but it also appears to be extremely easy to handle.

  At a glance, it can be seen that Thunder Dragon has not yet exerted its full combat power.

  "If this goes on, I can really chase you..."

  In a daze, the ice girl Shang Xueyu's gaze towards the figure in the distance was also somewhat complicated.

  But Liu Zimo didn't know about it.

  Now he... is calming the spiritual power in his body.

  successive big moves,

  It also has a certain load on his body.

  It will take some time to recover.

  However, Liu Zimo was very satisfied.

  And satisfied with his current destructive power.

  "Thunder is a powerful destructive force, and I am a thunder spirit body, which has a certain increase in the thunder itself..."

  "So, plus my various skills..."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo also gained a deeper understanding of his own destructive power.

  Here is destructive power.

  Not combat power.

  Destructive power does not equal combat power.

  But one thing is certain, that is, the destructive power is terrifying, so it is undoubtedly a very terrifying thing.

  "If my destructive power was more terrifying, it would not be too much to call it a 'human-shaped natural disaster'.".

Chapter 125

  Humanoid disaster.

  This is a description of the extraordinary fourth-order by the Lingli Research Institute.

  According to their data analysis, the extraordinary fourth-order can be called a 'natural disaster' level life form.

  Such a life, walking in the world, is like a natural disaster.

  Comparable to large earthquakes, volcanic eruptions...

  Can easily destroy a city.

  However, that was the regular Transcendent Fourth Order.

  Under the extraordinary fourth-order, that is, in the extraordinary third-order, some life forms with terrifying destructive power can also be called 'human-shaped natural disasters'.

  And that is the element controller who awakened the elemental talent.

  They are in charge of the elements and can borrow the power of heaven and earth.

  It is impossible for ordinary people,

  The destructive power can be said to be terrifying to the extreme.

  And that is the 'pseudo natural disaster', which is very terrifying.

  And now... Liu Zimo, who has just entered the second-rank supernatural, has shown the possibility of becoming a 'natural disaster'.

  Yes, possible.

  If he was allowed to go further and his destructive power increased again, he feared that it would not be too much to call it a 'human-shaped natural disaster'.

  Just imagine, the man of Thunder Cloud, he stands quietly by himself.

  Just relying on the 'Thunder Cloud' to bring out the Tianwei version of the thunder and raging waves, I am afraid it is enough to destroy half of the city.

  So, how can it not be scary.

  And this, not to mention, he may also deduce more terrifying skills.

  Wan Lei... Kirin...

  These terrifying skills one after another are enough to push him to the name of 'natural disaster'.

  And now...

  Slowly raising his eyes, looking at the scorched black earth that has turned into ruins, Liu Zimo also has some expectations...

  Looking forward to the day when he incarnates a 'natural disaster'.

  At that time, he called it 'the highest combat power', which was not too much.

  "The destructive power that others can only possess the extraordinary fourth-order, the extraordinary third-order element controller may have it. This is one of the reasons why the element controller is so terrible."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo also thought of another point.

  That is the element controller, which is really scary.

  At the same level, the destructive power of other 15-ability people and even warriors and element controllers is definitely not the same level.

  Just like now, the kilometer of scorched earth he easily cast...

  This is really a powerhouse who has just entered the second-order extraordinary, can it be done?

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo also noticed his point, which has reached more than six million.

  It's not much.

  However, there is no way.

  He just came to Yancheng.

  Another priority is to deal with extraordinary creatures.

  It was only now that the large mutant spider nest was destroyed, and a wave was truly harvested.

  So...his Dao points, naturally there can't be too many.

  However, don't worry.

  Through the Rain Tiger Freedom Technique, Liu Zimo could easily perceive the mutant beasts in Yancheng.

  There are a lot more,

  a lot of.

  If he can bury all these mutant beasts, it will be enough for his Dao Point to break through the ten million mark.


  The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, setting off a cruel arc, and Liu Zimo also moved.

  The long sword suddenly slid out of Liu Zimo's right hand, and Liu Zimo's whole person turned into a bolt of lightning, rushing towards the distance.


  In a low voice, Liu Zimo also threw himself into the beast tide again.


  The power of an individual is insignificant in the face of the real beast tide.

  This is the consensus of countless people.

  That steady stream of mutant beasts, no one would think that one person alone can withstand it.

  But this day was different.

  Just because that person appeared!!

  The legendary top professional - Thunder Dragon, a young man who looks no different from ordinary people.

  But such a young man engulfed one powerful mutant beast after another.

  The thunder that destroyed everything still remains on the earth to this day.

  However, just when countless survivors and even Shanhun and others were shocked by his thunder and terror, he staged a magnificent slaughter in Yancheng.

  Yes, gorgeous kills.

  With a sword in one hand, the windbreaker is stained with blood.

  He was alone, rushing towards the beast tide at high speed.

  When the sword fell in his hand, a touch of sword light was brought out.


  That seemingly terrifying defense was like a piece of paper in front of Liu Zimo. This eighth-level mutant wild boar didn't even have time to react. It was divided into two, and blood spurted.

  However, before the blood was stained, Liu Zimo rushed towards the next mutant wild boar.

  This time, he did not use Thunder.

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