Those are all supernatural powers and methods that surpass god-level skills, and ghosts know how many points are needed.

  And, not to mention, his spiritual power...

  With his current spiritual power, it is estimated that he has not yet resorted to a fairy method, and his body has been drained.

  This is not a joke.

  "It's not that I don't like the methods in myths and legends, but they are too high-end."

  With a helpless voice, Liu Zimo was also a little regretful.

  At the beginning, when he first obtained the system, he immediately asked about Xianjia's methods.

  What is immortal.

  What seventy-two changes,

  Even nine turns into a sanctification, the great supernatural power is five-colored divine light...

  He has always asked.

  But sorry, the conditions for these abilities are too harsh.

  Seventy-two transformations require physical cultivation to the extreme, which is already at the level of cells.

  The five-color divine light of the great supernatural power requires the cultivation of light attribute power to the extreme...

  Only the extreme can extend the transformation of supernatural powers.

  And if he cultivates the power of the thunder attribute to the extreme, he can deduce the great supernatural power of the thunder attribute - the five thunders.

  Straight to the sky...

  Deduce the ones that only exist in legends, Chaos Divine Thunder, Dutian Divine Thunder, Zixiao Divine Thunder, Sanqing Divine Thunder... and the final general outline of Leifa.

  As for why Liu Zimo knew this.

  That was naturally what the system told him.

  Listening to the meaning of the system, he seemed to be looking forward to Liu Zimo's arrival.

  Just, is it really possible?

  These are gods.

  Even the most inferior divine thunder is enough to destroy the galaxy.

  The so-called Blue Star was nothing but dust in front of him.

  In this way, it is also conceivable how outrageous the Taoist supernatural powers are.


  It's too far, Liu Zimo really dare not think about it.

  Now he is just like this, one step at a time, just walk slowly.

  As for the others...sorry, he is not a very lofty person.


  "Now, I still have to keep my feet on the ground..."

  Thinking like this, Liu Zimo also intends to deduce Lei's clone.

  This kind of spiritual power avatar has infinite wonderful uses.

  Of course, Liu Zimo still has an ability that he also wants to deduce.

  That's the big move of a strong man.

  "Smash the darkness with thunder..."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo thought of someone...

  He was originally a generation of powerhouses, guarding one side of the people.

  For better protection, he chose to seek strength.

  Eventually took charge of the Thunder.

  And one of his skills, Thunderbolt, is also extremely terrifying.

  [Thunderbolt is so powerful - rise into the air and become the king of thunder. During this period, several thunders are summoned to kill enemies with a radius of hundreds of square meters, or even thousands of square meters. Thunder attribute skills will have [-]% or even [-]%. increase.]

  Staring silently, Liu Zimo's eyes narrowed slightly.

  This skill is also extremely terrifying.

  Compared with Lei Clone, it is even more violent and terrifying.

  And this is also an A-level ability.

  Liu Zimo was a little moved.

  "It's very confusing..."

  With a sigh, Liu Zimo was also hesitating.

  He only has [-] million points,

  Which skill should I choose?

  "One is a clone, which is strange and unparalleled, and the other is a skill in the sky, which can even summon ten thousand thunders."

  A little tangled, Liu Zimo also fell into contemplation.

  However, not long after that, Liu Zimo's eyes narrowed as if he thought of something.

  "Only the most shocking thunder can shatter the heaviest darkness..."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo also thought of this person's iconic words.

  Now, the spirit is revived,

  It also means that mankind has entered the darkest age.

  In the future, darkness will inevitably follow.

  Therefore, a person needs to be transformed into the god of thunder to shatter the heaviest darkness. ,

  Well, to put it simply, Liu Zimo felt that Lei Ting Wan Jun was higher.

  Rise to mid-air, transform into the King of Thunder, and maximize the thunder attributes.

  It can even increase his other thunder attribute skills.

  and so.

  "It's still thunderous."

  Thinking like this, Liu Zimo also ran to the ice girl's basement, ready to start deducing this ability.

  What's more interesting than deduction ability?

  The feeling of enlightenment made Liu Zimo infatuated.


  And not long after that, after saying hello to Ice Girl and Sister Qin, Liu Zimo also began to retreat.

  "He's working too hard."

  "His efforts are not a day or two."

  With a sigh, the ice girl also shared with Sister Qin the story of Liu Zimo, a cultivator madman.

  In addition to cultivation, it is cultivation.

  No wonder he was so powerful in a short period of time.

  At this time, Liu Zimo didn't know what Sister Qin and others were discussing.

  Now he...

  "Ding, are you sure you will consume [-] million Dao points to deduce your skills?"


  Nodding, Liu Zimo no longer hesitated.

  And in the next moment, the dots keep passing...

  Immediately after...


  In the sudden roar, his mind shook violently.

  "Boom, boom, boom..."

  A more and more terrifying roar exploded in my mind.

  Vaguely, Liu Zimo saw the darkness.

  And in the darkness, a flash of lightning illuminated everything.


  "Crack, click..."

  One after another, the lightning shattered the darkness and illuminated the entire space.

  At this moment, Liu Zimo also saw a figure with straight short hair, with his back to him, standing quietly in the darkness...

  "Thunder is all-powerful, invincible..."

  "Yin and yang are drawn together, thunder shakes thousands of miles..."

  "Where the thunder comes, the situation will change..."

  Speaking softly, it was like a whisper in his ear, and Liu Zimo couldn't help shaking his body and mind.

  And at this time, he also saw...

  Seeing the figure in the distance, it slowly rose and flew into the air.

  And he was filled with endless thunder...

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