There is nothing wrong with organization members helping each other.

  But this organization must have an absolute core.

  And that is Liu Zimo.

  The organization he wants to build is an organization centered on him, and Liu Zimo must have the absolute right to speak.

  And the purpose of this organization's existence is naturally to give Liu Zimo a greater right to speak in the extraordinary world in the future.

  An extraordinary person is not enough to change anything.

  But countless extraordinary people behind Liu Zimo, especially some extraordinary people, are extremely powerful, such an organization will even look at the country.

  This is just like an organization in the West that has become very famous recently - the Mutant People Organization.

  That is the personal organization established by the extraordinary.

  Also, there seems to be a round table organization on the side of the Empire where the sun never sets.

  And what a dark council...

  Where there are people, there will be fights.

  In the extraordinary world, it is even more cruel.

  Therefore, organizations, large and small, also emerged as the times require.

  Everything, just for a better fight, plundering resources.

  It is worth mentioning that in China, the Spiritual Power Bureau is the largest organization.

  "Members of the organization, each must be trusted."

  In the murmur in his heart, Liu Zimo also pays attention to not being too refined.

  Soldier, he doesn't need it.

  What he needs is a strong, potential, and worthy existence.

  Just like his sister Qin, although her strength is weak, her talent determines that she is not destined to be a simple role.

  Such a terrifying and bizarre perception ability will be eye-catching wherever it is placed.

  And this is what Liu Zimo needs most.

  Of course, at this time, there was one point that Liu Zimo didn't say either.

  That is, he formed an organization, and there was another purpose.

  Do not,

  It should not be said to be the purpose.

  Rather, it should be an idea.

  His system can deduce all abilities and talents.

  So the ability of the extraordinary, can he be deduced?

  If he finds a few supernatural beings with extremely strange talents, can he use Dao Point to take their talents and abilities as his own.

  And this is also a deeply hidden thought in Liu Zimo's heart. .

Chapter 51

  It was late at night when I returned to the Northwest Branch of the Spiritual Power Bureau.

  Liu Zimo took the ice girl and reported a message at the branch.

  As for Sister Qin, she arranged to go back to rest.

  "You kid, have you really stepped into the ninth level?"

  In some surprised voices, the instructor Scar also ran over in a hurry.

  Two days ago, he heard from the army that Thunderbird had reached the ninth level.

  However, thinking about it, he couldn't believe it.

  You know, Thunderbird just set foot on the eighth level not long ago.

  Li Feng, the iron sand palm who set foot on the eighth level with him, is still in the middle of the eighth level?

  And now, someone told him that Thunderbird was level [-].


  Nodding slightly, Liu Zimo also admitted:

  A lucky break.

  When the words fell, Liu Zimo was also surging with spiritual power.

  "Stab, stab..."

  The sound of thunder, like a thousand birds chirping in unison, suddenly arose, and in the incredible gaze of countless extraordinary people, countless thunders actually completely wrapped Liu Zimo's figure.

  And this is the symbol of a ninth-level ability person - spiritual power wraps the whole body, greatly improving defense and attack power.

  "My God... worthy of being the first genius of our Spiritual Power Bureau."

  "Thunderbird, really scary."

  "Really strong."


  In the repeated exclamations, the extraordinary people present were shaken.

  Even the director Huang Lao, who was far away, was shocked.

  The growth rate of this thunderbird is really terrifying

  However, if they knew at this time that Liu Zimo had completed the breakthrough very early, they would definitely be even more surprised.

  However, Liu Zimo would not say this.

  Reservation is the most basic means.

  And, fast, that's called genius.

  But the speed is too fast, beyond the understanding of others, it is not as simple as a 'genius'.

  Maybe it will attract the attention of the Lingli Research Institute.

  "Spiritual research institutes are all lunatics, but you can't let them notice."

  With a sigh in his heart, Liu Zimo also followed the instructor Scar to do some simple tests.

  not bad.

  Physical fitness has improved by more than [-]% to [-]%.

  The accumulation of spiritual power has reached nine hundred and twenty.

  It is indeed a real ninth-level ability.

  "Now, you don't have to perform tasks... Prepare for the impact of the extraordinary first-order with peace of mind."

  Patting Liu Zimo's shoulder, the instructor spoke earnestly.


  After a while of silence, Liu Zimo was also stunned.

  So soon, are you ready?

  At this time, it seemed that he saw Liu Zimo's doubts, and the instructor Scar also said bluntly:

  "The extraordinary first-order is the real beginning..."

  "And for a seedling like you who has the hope of breaking through the extraordinary first-order, it is best not to make any mistakes."

  "Don't worry, during this period of time, our Northwest Spiritual Power Bureau will not be short of you for the resources in cultivation."

  "According to the regulations of the Spiritual Power Bureau, when you reach the ninth level, most exchanges can be halved. For example, if an ordinary extraordinary person can exchange for 1000 contribution points, you can exchange them for five hundred..."


  Listening quietly, Liu Zimo also felt the high level of attention to professionals.

  "Maybe it's really like the legend that professionals are real monsters."

  Sighing in his heart, Liu Zimo also happily accepted these treatments.

  He even offered to exchange some spirit flowers and spirit grasses to polish his body.

  And these instructors' scars said they would deal with him.

  He just needs to practice.


  Time passed slowly, and three days had passed in the blink of an eye.

  On this day, a training room had a very huge wooden barrel.

  In the depths of the wooden barrel, there was a figure sitting cross-legged in the dark green pool water.

  "Stab, stab..."

  The purple arc is constantly flickering, like a purple snake scurrying around.

  And the dark green liquid in the entire wooden barrel is also dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if being absorbed.

  "This is a medicinal bath..."

  With a sigh, Liu Zimo also noticed that his skin, like suet jade, glowed with a lustrous white luster.

  This is a medicated bath with water spirit flowers and snow grass, which can slowly increase the strength of the physical body.

  With this medicinal bath, Liu Zimo could clearly feel the strength of his body, which was increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  At the same time, the training speed of his outer power iron cloth shirt has also been significantly improved.

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