A step on the foot is an iceberg piercing.

  When his eyes narrowed, countless ice swords shot out.


  This is the modeling ability of the ice attribute.

  And the cold chill makes the ice stronger.

  Only the indestructible ice sword can pierce the enemy.

  If the ice sword is too fragile, even if it hits the enemy, it cannot pierce the enemy.

  This is Liu Zimo's simple understanding of Bing.

  However, understanding is understanding.

  How to develop it depends on the ice girl Shang Xueyu.

  He just guides.

  Not responsible for development.


  And not long after that, Liu Zimo also returned to the villa to rest.

  This thunderous ability is terrifying.

  Really scary.

  Moreover, there is a certain force.

  But the problem is that this ability consumes too much spiritual energy.

  Use only as a last resort.

  "Turn on Thunderbolt, which will increase the power of my thunder attribute skills to a certain extent... Then, in this state, I will use other thunder attribute skills... This is the kingly way."

  While speaking softly, Liu Zimo also thought of the best way to use this skill.

  He can't be used as a regular skill.

  Liu Zimo's spiritual power was really unbearable.


  However, at this time, Liu Zimo couldn't help thinking of the phantom that appeared behind him.

  That phantom, maybe only he can perceive it.

  Straight short hair, strong face...

  He is a character in a game by Liu Zimo in his previous life.

  Named 'Sikong'.

  This is a guy like Thunder, upright.

  All abilities are derived from Taoism.

  Just like the five thunder balls after turning on the state of 'Thunderbolt', it is the five thunder drums of Taoism.

  "Compared to the destructive power of this skill, I prefer his boosting effect, as well as the ability to control the sky..."

  Thinking like this, Liu Zimo also decided to focus on developing the enhancement effect of this ability, as well as the ability to control the sky.

  Amplification is to increase the power of thunder attribute skills.

  This is very important to Liu Zimo.

  The thunder attribute skills that can make Liu Zimo even more terrifying.

  As for the sky...

  The dream of mankind is the sky.

  Although he used the power of thunder, he could only stay in the sky for a few breaths.

  But that is also the sky.

  Enough to force him to Glamour.

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo also determined the direction of this ability development.


  Most of his skills are derived from deduction.

  And the deduction skills have endless possibilities.

  The specific development direction is decided by Liu Zimo.

  Like a thousand birds, Liu Zimo likes its penetrating power.

  Then Liu Zimo will focus on developing its penetrating power, and in the Thunder Breathing genre, Liu Zimo likes his lethality.

  Then the direction of development is to be faster and stronger..

  Although skills are derived.

  But the follow-up development is all in one thought.

  How to develop better depends on Liu Zimo alone.

  So at this time, how to develop, how to develop, it is very important...

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo also went straight to bed.


  The next day, the sky was still bright, and Liu Zimo had woken up from his slumber.

  The military came and brought a lot of animal meat.

  It seemed that they knew the Ice Maiden beside Liu Zimo. While they prepared most of the lightning-type spirit beast meat, they also prepared a small part of the ice-type spirit beast meat.

  "This is the animal meat of Thunder War Pig, and it tastes great."

  With a smile, the military representative also introduced.

  "Thank you."

  With a word of gratitude, Liu Zimo also instructed Sister Qin to bring back the spirit animal meat.

  As for him, he followed the military vehicles and rushed towards the troops.

  "What meeting are you going to have today?"

  Sitting in the car, Liu Zimo also asked tentatively.

  "This...you'll know when you arrive."

  Among the simple responses, this military representative had no representative.

  Close your eyes and rest, sit like a pine tree.

  The image of the soldier is vividly displayed.

  And in this regard, Liu Zimo also smiled and didn't ask any further questions.


  Time passed slowly, and two hours passed in the blink of an eye.

  At this time, Liu Zimo also followed the convoy to a mountain.

  Looking up, there are troops stationed here.

  One soldier after another is patrolling around.

  "Let's go."


  Nodding, Liu Zimo also followed the representative of the military region to the deepest part of the army.

  And not long after that, Liu Zimo was stunned when he saw that more than ten people had already gathered in a tent.

  All are great people.

  Lieutenant General in uniform,

  The director of the Hangzhou Lingli General Bureau, the director of the Northwest Lingli Branch, and some Liu Zimo are not familiar with them.

  However, among so many people, Liu Zimo has long been the only one who is more than the two of them.

  One is a woman.

  She looks twenty-seven or eight-year-old, dressed in red, and her appearance is dignified, revealing an indescribable seductive feeling. The blue silk is draped, and she is only tied with a pink headband. The red color lining the woman's skin With a faint pink, it is really beautiful,

  And her phoenix eyes are shining, which is even more charming.

  At this time, she seemed to have noticed Liu Zimo's squinting eyes, and the woman also laughed and said hello:

  "Long time no see, Thunderbird."

  "You are?"

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo was also a little guessed.

  Read a teacher.

  Very familiar voice.

  "I, Nian Shi, you can call me 'A Nian' or 'Sister Nian'..."

  "Miss Miss."

  Among the unceremonious shouts, Liu Zimo didn't mind calling her sister.

  Several years older than him.

  It can be regarded as an 'old woman', and it's okay to call her sister.

  At this time, if the teacher knew what Liu Zimo was thinking, he would probably hammer Liu Zimo to death.

  Youth twenty-seven, is it old?

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