Vaguely, it can be seen that five thunder balls are converging behind him.

  From a distance, he is like the king of thunder, carrying the thunder...

  It looks very shocking.

  And then,

  "Frightened the world, I don't know that the alarm bell has been ringing in the thunder!"

  "And you are already destined to bear..."

  While speaking softly, he seemed to be talking to Liu Zimo.

  But before Liu Zimo responded, his figure gradually blurred... until it disappeared.

  until the next moment,


  Hearing a roar, the five thunderballs he left behind flew straight towards Liu Zimo.


  For a while of silence, Liu Zimo's body and heart were shocked.

  "This is A-level ability..."

  In the somewhat stunned voice, Liu Zimo felt that this A-level ability was more like an inheritance.

  It is not a B-level ability at all, a C-level ability, can be compared.

  As for his previous S-rank skill Divine Power, why there is no such a similar picture.

  Maybe he missed it at the time.

  At that time, he was too weak.

  It is estimated that this spiritual space cannot be reached.

  And now... he's strong enough.

  Came here too...

  "Simple deduction is not enough for me to master these skills, so it is more like empowerment, more like inheritance."

  Thinking like this, Liu Zimo's mouth curled slightly.

  not bad.

  This is not in vain, he has a million points.

  He was really afraid, he deduced it, and then he couldn't learn it.

  That would be embarrassing.

  But now... eyes slowly opened, Liu Zimo also turned back...

  It was obvious to the naked eye that five fist-sized thunderballs appeared behind Liu Zimo.

  "Crack, click..."

  Amazing thunder light, constantly flickering.

  An unimaginable force is also surging in the depths of the thunderball.

  This is the crux of the Thunder.

  Without this thunderball, Liu Zimo would not have said that his skill was extremely powerful.

  You can't even float.

  But with this thunderball, countless lightning bolts would drag Liu Zimo from the ground into the air.

  At the same time, enhance his thunder attribute talent to the extreme.

  At this moment, Liu Zimo's perception and manipulation of thunder will continue to improve.

  And this is also the reason why the power of thunder attribute skills will increase when Liu Zimo incarnates as the King of Thunder.

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo also decided to try this terrifying ability.


  And not long after that, in the backyard of the villa.

  In the eyes of Ice Girl and Sister Qin, Liu Zimo was standing quietly in the backyard, moving his muscles and bones.

  "In the middle of the night, you pulled us out, what did you do?"

  In a little stunned, Sister Qin also asked.

  "Let you guys see the skills I just developed."

  Unceremoniously, taking credit for the development of his skills, Liu Zimo also folded his hands and twisted his fingers.

  ".〃Er. The skills just developed?"

  Even more stunned, Sister Qin was also stunned.

  "Liu Zimo is very good at developing skills, and all his skills are developed by himself."

  In the whispered explanation, the ice girl looked at Liu Zimo with a look of admiration.

  Only elemental geniuses can understand how difficult it is to develop skills.

  But this guy is developing skills one after another.

  Also, every skill he developed was terrifyingly terrifying.

  This is kind of scary.

  And this time, Liu Zimo was so excited, his face was full of excitement.

  It seems that a very terrifying skill has been developed.

  "You didn't develop another terrifying skill, did you?"

  Thinking of this, the ice girl also asked tentatively.


  Nodding, Liu Zimo also affirmed:

  "And it's not just ordinary horror."

  Speaking of this, Liu Zimo also held his breath.

  He was also a little excited when he used this ability for the first time.

  even nervous.

  "You stand back a little."

  With a reminder, Liu Zimo also asked Ice Girl and Sister Qin to stay away.


  Looking at each other in dismay, the two women also pulled away dozens of meters away...

  And this time...

  "With thunder, shatter the darkness..."

  As if singing, Liu Zimo's face was solemn and solemn.


  "Thunder comes from the nine heavens, secretly born from the red earth..."

  In the murmur again, Liu Zimo suddenly raised his footsteps.


  In the sudden roar, five thunder balls appeared behind him.

  It was accompanied by an extremely terrifying power that kept rising.

  "Crack, click..."

  A thunder, coming from nine days, pierced the night sky,

  It seemed to fall on Liu Zimo's body.

  At this time, if someone looked carefully, they could even see a tall and burly phantom that slowly merged with Liu Zimo.

  That is the real master of Thunderbolt.

  And now, the virtual shadow and Liu Zimo overlap... Liu Zimo's perception of the thunder is also rising.


  In the sudden roar, Liu Zimo found that his body, in the interweaving of countless electric lights, was slowly vacated...

  Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that his Thunder Armor did not know when to open.

  Now, his entire body is shrouded in dazzling thunder.

  And behind him, there are five thunderballs the size of a basketball, constantly swallowing thunder and lightning.


  Suddenly, the thunderball trembled, and a flash of lightning suddenly spewed out, falling toward the ground.


  With the terrifying roar, a pothole several meters deep has emerged.

  And this is just the beginning.

  "Crack, click..."

  One after another, the thunder raged on the ground, and the amazing roar continued to explode.

  In the blink of an eye, the entire backyard was a mess, with countless potholes emerging.

  However, at the next moment,

  "I wipe..."

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