"With these mutant beast corpses, the strength of many of our troops will be improved again, and some people can even awaken their talents."

  Listening to the words of the commander Wei Zhiming, Liu Zimo was also stunned.

  "Will it be effective for ordinary people to eat mutant beast meat?"


  Nodding, the officer Wei Zhiming also said bluntly:

  "Soldiers have undergone rigorous training. They can digest part of the flesh and blood of mutant beasts, which can improve their physical quality to a certain extent. As for ordinary people, there is a certain possibility that they will explode and die."


  After a while of silence, Liu Zimo also understood.

  No wonder, this one's eyes glowed when he saw the mutated beast corpse he brought.

  Thinking about it this way, it is understandable.

  However, at this time, as if thinking of something, the officer Wei Zhiming also reminded:

  "In the future, you can often come to me to hunt and perform tasks. I promise that when you need support, our troops here will arrive as soon as possible."

  "it is good."

  Smiling, Liu Zimo did not refuse.

  He knew that this one should have taken a fancy to the mutant beast meat he hunted.

  However, this is a matter of mutual benefit.

  Liu Zimo needed money and some things from the troops, and the troops also needed his mutant beast meat.

  And this should also be a model of how troops and extraordinary people get along today.

  Mutual support.


  In the army, Liu Zimo stayed for more than three days.

  During this period, he let Sister Qin and Ice Girl stay behind in the army, while he went deep into the mountains to hunt alone.

  Good harvest.

  Another two eight-level mutant beasts.

  A mutant giant bear, and a mutant python.

  "My current strength is comparable to the ninth-level Great Perfection, or even more exaggerated."

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo also has some understanding of his own strength.

  Compared with others, his advantage is too obvious.

  All kinds of skills are added, and there are magical skills in hand.

  Moreover, he also has a cultivation method.

  The same tiger, he is a tiger armed to the teeth.

  So, you can also imagine how terrible he was.

  Now, even if he competes with some powerful mutant beasts, he will not fall behind.

  What is worth mentioning here is that most mutant beasts are at the same level and are better than humans.

  After all, the physique of mutant beasts is too terrifying.

  And Liu Zimo's physique was equal to that of most mutant beasts because he practiced the iron cloth shirt.

  Yes, most.

  Like some mutant beasts that dominate the roost with 'defense', such as mutant giant bears, mutant elephants... Now he can't compare.

  However, according to his guess, when his external skills iron cloth shirt is completed, it should be comparable to steel, it should not be weaker than these mutant beasts. .

Chapter 50

  "Come on, my foreign skill iron cloth shirt will be completed soon."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo, who was sitting cross-legged in a room of the army, also looked at the progress of his cultivation.

  [Wai Gong Iron Cloth Shirt——Xiaocheng's body is as hard as iron, Dacheng's body is like steel...not moving like a mountain...(/1000)]

  "There are still more than [-] times. With some treasures and polishing the body, I should be able to complete this practice in half a year."

  Thinking like this, Liu Zimo also decided to use the contribution points to exchange some treasures for the Spiritual Power Bureau.

  You know, now is the era of aura recovery.

  Not just animals, humans mutate.

  Even some plants mutate to have mysterious effects.

  And these are the spirit flowers and spirit grass.

  Some of the spirit grasses can polish the body and make the body stronger.

  If Liu Zimo had this kind of spirit grass, the training speed of the outer power iron cloth shirt would probably skyrocket again.

  And this is also the benefit of contribution points.

  As long as you contribute enough points, the whole country will serve you.

  It is difficult for Liu Zimo to find Linghua Lingcao alone.

  But the country has many eyes and ears, and countless people work for it.

  In the treasury alone, there are countless spiritual flowers and grasses piled up now.

  But now, as long as Liu Zimo contributes enough points, everything can be exchanged.

  Yes, everything is exchangeable.

  Contribution points can be exchanged for all resources without harming the country. This is the first law of the Spiritual Power Bureau.

  It is also an important reason why countless extraordinary people are willing to sacrifice their lives for them.

  mutually beneficial,

  With the help of the state, they can grow faster.

  And Liu Zimo now seems to have more than [-] contribution points, enough to exchange for some very good spirit flowers and spirit grass...

  However, no hurry.

  These need to wait until he returns to the Northwest Lingli Bureau of Hangzhou to apply.


  Time passed slowly, and a few days passed in a blink of an eye.

  On this day, Liu Zimo also planned to return to Hangzhou with Bing Nu and others.

  This trip to the Qinling Mountains, the harvest is enough.

  There were a dozen corpses of eight-level mutant beasts, plus the corpse of a ninth-level mutant giant ape.

  With such a harvest, even the Spiritual Power Bureau will look sideways.

  Moreover, Liu Zimo also experienced more significant growth during this period of fighting.

  If it is said that the previous Liu Zimo was still a little immature, and his methods were still a little green.

  So now, when he fights, he is like a veteran, and he is deadly.

  This is growth.

  "The real powerhouses come out of blood and fire. In the greenhouse, no real powerhouses can be conceived."

  Clenching his fists tightly, feeling his own changes, Liu Zimo was also delighted.

  He likes this kind of visible growth.

  It can make him more motivated to practice.

  At this time, as if thinking of something, the ice girl also took the initiative to ask:

  "Zimo, Sister Qin's talent, do you want to report it to the Spiritual Power Bureau, and then arrange for her to enter the Spiritual Power Bureau?"

  "Respect Sister Qin's personal wishes."

  In the simple response, Liu Zimo didn't ask anything in particular.

  Is willing to join the Spiritual Power Bureau,

  Still follow him.

  It all depends on Ms. Qin herself.

  At this time, Sister Qin, who was driving the car, heard the words and laughed:

  "Of course I'm going to follow my lovely little brother."

  Speaking of which, Sister Qin also paused, and hesitated:

  "Zimo, are you planning to start a small organization yourself?"


  Nodding slightly, Liu Zimo didn't hide it either:

  "I plan to build an organization that shares resources and helps each other. This organization needs mutual trust...and the ice girl Shang Xueyu is the second member...and the other is the iron sand palm Li Feng...Sister Qin, If you want to join, you can."

  "Of course I would."

  Smiling, Sister Qin did not refuse.

  In the extraordinary world, she was helpless, and Liu Zimo was her only support.

  Moreover, her little brother has a promising future, and he will definitely not suffer from following him.

  However, what Man Qiqin didn't know at this time was that what Liu Zimo said had great reservations.

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