Inwardly praised, Liu Zimo also likes to control the earth at will.

  Not just the earth.

  Slowly raise your hand.


  In the chirping like a thousand birds, Thunder also raged in Liu Zimo's hands.

  But, looking carefully, this thunder is constantly changing.

  Sometimes it is like a big bird, spreading its wings and soaring.

  Sometimes it roars like a tiger.

  Liu Zimo's control over Thunder had already reached an astonishing level.

  And this is also a genre that makes Liu Zimo more and more perfect.

  And that is Chidori-ryu.

  Chidori-ryu is a genre based on Leifa Chidori.

  With a chidori blade... The chakra injected with the nature of thunder in the blade is used to enhance the lethality of the weapon, and the stabbed opponent will be paralyzed and unable to move.

  With Chidori-style... By releasing a wide range of lightning from the whole body, all people within a specific range are attacked, and it can also become a means of defense in time when it is attacked by multiple enemies at the same time.

  And the chidori gun...

  This is the Chidori genre.

  As for a genre, Liu Zimo only needs to master the most basic Chidori, and then he can gradually master other skills on his own.

  For example, the Chidori sharp spear he mastered.

  And now... slowly raised his hand, facing a long sword leaning against the wall in the corner.


  During the constant trembling, the long sword also flew towards Liu Zimo.

  And at the next moment, tightening the long sword in his hand, Liu Zimo Leiting was also surging.


  With a loud bang, the entire long sword emitted a hazy purple light.

  And this should be the Chidori Blade.

  Compared to the general thunder enchantment.

  The Chidori Blade is indeed even more terrifying.

  Just by stabbing the enemy, the enemy will be unable to move due to paralysis, and you can imagine the horror of Chidori Blade.

  "Very good approach."

  In the soft evaluation, Liu Zimo was also satisfied.

  However, he is still not very proficient in the Chidori genre.

  Compared to this, he prefers the Breath of Thunder genre.

  The Breath of Thunder genre is even more direct and violent.

  Various instant kills...

  "The current me, the Thunder attribute, has three major schools... One is the Thunder's Breathing School, the other is the Thousand Birds School, and the other is the Lost Magic Thunder Dragon Slayer School..."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo also had a very deep understanding of himself.

  These three genres are all good genres.

  There is Chidori-ryu who is good at penetrating.

  There is a breath of thunder that is good at killing.

  There is also a lost magic that focuses on training - Thunder Dragon Slayer.

  In addition, Liu Zimo also has a super electromagnetic gun, such a unique use of thunder.

  As for the large-scale destructive power he pursues, the ultimate destructive power,

  He estimates that another genre needs to be started - the Thor genre.

  Every skill is like a big move, extremely terrifying.

  However, in the Thor school, the consumption of spiritual power is too terrifying.

  According to his guess, now he, even if he has six or seven thousand spiritual power, is not enough to squander a big move.


  With a sigh, Liu Zimo also knew the Thunder God genre and should belong to the second-order extraordinary.

  Extraordinary second-order, his spiritual power is in the tens of thousands...

  So much spiritual power is enough to support his Thor school.

  As for the extraordinary third-order, it is even more terrifying.

  At that time, the spiritual power was less than hundreds of thousands...

  The terrifying spiritual power, combined with the skills of the Thor school - Lei Ying, Wan Lei... Destroying a city is not difficult.

  And that should be the real display of Liu Zimo's strength.

  An existence like him... The later stage, the more terrifying it is.

  However, no hurry.

  Now he needs to take it slow.

  "In addition to destructive power, thunder can also generate electricity by electricity, and electricity by magnetism...~' ."

  Thinking like this, Liu Zimo thought of the deeper realm of Thunder.

  Just this one area.

  Now he should be out of touch.

  Too advanced, too complicated.

  Although theoretically knowledgeable.

  But controlling it is not the same thing at all.

  Right now, he just controls Thunder.

  If you want to touch the deeper areas of Thunder, you need talent, and you need Taoism.

  However, now...

  Seeing his millions of points, Liu Zimo was also satisfied.

  There are millions of Dao points, but a real A-level ability.

  And the A-level ability... Liu Zimo thought of one that was very suitable for him.

  "Clone... Lei Fa - Shadow Clone..."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo also thought of the very famous method of avatar.

  This avatar is not the avatar in myths and legends, it separates an independent individual,

  It is a kind of spiritual power clone.

  [Leifa - Thunder Clone: ​​Use the thunder attribute spiritual power to create a physical clone, and increase the nature of thunder on the basis of the clone.When the clone is broken by the enemy, it can be turned into lightning to attack the enemy.Can cause paralysis. 】

  A very scary skill.

  But it's more weird.

  Hit, hit, and suddenly a figure emitting thunder light appeared.

  Then, two-on-one, this is an enemy that will be stunned.

  In today's world where the extraordinary has just risen, the spiritual power avatar is definitely a subversive ability.

  Enough to break the cognition of countless people.

  So Liu Zimo was also moved.

  "If I can really cultivate the thunder method - the thunder clone, then my methods will be more diverse."

  With this in mind, Liu Zimo also thought of various avatars in myths and legends.

  What, cut three corpses.

  What supernatural powers can be transformed into three clears at once...

  These are the ultimate avatars.

  It is also a Lei clone, the final form.

  Compared to these supernatural powers, the Lei clone is really a small fight.


  These are too far away from Liu Zimo.

  Don't talk about him now.

  Even if he sets foot on the extraordinary second-order and extraordinary third-order in the future, it will be difficult to deduce such means.

  "The magical powers in our myths and legends are too terrifying."

  With a sigh, Liu Zimo also chose to use the thunder clone too much.

  Yes, excessive.

  Now he, all genres, are excessive.

  After all, these abilities are really inferior compared to the fairy methods in myths and legends.

  As for why he didn't go to the sky in one step and deduce the methods of the immortal family.

  There is no point...

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