"Now, I practice iron cloth shirt once, which is equivalent to practicing twice on weekdays."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo was also delighted.

  This is a medicinal bath.

  The most extravagant way to practice.

  Moreover, as the saying goes, cultivation is inseparable from the wealth and the law.

  Among them, money is the most important.

  Now it looks like it's true.

  Thinking of this, Liu Zimo also began to continue to practice.

  However, at this time, what Liu Zimo didn't know was that in a very luxurious hotel,

  "Among the younger generation of Hangcheng, Thunderbird, Yanquan, Ice Girl, and that little monster are really good."

  In the very coquettish voice, a woman was also reclining on the sofa, with a slender and well-proportioned leg resting on the coffee table, looking very lazy.

  At this time, if the high-level officials of the Spiritual Power Bureau saw it, they would definitely be surprised.

  It's just because she is one of the seven very famous professionals, a teacher.

  A psychic.

  Can rely on pure spirit, control everything.

  Just like now, when the eyelids are lifted, a teapot is slowly flying up from the coffee table not far away.

  And a teacup flew up at some point and came to the teapot.

  "Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

  When the tea was full, the woman opened her red lips and drank it all in one gulp.

  everything is so natural,

  So smooth.

  Not far away, everyone looked complicated.

  There was even an indescribable fear in it.

  Nian Shi is definitely the most unpredictable among several professionals.

  According to legend, she once moved dozens of large trucks with Yi Nian, destroying a small beast tide.

  In a single thought, the earth collapsed, and the terrifying air wave set off almost destroyed most of the streets.

  In this way, it is also conceivable to imagine the terribleness of the teacher.

  However, it's not just him, professionals are terrible.

  These guys can't be called 'people' anymore.

  All are humanoid monsters. .

Chapter 52

  Ordinary extraordinary people, when they encounter professional people, are afraid that they will not even have the opportunity to make a move, and they will be beheaded.

  And this is the professional.

  Powerful and terrifying.

  Today's existence at the top of the food chain.

  "The first spiritual tide is coming soon, and the real big change is coming soon."

  "I hope these little guys will grow up soon."

  Licking his lips, the teacher also showed anticipation.

  "My lord, is the tide of spiritual power really that terrifying?"

  Suddenly asked, a young man is also puzzled.

  "of course."

  Smiling, the teacher also said bluntly:

  "You have to know that now, only the spiritual energy overflows, and the entire Blue Star Transcendence is constantly pouring out."

  "When the real tide of spiritual power hits, countless people or animals will evolve."

  "And that is a very scary thing."

  "The imbalance of order, the invasion of the beast tide..."


  Speaking one after another, Nian Shi's eyes couldn't stop flickering.

  However, there was one thing she hadn't said yet.

  That is, when the tide of spiritual power hits, it is very likely that some people will not adapt to the spiritual energy, or suffer from the spiritual energy.

  And then, it will explode and die.

  Yes, explode and die.

  Not one, two, but thousands, even millions, tens of millions of human beings...

  A country with a large population like ** may be even more terrifying.

  And then, what will happen?

  Nobody knows.

  It's just that the top executives are reluctant to say more about this.

  Because no one knows 'who can't bear the aura', the randomness is too large, if it spreads out, it is afraid that it will cause unnecessary panic.

  So, be silent again.

  And what they can do in the Spiritual Power Bureau is to prepare as much as they can.


  It's just that Liu Zimo doesn't know about this.

  He doesn't know the aura tide.

  Not to mention, some people may not be able to withstand the spiritual energy and explode to death.

  Right now, he is obsessed with polishing himself...

  However, at this time, looking at the thunder that enveloped him, Liu Zimo's heart also moved.

  He knew his [-] points, what kind of ability he should deduce.

  Thunder shrouded the whole body, which is the symbol of the ninth level.

  However, this is just pure spiritual power filling, covering the inside and outside of the body.

  Although it can improve defense and attack to a certain extent.

  But it is not really used.

  Simply put, this is just the most superficial use.

  And Liu Zimo knows a skill and can use this power perfectly.

  And that is the 'Armor of Thunder'.

  [Lightning Armor——The armor that wraps the lightning around the body, can increase the hardness and speed, and activate the body. 】

  This is a very terrifying thunder attribute power.

  Just because it prompts defense, it can also improve the activity of the physical body, and the lightning that bursts in the body can increase the conduction speed of the nerves.

  Moreover, the most terrifying thing is that the power of this ability depends on how much Liu Zimo's spiritual power is.

  The more spiritual power Liu Zimo has, the more terrifying this ability is.

  Isn't this the most suitable for Liu Zimo's current ability?

  "Concentrating spiritual power in the whole body, so that the whole body is covered with lightning, this is also very handsome."

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo is also preparing to deduce this ability.

  It is worth mentioning that this ability is only a B-level ability, and the required Dao points are [-].

  Although its power is terrifying, the principle is not difficult to understand.

  Therefore, it is not classified as A-level, or even S-level.

  The real A-level ability, for example, similar to the spiritual power clone...

  That kind of ability, for skills and mastery of spiritual power, requires too much exaggeration to be considered an A-level ability.

  And now, Liu Zimo has [-] points.

  This ability can be completely deduced.

  "Armor of Thunder."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo also started the deduction directly.


  The brain shook violently, as if there was a thunderous explosion, Liu Zimo was shocked.

  And at this time, Liu Zimo saw...

  I saw that a figure covered with lightning was actually on the vast battlefield.

  His eyes were serious, and his face was stern.

  Facing the steady stream of figures, he did not retreat in the slightest.

  And this time,

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